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Lava Lobster Traps?


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Is there a place to use these curious rewards? I looked in the FAQ, but it says there isn't a use for them yet. I was wondering if that had changed.

Much obliged!


Stratics Veteran
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I may be wrong here but I think it was always intended to be used to catch void lobster.
But there was a bug and this lobster didn't spawn until very recently so the traps where considered useless at the time.

Now tough the bug is solved and we know it for sure because the lobster has been caught at least once .


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You can use them in the Lava near the east house in the Stygian Abyss. I wouldnt bother using them unless they are baited with Void Lobster bait. To catch one you just cast them in the lava and wait for them to either sink or "bob". I caught a 70 stone one a few days ago.


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Yes, they are being caught now, and the Void Lobster is all they'll pull... unlike the Lava Fishing Hooks, they don't pull the pavers, lava encrusted rocks etc as well. They just sit there and repeat "The Fish Are Not Biting Here" until a Void Lobster stumbles into one.


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Thank you all for the information! Ha - I was hoping I could catch more lava rocks and pavers with them.... I have gotten three times as many lava traps as lava hooks. Ah well.

Any ideas - is there a "sweet spot" in reputation with the fish-monger tribe that yields more lava hooks? It seems like the more quests I do, and the harder the quest are, I'm more likely to get bait cups. But I've not been doing these for that long, so could just be luck.


Stratics Veteran
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Thank you all for the information! Ha - I was hoping I could catch more lava rocks and pavers with them.... I have gotten three times as many lava traps as lava hooks. Ah well.

Any ideas - is there a "sweet spot" in reputation with the fish-monger tribe that yields more lava hooks? It seems like the more quests I do, and the harder the quest are, I'm more likely to get bait cups. But I've not been doing these for that long, so could just be luck.
If you're any good at writing Excel/Google Docs, you could tell us! :p I've just passed 500 results now, and I'm certain it rolls twice for Item Type and then Intensity, as you get the Books, Bait, Scrolls or Hooks at any level... but if you check the sticky "I Want Yer Results" at the top here, you can perhaps find out for us exactly where each item is falling ;)


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Adol - thank you so much for the tip and the link. I've been contributing to the list, and will continue to do so. Since I'm only after hooks (as opposed to high level scrolls or bait), I've decided to reject all but the easy quests. I'll keep score of how that goes.

Thank you again for the help!


UO Forum Moderator
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Rejecting quests is bad...

IF you want to limit yourself to low end quests, only do one quest a time and use a classic ship (As their tiny holds force-limit quest size).


Stratics Veteran
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I'm not sure if either of you are right, at least with regards to chasing just one item; the big hidden variable is what the odds are for an Item Type matched against the Quest Points. I've been getting Hooks at every level of fish, including some at near the total cap, but they're almost always Lava Hooks at huge fish points. What I don't know is whether you get less hooks at high than you would at low fish points, which would answer whether dropping a quest matters; If you get more Hooks at low, or just more likely a wider range of Hooks, dropping would make sense as even a 6 liner isn't going to be too high with the fish being kept at size 10. If it doesn't matter or it makes it more likely you'll get a Hook (even if it turns out to always be Lava) at higher points, not abandoning quests to keep the average quest high would be useful instead... not assuming a corresponding increase in how much fishing has to be done to fill them of course!

What I can say is, if you're not after Bait, you're in the wrong business :p 67% of the total of every result seems to be remaining consistent so far!


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I'm not sure if either of you are right, at least with regards to chasing just one item; the big hidden variable is what the odds are for an Item Type matched against the Quest Points. I've been getting Hooks at every level of fish, including some at near the total cap, but they're almost always Lava Hooks at huge fish points. What I don't know is whether you get less hooks at high than you would at low fish points, which would answer whether dropping a quest matters; If you get more Hooks at low, or just more likely a wider range of Hooks, dropping would make sense as even a 6 liner isn't going to be too high with the fish being kept at size 10. If it doesn't matter or it makes it more likely you'll get a Hook (even if it turns out to always be Lava) at higher points, not abandoning quests to keep the average quest high would be useful instead... not assuming a corresponding increase in how much fishing has to be done to fill them of course!

What I can say is, if you're not after Bait, you're in the wrong business :p 67% of the total of every result seems to be remaining consistent so far!

Well - I'm happy to experiment at the lower quest levels to see what happens. I've done maybe 100 quests or so, so far. I've gotten two lava hooks, and they were in the first two days of questing (low levels). After they started getting more challenging, I started getting lava lobster traps. Lately, with harder quests (5-6 lines, but I'm still under 105 so no dungeon fish), I've been getting junk proof hooks. Have never gotten a dredging hook.

I don't mind making the fish mongers angry with me for a bit for the sake of science. To that end - I'll be sure to include the results in the spreadsheet - good science requires observation and record keeping. :)

Thank you both for the advice and suggestions!
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Seasoned Veteran
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It is REALLY hard to drop your reputation!! I was still getting four liners after refusing, literally, about 100 quests. I wonder if I need to drop fishing a bit for this, too. I'm at 104.9 - I wonder if I should go back to 100. In any case - I added a bunch of entries for easy quests tonight.
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Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can't avoid the number of lines I'm afraid, that's a straight random roll for how many you get. From the data so far as you can see it seems to be pretty uniform as to how many lines you'll get, with a slight bias so far towards 1 liners. I certainly still get 1 liners with a complete Reputation; it only affects how many fish you get per line. So if you drop an order for 20 Shad the next one will be 15 Shad when it appears, but you have the same chance to roll a second line for Pike whether you've been dropping or not.

Edited to add: The information that we know is here;


What we need to get from the Google document is the "4 order sizes which map to 4 categories of prizes" to identify the sweet spot you're after.

I'm pretty sure the 4th category, after "has its own set of bait, books, scrolls, etc" is what I've termed "Gear", hooks and traps.

There is thus, at a set point size, a fixed list of rewards, which then gets randomly rolled against for item type, and then as it's mentioned there's an "overlap", a second roll for what level/intensity of it where some of the items are in more than one group. So for the scroll the 115 is probably in the highest of 4 tiers as well as the 120, as I've had both at huge fish point levels; for your hooks, Junk and Dredeging are probably in Order Size 1, Lava in Size 4.

I just can't manipulate the data well enough myself to quantify exactly where those groups are defined, and what's in them.
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Seasoned Veteran
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There is thus, at a set point size, a fixed list of rewards, which then gets randomly rolled against for item type, and then as it's mentioned there's an "overlap", a second roll for what level/intensity of it where some of the items are in more than one group. So for the scroll the 115 is probably in the highest of 4 tiers as well as the 120, as I've had both at huge fish point levels; for your hooks, Junk and Dredeging are probably in Order Size 1, Lava in Size 4.
Thank you for hashing all this out with me!

The lava hooks do come from low level quests. The first two I received were on the first two days I was doing quests, and they were all low level at that point.

To further that with more concrete information than recollections... Tonight I got my 3rd lava hook... from a 1 liner for 10 kokanee salmon (5 points). I wonder if the gear distribution is random. It would make sense for the scrolls to be grouped by reward difficulty. And the books. But maybe gear is just random. Looking over the list of rewards from the spreadsheet - it looks like they've been given out at all levels.

In any case - I added 15 more low level data points to the list tonight, and will continue to track and report my results.


Lore Keeper
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Just a note: If one day you decide to hunt the void lobster, you will be thankful if you have saved some of those lobster traps. I threw hundreds away for a long time, and when finally went after the elusive void, I only had 25 traps. Of course no one sells the darn things and once I needed them they ceased to drop for me. Might be wise to keep some in reserve and sell the rest.