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Kingdom of Dawn 18th Anniversary Events


UO Baja News Reporter
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Saturday, February 6, 2016 – Golden Brew’s Great Date Celebrity Auction at 7 PM PST (10 PM EST) at the Skara Brae Trammel Faire Grounds. Based on an event that occurred on Friday, March 16, 2001 at the Golden Globe Theater in the City of Golden (Freeborn Press: Reminder! Golden's Great Date Auction Friday!). Come and bid on a famous (or is that infamous) player of Baja who has volunteered to be auctioned and to provide a service such as PvP or Peerless Keying Lessons to Decorating Services. NOTE: No player can be forced to do something that they do not want to. All proceeds of the auction will go to the Britannia Royal Zoo on Verity Isle (Moonglow), Trammel. The Celebrity Auction last year raised 161.1 million gold for the Zoo.

Sunday, February 7, 2016 - Grand Tour of The Kingdom of Dawn - The tour will start at 4 PM PST (7 PM EST). We are located in Felucca so please take the appropriate actions to safeguard items and pets you do not want to lose. Gates will be provided starting 5 minutes before the event from Luna Bank in Malas and Ocllo Bank in Felucca.

Saturday, February 13, 2016 – The Dawn Museum of Dreams Scavenger Hunt will start at 5 PM PST (8 PM EST). Clues will be provided and you will have to find the items which will be located in buildings throughout the Kingdom of Dawn in Felucca. Gates will be provided starting 5 minutes before the event from Luna Bank in Malas and Ocllo Bank in Felucca.

Sunday, February 14, 2016 – At 7 PM PST (10 PM EST) Dawn’s Valentine’s Day Ball will start. It will be held at Dawn’s Malas Outpost and Book Library which is located west of Umbra. It is the second building from the West Gate of Malas on the north side of the road.

Come join the Kingdom of Dawn as we celebrate our 18th Anniversary.

Grand Duchess WildStar can be reached via private message on UO Forums and Stratics, if you wish to help with the events.

The Royal Council
Kingdom of Dawn