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Legendary skills statuses are not made equal ??

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Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thank you! Finally an intelligent post! I'll definatly check those out. ty

BTW, if you ever have insomina I recommend Oklahoma State Supreme Court proceedings ..LOL if you get passed all the motions and counter motions without falling asleep face down on keyboard...You are waaaaay ahead of me. ;)
Welcome :)

Communications law is most interesting. You'll find an example of this little bit in there. But I doubt it's a clear 100% violation. But then again anything is arguable in law..

And to the OP of this thread. I know we're off topic but the discussion was already over within the first 20 posts or whatnot :p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
And back to the original topic...

I started playing a game that was online, multiplayer AND a role playing game....

A game where a crafter was a crafter, a Mage a mage, a fighter a fighter and a Bard was a bard....

SKILLs were paramount and people played their preferred roles.......

Then all this items madness came, skills mixed up in all salads possible and the game I used to play went into chaos.....

I want the Ultima Online I used to play back !!

No you didn't. You started playing a game that was online. multiplayer and a role playing game....

A game where a crafter might be a crafter, or a crafter warrior, or a crafter mage, or a crafter tamer....

i remember having a warrior/mage a long time before AoS was released.
Now, you can have a crafter that is just a crafter, a mage is justa mage, etc....it is up to you, just as it has always been

If you wanted to, you could have Drago the pally/necro/mage/weaver/tamer/peacer/provo/mystic/thief

or you could have Bob the camping/tasting/cooking/meditating/extremely focused/evaluator of arms.

The great thing about a sandbox game is that it can be damn near anything you want it to be, restricted somwhat by teh game, but mainly by your own mind.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I disagree with the whole sandbox thing.
If this is your genuine feeling, you're playing the wrong game. UO has always been a sandbox game and I sincerely hope that never changes. I know the current development team have no ambitions in that direction.
Maybe you should create your own game, since it would be so very different to the game the rest of us know and love?


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
I started playing a game that was online, multiplayer AND a role playing game....

A game where a crafter was a crafter, a Mage a mage, a fighter a fighter and a Bard was a bard....

SKILLs were paramount and people played their preferred roles.......

Then all this items madness came, skills mixed up in all salads possible and the game I used to play went into chaos.....

I want the Ultima Online I used to play back !!
Popps... why dont you do us all a favor and go play World of Warcraft? I mean with 11 million subscription you will be more likely to find a few that might share your oppinions :)

Why on earth should all skill be the excact same?? If someone can make a template where 95 magery is good or 80 stealth... then why not?

To me you sound like a spoiled rich kid left wing complainer... always complaining about how the world is running, but never takin action into your own hands and do something... complain complain complain.... untill you get what you want or find something new to complain about :)

Seriously... I have played WoW for 3 years and everything you ask for in this thread WoW has... give it a shot... and stop messing with UO :)


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Please answer this honestly: If nothing had ever changed with regard to skills and skill caps and no items with properties had been added, would YOU still be playing today characters with the exact same combination of skills as you originally had? Do you think you would have taken any breaks in the interim, and if yes, why? What, if anything, would you be doing differently in UO than you did when you began playing?

It is difficult to answer to hypothetical situations but I think yes, I would still be playing the game because to me Ultima Online is a virtual world in which I have a virtual existance other than my real life to relax.

Problem is, the way the game has gone over the years I feel it has diminished the need of players to interact with each other making players increasingly self-sufficient thus increasingly make that virtual comunity I felt as being part of, fade away.

This, the way I see it, possibly may have happened because more importance has been given to items over real skills.

The introduction of Soulstones also decreased much the need to depend on other players.

While I do not see it possible to revert the effects from the introduction of Soulstones unless players were to be compensated for the loss of money spent on buying the Legacy tokens as well as for the loss of skills (and time spent to train them) that would be consequential, I still have hopes that at least real skills can hopefully be made more important over time and reduce the importance of items over real skills. Not sure whether this alone will reduce self sufficiency, though, to restore much of that virtual comunity I remember.

Perhaps, a way could be doing it slowly with the introduction of new skills made on purpose not soulstonable and made not compatible among each other. That is, release a variety of skills from which players have to pick and can only pick "some" per account, not all of them. Having a set of skills will result in the game engine blocking the ability to learn, for the WHOLE account, the remaining set of skills.
This way, players will once again have to rely on others for their needs and no longer be able to be completely self sufficient.

I can see it is not an easy endeavour, though.

The real problem, though, I think, is that after 12 years the game has become a lot more complex and with an increasing complexity I have a feeling that adjustments from the development team might require a lot more work because they end up affecting more areas of the game.

Honestly, I do not know what to think about what the future holds for Ultima Online.

I still stick with it as in waiting to see what comes next but I never give up my hope to at least see some of the Ultima Online I used to play, make a come back one day.......

Old Man of UO

Um, Old Man you do know your cute little picture borders on copyright infringment?

That's a WD-40 can and WD-40, its logos and can design are copyright by WD-40 Company located in San Deigo, CA.

Before you smart off at me, I know this because the company I work for is a LICENSED DISTRIBUTOR of WD-40.

Just sayin is all. Wouldn't want anyone going and getting into trouble.
Hmm... I didn't know that, and it isn't my picture per se, I copied it. However, if I broke the copyright law, so did you by re-posting it.

Just saying is all.

Shamus Turlough

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Congratulations! This thread has devolved into a trollfest.

This is why some of you cant have nice things.

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