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Lesser Hiryu

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What are the colors of the Lesser Hiryu and their spawn chance?
Also, are these the same color or different?

Lesser Greens.PNG


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
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Those are the two greens. They are colored but common.

Theres the two greens, Valorite, then Blue.

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
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If you choose Bushido you still get WW with it.

I did a few builds. There has defiantly been a change.

Don was on TC just now. He is always positive, he said maybe they added FWW into the Ninja skills so it just works but is not on lore screen. You can take yours out and see if it does FWW. ( I doubt it will because it is not a Ninja skill.)

Hopefully I can get the pictures with the correct words.

They took FWW away from Ninja ability in training. If you just add Ninja you get this:
With no more choices. You used to get FWW also.

View attachment 83049

If you add any special and then Ninja, you get this:

View attachment 83050

If you add FWW you get this: Cost 600 so you are paying for the magic you dont get.
No magic It is like Nerve Strike or bladeweave
You used to get Ninja in that screen also.

View attachment 83052

Now, you will have to choose FWW and then Ninja to get this:

View attachment 83053

When you choose an ability and then Bushido, you get:

View attachment 83054

So Bushido does get a free ability still.

You can still build this:

View attachment 83055


View attachment 83056
Any news on this? I didn't see anything in patch notes but could have missed it.

Does anyone know if it's a bug or intended?


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Any news on this? I didn't see anything in patch notes but could have missed it.

Does anyone know if it's a bug or intended?
I don't know when it happened. I made mine long ago and when I put FWW on it, I got Ninjitsu.

My guess is that other moves like bladeweaving and nerve strike require Ninja but they do not give the magic and they never have. So something changed. FWW was different because it gave a magic. So now they are all the same.

I dont know if Feint gives a magic. I have never put it on.

Also you cant choose WW from the special moves. So when you choose Bushido you get it.

If we brought this up, and they changed something, it would not help the pet in question. But it seems fair that you would get the magic you paid for on a Tokuno pet.

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you put FWW on and got Ninjitsu? When I built my pet I put on Ninjitsu thinking I would get FWW. Maybe I did it backwards.

I thought the magic gave the special, like Bushido gave WW.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So you put FWW on and got Ninjitsu? When I built my pet I put on Ninjitsu thinking I would get FWW. Maybe I did it backwards.

I thought the magic gave the special, like Bushido gave WW.
I tested that also it does not work either. Dont do it! :)


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
We love AI on Hiryus on LS. A player put Goo on his blue Lesser and noticed AI was not a choice so he Gave it to me so I could try to get something from it. I decided to add Bushido for the WW attack. I dont like Bushido that much but I dont have a Bush Bird on this toon so I think it will be usable.


Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
My bushido goo lesser just bonded and I took it took it to a barracoon champ spawn. I was able to solo it with just the lesser. It advanced the levels quickly with the goo AOE.

Last weekend I went out looking for additional color lessesr. I saw a plain Hiryu and decided to kill it to see if it would spawn anything fun. It immediately re-spawned as a strong purple! I tamed it and now have it trained to 5 slot with goo and poisoning. I can't wait for it to bond so I can take it out to champ spawns too.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Congrats on purple!

I have one. They kill stuff.
Next make a good color Lesser into a AI Mystic bird. Will be a lifelong friend.

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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I have a couple of the green lessers, so I might try mysticism on one and check it out.

Pawain, how much mana do you suggest I shoot for?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have plenty of points on a lesser especially if you use low scrolls. But you need the magic 120.

600 mana is fine and max the Intel after str and dex are set.

Leira of Asrai

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The Lesser Hiryus are one of the few pets that can get close to max out training. I like the balance of HP-Stam-Mana at 900-150-750 and is my default for my lesser builds.

The one I did Baracoon with did not have skills scrolled. Everything just at GM. I am a Bard/Tamer so I had Baracoon discorded. The whole spawn from start to gold fountain took about an hour.

I just ran up to a group of mobs, told it to attack the closest one, then cast invis on myself. The lesser cleared the group with little HP loss. The higher spawn levels I had to go slower and choose targets, but it killed stuff fast. The lowest it got was about 76% health and poisoned. The HP regen heals it right through the poisoning, so I wasn't worried.

Here is my final build, with 410 points left for scrolls (once I can find them).


Crazed Zealot
The Lesser Hiryus are one of the few pets that can get close to max out training. I like the balance of HP-Stam-Mana at 900-150-750 and is my default for my lesser builds.

The one I did Baracoon with did not have skills scrolled. Everything just at GM. I am a Bard/Tamer so I had Baracoon discorded. The whole spawn from start to gold fountain took about an hour.

I just ran up to a group of mobs, told it to attack the closest one, then cast invis on myself. The lesser cleared the group with little HP loss. The higher spawn levels I had to go slower and choose targets, but it killed stuff fast. The lowest it got was about 76% health and poisoned. The HP regen heals it right through the poisoning, so I wasn't worried.

Here is my final build, with 410 points left for scrolls (once I can find them).
View attachment 83530
Good job and post thanks Leira..

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
Next make a good color Lesser into a AI Mystic bird.
Some guild mates and I were discussing Mysticism on Hiryu's. How does the damage it does compare to a Chiv/AI lesser? I find the Chiv/AI really hard to beat. We were wondering about the Mystic healing/curing vs. a Chiv/AI one as well.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chiv DPS cant be beat. Mysticism works on all pets that can get it. When you are in a group it is a fun pet to take. A good base pet kills stuff. Adding a magic makes it kill faster. Make many pets.

You shouldn't let your pet use their heals. That reduces DPS. You can keep them above 50% and let them do damage.

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Chiv DPS cant be beat. Mysticism works on all pets that can get it. When you are in a group it is a fun pet to take. A good base pet kills stuff. Adding a magic makes it kill faster. Make many pets.

You shouldn't let your pet use their heals. That reduces DPS. You can keep them above 50% and let them do damage.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats a Blue one. Put AI and Chiv on it. And scrolls. Will be a lifelong friend.

Follow this and you have enough points to Max damage, choose AI then Chivalry, put on all 120 scrolls. And have maybe 200 more points to use on INT.

Choosing points for a Lesser Hiryu Slots 1 thru 4

They can only get 1 ability. DO NOT PUT GOO ON IT.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you still run ~500 mana on a lesser with AI/Chiv?
You can start there. You will have extra points to put more Mana on after the Int is 370.

Build like that 1 to 4 thread. Use extra points after completed on Int, Mana, HP increase. You decide where you want them.


Okay I will go for AI/chiv on this bird and then find another blue for goo.

I have trained a green bird yesterday so I think there is no problem to me. Thanks for the advice.:)


Stratics Veteran
Okay I will go for AI/chiv on this bird and then find another blue for goo.

I have trained a green bird yesterday so I think there is no problem to me. Thanks for the advice.:)
I was going to give AI/Chiv a try on my lesser, but Chiv was not an option. I must have gone out of order?? upload_2018-7-6_23-34-21.png


Stratics Veteran
That was it, thank you. I have negative Karma. Is it possible to use a pet with chivalry if I go back positive, train, and then back to negative?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hehe. I've had this guy forever. Wonder what the odds are of spawning with both Max Wrest (120 wild/108 Tame) AND Midnight Blue.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A year later and that is not trained yet. Why!


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A year later and that is not trained yet. Why!
He's my Samurai/Swordsman's mount. That account has been down for years (since between ML and SA), but with EJ, i was able to log onto him and get a screenshot of Ferocious. I used to use Ferocious during PvP. I'd charge at people with Riding Swipe ready on my No-Dachi, and just before i'd slam into them, i'd hop off of Ferocious so that when i hit the person with Riding Swipe, i'd Dismount them. Since Ferocious would be guarding me, he'd either kill their mount (if they had a living one), or attack them as well (if they were on an ethy). He's got quite a few PvP kills under his belt.
When i took the screenshot earlier, i noticed he's still a 3 slot.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:( Oh. No. He won't go to one slot.

I have a few on my Bush toon. I hope I clicked the button. They are plain color but have >105 wrestling.


Stratics Veteran
Cant have Goo and AI on a lesser.

Bushido is great for a one on one Lesser. Id go with AI. Grasping claw hits do the major damage. ADD AI FIRST.

You get Whirlwind Attack with Bushido so that helps when they are surrounded.

Put as much mana as you can. They like to use their specials.

View attachment 71046
Would AI, FWW, and Bushido (WW) build work for the Hiryu? Also, in which order would you train it ...FWW and then AI, or AI and then FWW, with Bushido being last?

In your opinion, which build do you prefer - goo/mysticism, ai/mysticism, or the ai/fww/bushido build? Perhaps too broad of a question ..how about which is the best pvp build for a Hiryu?

Thanks in advance!


Stratics Veteran
So, I had an amazing 15 minute LH taming session a few days ago. Relaxing on the couch while my wife watched a show, I decided to grind some LHs. Within five minutes, I found a 75%+ intensity Midnight Blue LH! I had never tamed a blue one, much less a strong one! I put Chiv and AI on this one and it will be my primary pet. Very excited!

After I stabled the midnight blue LH, I went back out and, within a few minutes, found a regular LH with 95%+ intensity! Tamed this guy and will put on FWW and Bushido, a combo I've been meaning to try for a while.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Would AI, FWW, and Bushido (WW) build work for the Hiryu? Also, in which order would you train it ...FWW and then AI, or AI and then FWW, with Bushido being last?

In your opinion, which build do you prefer - goo/mysticism, ai/mysticism, or the ai/fww/bushido build? Perhaps too broad of a question ..how about which is the best pvp build for a Hiryu?

Thanks in advance!
If you want that you would put FWW then choose bushido.
Or you can do AI then Bushido.

AI then Myst for that pet.

As with all pets, AI / chiv does the most damage on a target.

Make one of each.

I have no idea what they use in PvP.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You get WW with Bushido and can add FWW as a special move. I am building that exact template for spawns.
Ah so that's the free one. Ill have to look and see if I have any built that way. Also some were putting Chiv on after. Was a fad.


Stratics Veteran
What’s the difference in damage with FWW+Bushido versus Ww+Bushido+goo?

I see people taking FWW but I don’t know why it’s beneficial over the passive WW that comes with Bushido.


Stratics Veteran
What’s the difference in damage with FWW+Bushido versus Ww+Bushido+goo?

I see people taking FWW but I don’t know why it’s beneficial over the passive WW that comes with Bushido.
I haven’t tested it yet, but allegedly FWW inflicts much higher single target damage than goo, so it’s a better replacement for AI.


Stratics Veteran
What’s the difference in damage with FWW+Bushido versus Ww+Bushido+goo?

I see people taking FWW but I don’t know why it’s beneficial over the passive WW that comes with Bushido.
FWW does many small hits over time in a small radius around the pet. It does more overall damage than a single WW attack, but in smaller chunks. Since the damage comes in "ticks" it can also help keep mob aggro on your pet for mobs that like to change aggro randomly.

WW is a single hit in a small radius around the pet. This hit does more initial damage than FWW, but less overall damage. However, since you need to train your pet with Bushido to get WW, you also get the full benefits of Bushido alongside WW such as Evasion, Confidence, Lightning Strike, etc. So you do get a lot of utility from Bushido, but only native Tokuno pets can train it.

Goo is great for pulling A LOT of aggro from 20 screens away (ok not quite, but it can hit mobs 1-2 screens away). Goo does very little damage and I would not rely on Goo for any real AoE damage. I consider Goo more of a utility ability as it is great at spawns where you want to aggro as much as possible, and since it is your pet aggroing things, the mobs should go for your pet and not you. Goo combined with another AoE, such as FWW or Bushido, make a great combination -- Goo to start pulling in the mobs, FWW/WW to clean them up. You could also pair a pet like that with a Necromage and Wither once they are stacked for efficient clearing.


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Goo does very little damage and I would not rely on Goo for any real AoE damage. I consider Goo more of a utility ability as it is great at spawns where you want to aggro as much as possible, and since it is your pet aggroing things, the mobs should go for your pet and not you.
Finally someone else noticed goo sux for damage! I quit putting it on things long ago. I have my spawn pets so no need for another.

I think the graphic makes it look better. So ppl thinks it's good. It does make it annoying when three pets are trying to use the slimes.

It is hard to resist choosing it sometimes.