Just a warning, watch what your guild title and char names are....

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Ummm ... apparently your idea of obvious and mine are different ... and you only elaborate this by YOUR reference ... I am probably dense here ... but I have no flippin clue what that second reference is supposed to be OTHER than a colorful name ....
Your definately not dense. IMO thats why Innuendo`s of a sexual nature can get you a 3 day break.While it literally means nothing to some peaple,it jumps right out to others.For example.....my second reference.:D


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
LOL @ all this justification for lower morality.

So every year that passes we slide a little further down the morality scale....and thats supposed to be ok?

Morality is some made up fiction that some christian came up with to scare people that " If they dont live and think like we do they are going to burn in hell" its like sayin bush didnt invade iraq for oil and Haliburton. For the record i have 3 kids 8,5,1 my oldest his favorite band is opeth, my 5yo loves metallica, my 1 yo likes to eat anything(literally). This whacked out morality issue is part of the reason I havnt played EA UO in a couple months. I pay 12.99 a month too and i should be allowed to express or read whatever I want under the laws of my nation that I pay my bill from end of story.


I just got banned for my guild title that I didnt choose and had actually asked to have changed. But I got banned anyways. So if you have a name or guild title that is slightly inappropriate might want to take a look at it and make sure you cant get banned.

Violation: Inappropriate Title
Shard: Legends
Character: Point and Click
Guild Title: balls deep
Mate it does suck epic amounts that you that got banned, but i had a guild title that i didnt like/find appropriate so i unticked show guild title until i managed to wrangle an emissary to change it. You were trying to have it changed so you should have hidden it until then.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
Your definately not dense. IMO thats why Innuendo`s of a sexual nature can get you a 3 day break.While it literally means nothing to some peaple,it jumps right out to others.For example.....my second reference.:D
I tend to disagree with your opinion. If it means nothing (or something clean) to some and something sexual to others, then it doesnt deserve a 3 day break, it deserves a slap on the wrist.

Of course, all of this debate is kind of moot in the face of the fact that this appears to be the first time the player, rather than the guild master, has been whacked for the offense, and also that it appears to be the first time someone got a vacation for a guild title offense rather than a slap on the wrist ....


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
To me the guild title means almost waist deep in it. or it means those colored balls that you jump into. there nothing sexual in it unless thats your normal way of thinking. Soccer balls, Foot balls, rubber balls, (I am willing to bet the person who paged on you would be turned on by this), Base balls, basket balls, foose balls, pool balls, Theres a real good AC/DC song about balls.


How the heck does balls followed by deep make you think it has anything to do with a round sport's ball or even the little rubber ball pits at a kids playhouse?

Maybe you are a bit sheltered there? ;)
(I just josh, and poke a similar sentiment back your way. You already admitted you've been around the block and are old enough to have fathered an 8 yo... so how could you be so naive, hehehehe.)
Being a fellow Texan, I must admit I have heard of many terms although this was not one; even so it was quite obvious how it could easily be seen to be a sexual remark.

The suspension was given and he accepted it.
I would say end of story (oops, I just did) but it is a kind of funny one; because I love how people try to come up with these puny defensive theories.

(Just like Poo sincerely meant only to refer to Winnie the Pooh (even though he readily admits he has several other names in-game that could be taken to be offensive or dirty little plays on words... heh). Luv ya' Poo, but ya' did not pull the wool over mine eyes.)


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
The first sentence is what i thought of it. the rest was sarcasm.

Amathist of PoC

Your definately not dense. IMO thats why Innuendo`s of a sexual nature can get you a 3 day break.While it literally means nothing to some peaple,it jumps right out to others.For example.....my second reference.:D
I totally agree while it is not be the most offensive of titles, the innuendo was there for those who were perhaps a bit more exposed to see it or for those who are just curious and do a quick web search.

As others have said sucks you where baned as you did not want the title, but also like others have said you should have disband from the guild or hidden your title even paged a gm.

I do hope your taking your ban up with your guild leader and emissaries and I hope that for your other guild members who may be titled the same way that they listen...if they do not listen now I would ask myself is this the guild for me as they do not respect there members enough to protect them.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
May 13, 2008
I think it all comes down to how the word or phrase is used. I do agree it was inappropriate (tho a bit amusing) and was rightfully removed; but I disagree with anyone who says "We know *insert eyebrow waggle* what you meant!"

You don't know. As pointed out by several people, there are three common uses of the term. One is 100% sexual reference. One means nearly waist deep. One mean all out. Its all in the way it is used. If you are "balls deep" in mud, you better get someone to pull you out. If you are PvPing balls deep, you are pretty intense. The last ... well, that is your private business!

Another example of this is the term "cock block". I know the origin of this one ... I am sure most can figure it out (but if it is fuzzy to you, by all means, go to that urban dictionary thingy). However, when I hear it in vent it means one of two things - you ran in front of me stopping my progress, or I was surrounded by (people or monsters) in such a way that I was blocked in.


Morality is some made up fiction that some christian came up with to scare people that " If they dont live and think like we do they are going to burn in hell" its like sayin bush didnt invade iraq for oil and Haliburton. For the record i have 3 kids 8,5,1 my oldest his favorite band is opeth, my 5yo loves metallica, my 1 yo likes to eat anything(literally). This whacked out morality issue is part of the reason I havnt played EA UO in a couple months. I pay 12.99 a month too and i should be allowed to express or read whatever I want under the laws of my nation that I pay my bill from end of story.

I would appreciate it if you would leave my faith out of this discussion as you have horribly misconstrued it. Thank you very much.


Wrong! I have watched kids play UO and go about their daily grind with complete maturity enjoying the game as it was meant to be enjoyed. Those are the kind of players this game needs. The immature ones that run around making desperate pleas for attention are the ones that are "not old enough to be plaing UO and should not be playing UO." Furthermore, these are the ones that need decent parents to raise them properly because these are your future inmates.

I'm sure there are some parents in colorado who wished they had been a lil more protective or are they still blaming videogames....

I found that its not the younger players that are the problem .. older ones with the money to spend on the game without mommy or daddy to keep an eye on them that are worse...
Look at WOW for instance.. I played that for a little over a year and talking to blocks on teamspeak are ventrillo... ya they need there heads examined.. I've played with more mature 11 years olds then some of them.

But for all fairness I have an 11 year old I wont let play online games cause I see what maturity level of these players and I dont find it something I want my child to deal with.

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
It is pretty commonly known that ball has been a synonym for intercourse for quite a long time, right? It isn't just a slang term for testes, in regards to sexual references.
Hey since we on the topic of sexual intercourse what about all bacon handed out for valentines gifts!?

Any of you parents out there allowing you kids to play UO explain why bacon was handed out!?

I mean personally I don't have probs with symbols or bacon but sheesh...

That was an inside adult joke. Disney has also done crap like that in the passed but hey this is UO and thats Disney. I dont think you can really compare the two...hehe

Still like I interrated before "balls deep" is a southern term. The southern meaning will most likely never be found in an Urban dictionary. Also, I am not lame enough to look neither.

One reason being is because its commonly used in Rural areas by "country-type" folks.

Urban means city areas...get it straight LMAO!

Also I've seen a Turd Fergeson or Turd Furgeson on LS...been there for at least 6 -7 months!?

So the saying my grand pa used to use when fishing when catching a questionable size fish an me askin him to keep it...he would reply to me "It'll make a turd."

This has a bunch of meanings like all his jokes he said...It meant yea sure throw it in ice chest...it will literally turn into feces...its something to eat we may not be as lucky next fishing trip...etc.

So since we got a Turd Fergeson does that mean I don't have to get my guild leader to change my fisherman's guild title form "ItllMakeATurd"?

I mean not only does that hold sentimental value and help me enjoy my experience that much more when fishing but also Turd isnt that bad right?

I mean you say that to lil kids when potty train em right? Northerners and city folk prolly say poop but still?

And the above is a legit question...one of the reasons why i'm ticked about this thread!

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
If they do a little research on the subject they'll find that the Pentagram is also a Christian symbol that was used to represent the 5 senses, and during the middle ages represented the 5 wounds of Christ, add the letters S A L V S at the various points and it became a Christian symbol for health.

Neopagans which include Wiccians use it as a symbol yet it's not an exclusive symbol for them. Ancient Jerusalem used the pentagram as the symbol of the city for a while. Morocco and Ethiopia include it on their flags.

The only time the pentagram is referenced as Satanic symbol is if it's placed inverted from the way you see it in UO with 2 points up instead of 1

From it's various usages I don't see why anyone can claim it to be an exclusively Satanic or associate it completely with Witchcraft.

Oh and the Swastika is a symbol mainly used in India to bring luck...people will draw it on their doorsteps to bring luck to the house, on other objects for the same reason.

Really I can agree with what your saying people need to know what they are saying before they complain. That and stop letting every self righteous religious figure tell you what things mean. We all have free will and should use it to find out the truth in the world we live in not be puppets to organizations who's sole purpose is to convert humanity into sheep....after all you know what they do to sheep right? Fleece them for everything they are worth then send them off to slaughter.
Well the reason why Hitler used the Swastika was because he was obsessed with south america for so many reasons i could right a novel. And it was a Mayan symbol that represented having a bountyful harvest or something.

The sicko flipped it around (all the points are in opposite direction of the Mayan symbol and now when most ppl see it today it is a sign of hatred and racism and is discusting IMHO)

I jus now read all the cute history lessons...had passed them up earlier cuz I'm a history buff whom took college while in HS and sure don't need no history lessons but good info...

*walks off to grab another beer and get a cigar*


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Oct 1, 2006
Well the reason why Hitler used the Swastika was because he was obsessed with south america for so many reasons i could right a novel. And it was a Mayan symbol that represented having a bountyful harvest or something.

The sicko flipped it around (all the points are in opposite direction of the Mayan symbol and now when most ppl see it today it is a sign of hatred and racism and is discusting IMHO)

I jus now read all the cute history lessons...had passed them up earlier cuz I'm a history buff whom took college while in HS and sure don't need no history lessons but good info...

*walks off to grab another beer and get a cigar*

Man may have been a sicko but he was brilliant on the grounds of industrializing, modernizing a country....Several well known companies probably would have went under during the depression that was here in the US and internationally prior to WWII...big names among those are Hugo Boss, IBM, Bayer, Siemens.....Not to mention he had the government in Germany sponsor the founding of Volkswagen. If...it hadn't been for the holocaust, and the concentration camps (which regardless of what most folks High School history teachers told them the US was just as guilty of look up internment camps) Hitler might have went in the books as one of the greatest political leaders ever....

Not directing this at you Pied, but heck I've always hated people thinking that the US was great and good during the WWII era when it's got it's own things to be ashamed of, that and I don't like how the government regulations on Educations practically forces education to hide facts..


Waw, puritanism sucks...
I'm gonna pay attention to say "Crystal Spheres of Animal Companion Summoning" and not "pet balls" or another hypocrit's gonna be offended.

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
LOL @ all this justification for lower morality.

The 1958-2008 thing really made me laugh.So every year that passes we slide a little further down the morality scale....and thats supposed to be ok?

I`m 35 years old,been around the block a time or 2.I see enough in the real world to not want to see BS like this in a game I play to relax.It pisses me off to see peaple with names like Turd Gurglar for example.It really says alot about the person behind the screen when ya see something like that. I envision a helmet and a sippy cup.:gee:

While Balls Deep is definately not in the same category as the above name it is still an obvious reference,I mean really you must be sheltered yourself if you don`t get the meaning. That`d be like saying Pinkly Taurus (tks Bob and Tom) isn`t anything but a colorful name. Give me a break

Haha...I'm only 25yrs old and I know that "Gone With the Wind" went from being a rate R movie to a G rated movie in just as many years...

So sadly enough yes...as time goes on societies morality gets lower. Especially Europe and both the Americas.

Thats why theres a group of "sicko" plastic surgeons whom for about 3yrs have been giving sex changes to adolecent teens with their "sicko" parents consent of course.

The purpose is to do it before they hit sexual maturity so that along with hormone treatments they can have time to develop the required mind set for the chosen sex that they are changing too. And they will be infertile for the rest of their lives. Personally I think that kind of logic is rather self destructive in terms of procreation...

but yes your right that it doesn't make it right to have an EXPLICIT name. Balls deep is not explicit.

It has a friggin Teen rating...
That mean 13 and up or 8th graders and up? hell when I was in school alot of the 13 yr girls were sneaking off without parents knowing and dating 17 and 18 yr old guys.

And they were having sex...so I don't think balls deep gonna be to friggin shocking to an 8th grader...


My beloved Pentagram

A beautiful five-pointed star, symbol of my Wiccan faith. To me it represent Akasha and the four elements.

As for satanic worship? I am responsible for my own actions, do not accept the theory of an evil, organized force such as satan or a devil. Isn't the devil a biblical charater? Or a christian concept?

The Pentagram has a long history, today it represents Wicca. A beautiful, earth based way of life that does not recognize satan or hell.



Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
Morality is some made up fiction that some christian came up with to scare people that " If they dont live and think like we do they are going to burn in hell" its like sayin bush didnt invade iraq for oil and Haliburton. For the record i have 3 kids 8,5,1 my oldest his favorite band is opeth, my 5yo loves metallica, my 1 yo likes to eat anything(literally). This whacked out morality issue is part of the reason I havnt played EA UO in a couple months. I pay 12.99 a month too and i should be allowed to express or read whatever I want under the laws of my nation that I pay my bill from end of story.
Morality has been around long before the christian religion. LMAO
Secondly I've worked out on drilling rigs and for an oil company for 3yrs and I'll speak on behalf of my oil field brethren here.

They sent Haliburton because they are the ONLY company in the world that has strong US ties that can do everything that is needed and required without hiring a subcontracting company...hence more red tape.

They can excavate, pump, drill, set up the pads, they have their own Drag lines, cement pump trucks...hell I can go on...

But not only that....they also have their own mechanics. Which means when **** breaks its a Haliburton mechanic that fixes it.

Theres only 2 other countries in the whole damn world that have oild Co.s that big....

You got Russia and China. They are the only other countries with oil companies like that ....And personally with Russia claiming the North pole...grabbing that land north of that major oil pipeline going into Europe and China sending oil companies equip. and diamond mine equip and co. into Africa... shoot theres sum major resource grabbing going on guys...do you want to be on the short end of the stick?

If you live in the U.S. or Europe you better be damn proud he took out Hussein and even though we aren't getting any of the oil right now...we are hoping they will befriend us an we will get some in the future.

Also he tried to assasinate a United States president 2 times already....to me one time is enough but after 2x some ones gotta pay. Thats a threat to our national security IMHO..

It would be like lets say McCain or Obama got elected. Doesn't matter which for this example.

After he was elected a foriegn country tries 2 times to assasinate him...

You think we should be like... "oh its ok cuz he didn't actually die or anything" or "its ok cuz if you accidently succeeded, we gots another one...thats wat the VP is for." And just sit Idley by?


Or should we say "Its ok mr Hussein keep oppressing your people and threating other countries in the area like some whom you've already shot scud missles at before."


I remember that no WMD thing every one was sayin....its funny how like half a year ago we found Tons and Tons of hidden weapons grade yellow caked uranium and oh yeah they don't have nuclear plant there so why was it there?
And why wasn't it a big hit with our MEDIA!

Funny how ppl jus base their opinions on one or two media stories or political propaganda and not what they actually know is true and never try to look for facts...

Yes most of you are all just puppets...and they are the puppet masters with the strings...

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
To me the guild title means almost waist deep in it. or it means those colored balls that you jump into. there nothing sexual in it unless thats your normal way of thinking. Soccer balls, Foot balls, rubber balls, (I am willing to bet the person who paged on you would be turned on by this), Base balls, basket balls, foose balls, pool balls, Theres a real good AC/DC song about balls.
I agree 5000000000000000 percent...Only if that person has a sick thinking mind already.

Just like an ink blot test a pschiatrists uses. Like Ive stated before. Gosh sum ppl are dense as hell I frikin swear....

Especially the moron that banned him. I think that SOB needs a 3 day break...

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
Man may have been a sicko but he was brilliant on the grounds of industrializing, modernizing a country....Several well known companies probably would have went under during the depression that was here in the US and internationally prior to WWII...big names among those are Hugo Boss, IBM, Bayer, Siemens.....Not to mention he had the government in Germany sponsor the founding of Volkswagen. If...it hadn't been for the holocaust, and the concentration camps (which regardless of what most folks High School history teachers told them the US was just as guilty of look up internment camps) Hitler might have went in the books as one of the greatest political leaders ever....

Not directing this at you Pied, but heck I've always hated people thinking that the US was great and good during the WWII era when it's got it's own things to be ashamed of, that and I don't like how the government regulations on Educations practically forces education to hide facts..

Hitler was a madman Lunatic drug addict whom was good at manipulation and was a hell of a speaker in a time of great depression and poverty in germany. He was able to take advantage of a country and gain up the politcal ladder in it through murder of political opponents, deception, manipulation. They had the best scientists and engineers in the world at that time because Germany had been paying them the money to come out of a depression they were in.

Just because he HELPED build a military, economic, and technological juggernaut. As well as new ways of warfare such as the "blitzkrieg."

It doesn't make him a good guy.

He attacked countless numbers of countries unprovoked. Most of whom simply gave up. The ones that fought back had old WWI and older technology. The Calvary Hitler encountered in the early days of the war were men on horse back. Against Hitlers tanks. Can you imagine fighting against tanks on horseback with a gun or sword? Sounds like fun huh?

As each country fell so did Chamberlains talks with Hitler. Hitler mockingly one by one took over countries that Chamberlain wanted him not to attack.

Europe just sat there hoping they wouldn't come...no one helping each other really...by then it was too late...Germany was a war machine and already had very highly advance research departments working on things from the atom bomb to death rays....really IMHO they did research on too many things at once...

From these countries they conquered they looted many things; confiscating aluminum, gold, oil, and resources to countinue to gain in strength. Even did unspeakable things to and confiscate countless numbers of men women and children. Not only Jews but many other races of peoples that were non-Germanic peoples whom either didn't fit certain measurements or have the blonde hair blue eyed super arian race feature that he himself did not have. So he was a hippocrit too LOL.

And if some how they managed to live long enough through the capture process they were sent to camps where they were gased in gas chambers too see how long it took for them to die. Forced to bury each other or the corpses would just lie and rot (yes even the kids had to help bury the dead.) All kinds of other unspeakible things and acts including starvation and disease.

All kinds of things...Real good role model lemme tell ya...I want to admire that guy...

The Romans may have been called the "Holy Roman Empire" but lemme tell yah sumin...ain't nutin Holy or Good bout nuthin those dudes represented. They all use theology to manipulate their peoples.

Just because they also did the same things as Germany; revolutionized industry, art, archetecture, engineering, military warfare, chemistry, etc.

And just because the roads and underwater setting cement we use today would not be possible without the Romans....Doesnt mean they were cool people.

Yeah the US did sum messed up stuff then because we had no such thing really as illegal immigration then and didn't know whom the hell was in our country. Oh yeah so the U.S. Navy tested yellow fever on sum sailors in the pacific on purpose to see what would happen along with other messed up things.

But we were smuggling goods to keep our friends in Europe alive and Japan comes and hits us a Pearl Harbor just because we put trading sanctions on them for taking over the Phillipines and Indo-China.

To top it off we broke codes that there was a plan for Mexico and some other South American countries to attack us from the south but they backed down thankfully.

If it wasn't for the U.S. Europe would be speaking German..China would be speaking Russian and Japanese...

And eventually all three of those main powers at that time would clash and they would destroy each other....whom would've won would be any ones guess...

I know it wasn't aimed at me and it was your honest opinion. Thats kool man. But I just can't see how you can even compare the too as even being any kind of degree on the same level...


You don't go down as one of the greatest political leaders ever if you do it by killing off your political opponents. Thats just stupid...

If that was the case or the logic of thinking you have you also must think Stalin was a great and awesome leader too?

BTW yer not communist are you? And that is a serious question...


And what exactly does this history lesson have to do with UO?

Just wondering....

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
And what exactly does this history lesson have to do with UO?

Just wondering....
UO has WAR and death...

WAR and death is not pretty...

Lets not try and NOT put Lil Pink Bows around War and Death...

Plain and simple


UO has WAR and death...

WAR and death is not pretty...

Lets not try and NOT put Lil Pink Bows around War and Death...

Plain and simple
I'll ask again in another way since this is nothing but gibberish....

A novella about Hitler has what to do with UO exactly?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
UO was not intended to be this happy eutopia where every one does the same thing for the same items like WoW. Players were given an option on how they wanted to play the game, there was freedom to do what you felt was fun. if it was hitting the side of a mountain with a stick to killing the local murderers. Danger was everywhere be it Player or NPC. UO #s are dieing off and honestly most of the people that are left IMHO are the people who have nothing better to do but farm one thing all day, and page on people for "what they" think is offensive. UO lacks any real challenge today aside from PvP (even tho its made up of 90% necros and archers) and even more if they raise the skill cap past 700-720.

Pied Piper

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Aug 31, 2008
Man may have been a sicko but he was brilliant on the grounds of industrializing, modernizing a country....Several well known companies probably would have went under during the depression that was here in the US and internationally prior to WWII...big names among those are Hugo Boss, IBM, Bayer, Siemens.....Not to mention he had the government in Germany sponsor the founding of Volkswagen. If...it hadn't been for the holocaust, and the concentration camps (which regardless of what most folks High School history teachers told them the US was just as guilty of look up internment camps) Hitler might have went in the books as one of the greatest political leaders ever....

Not directing this at you Pied, but heck I've always hated people thinking that the US was great and good during the WWII era when it's got it's own things to be ashamed of, that and I don't like how the government regulations on Educations practically forces education to hide facts..
:loser: It was in reguards to the anti-american post this guy left...where he tries to glorify hitler...

I guess you didn't notice that I had it quoted...

Duke X. Winter

This thread has gone so far overboard it's not even funny.

People can justify all they like about the guild title. They can say "Oh, well, it COULD have been harmless", but really? Come on people. Don't be so dumb as to think that argument is going to fly. Anyone who says something like that with a straight face is just trying to be defiant, and the furthest thing from BEING defiant, is TRYING TO BE defiant.

There are those who honestly don't understand the meaning behind it. I get that, if US/Western English isn't your first language. In layman's terms, it refers to the act of intercourse, when a man is, well, I'm sure from there you can understand.

This isn't a very vague phrase in the Western world. The problem is, and it's been said before, that people are far too willing to fight any fight they possibly can. People like to argue. Rise against the authority!

The bottom line is coming...no really it is...wait for it....


^^^ there it is, and know what it says? People are jerks. Period. They create titles in game that can be taken one way or another to be funny. There's nothing innocent about them. They're doing it to get a laugh. Anyone who says that this title was innocent (once again) either doesn't speak US/Western English (slang) as a first language, or is just trying to fight the good fight. Give it up. The fight was fought, and it was lost. Three day ban. Done. Thanks.


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Oct 1, 2006
BTW yer not communist are you? And that is a serious question...
Nah I'm not I'm just looking at it from the perspective of what I feel should be taught and that's fact not the a glorified view of history written by the victors.

A lot of things have happened in the US that weren't so glorious that many don't know because it simply isn't taught.

Lincoln tossed the constitution out the window during the Civil War and suspended the right of Habeas Corpus when a judge ruled it Unconstitutional he issued a warrant for the judge to be arrested. The Emancipation Proclamation was a propaganda tactic at the time nothing more, designed to instill riots on plantations in the South. New York City tried to succeed from New York state and the US over it, because it was ran almost 70% on Slave Labor.

They don't tell you the CSA outlawed international slave trade in it's constitution either btw.

FDR turned his back on Churchill's opposition of Russia claiming Poland and other countries to form the Eastern Block....setting up the Cold war that lasted till the Regan administration.

When the railroad workers when on Strike Truman threatened to have them all drafted and sent to fight in Japan.

Kennedy sent aid and weapons to Iraq to support a coup that eventually lead to Saddam's party leading Iraq setting him up to claim power.

All of these are absent from text books other than maybe a brief paragraph, yet the long term effects of some of these actions cost many many lives. None of these were pleasant acts at the time.

For me it's not the fact that these actions took place it's that they are purposely overshadowed by the educational systems. I'd rather the youth have a firm knowledge of the past in it's actuality not a highlights reel of events shown from the perspective of the victors.

btw. I'm not out to glorify anyone, what I do believe in is everyone being given credit for both the evil and good they did.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 15, 2008
It's not about shelter its about decency. I'm not paying 12.99 a month to have my child hear vulgar comments from some immature brat with no self control. I'm sure EA shares the same mindset when it comes to that.

There is no normal definition for it. Just because a word or phrase could have another meaning it doesn't give you a free pass to use it because...Trust me, we all know how you meant it and you are not fooling anyone. I remember a thread similar to this many years ago (the Jhariden days) in this same forum about the same thing. I didn't know what the D Sanchez was until i came here. Only difference is there are more people defending that kind of stupidity these days. So sad indeed.
Couldn't have said it better.


I would appreciate it if you would leave my faith out of this discussion as you have horribly misconstrued it. Thank you very much.
Actually he didn't misconstrue it at all, although he may have added a humorous twist. All morality is a constructed fiction of some type by the powers that be. In the United States we have Christian Morality rammed right up the old dirt road.

We (as an American society) advocate that it's ok to control other people because they offend you, that sex is worse than violence, that an arrangement of letters on a screen actually does harm, that gay people ruin families, and that creationism belongs in the classroom (yes, from our president) and that it's our religious duty to evangelize or force people into seeing things exactly as we do and if they don't, they are evil, socialist, hippy heathens that should be thrown out of the country or at least shot (Ann Coulter).

All of these "rules" are entirely invented and in a lot of cases, completely ridiculous. It's worth noting that that it isn't only morality that brings these things to the surface, it's also marketing. Marketing is the whole reason why companies try not to offend even a few people of the majority. It's not to be fair, moral or any other reason besides money.

Fundamentalism + Money = Scary Stuff

You aren't having a valid conversation about bannings based on some prude being offended by some text they can easily ignore without discussing how that situation arises and from where, the ridiculous morality fueling it comes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jul 17, 2008
Lake Superior
Amazing that these discussions regarding morality, history, and the legacy of US foreign policy were all spawned by: BALLS DEEP

Give me a break.


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Oct 1, 2006
Amazing that these discussions regarding morality, history, and the legacy of US foreign policy were all spawned by: BALLS DEEP

Give me a break.
Well Arguing the original topic is pointless. The guild title has already been confirmed to have violated the ROS, might as well do something educational in the mean time.


Amazing that these discussions regarding morality, history, and the legacy of US foreign policy were all spawned by: BALLS DEEP

Give me a break.
Well it could have turned into a thread about different BALLS DEEP variations would would be way more low brow.... hey sounds like fun..



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Jul 17, 2008
Lake Superior
That would have at least been on topic. The rest probably doesn't belong in this thread or in UHall.


Maybe you can rent yourself out as a hall (forum) monitor and then you can correct these perceived problems at will.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Dec 14, 1999
Southern Oregon
Holy Crap. If I knew Balls Deep would have spawned history lessons on why Hitler could have been a great leader, then I would have paged and had myself banned.

Seriously. This thread went from a warning to a complete and utter disaster.

And on a side note, when I wasnt pvping with my guild I had my guild title off. But when we are raiding or group pvping i have to turn it on. As I am red and some of the new kids we have dont know my fourth char.


- I hear ya' Omnicron, it usually gets quite silly und ridiculous when people start trying to defend vulgar terms that are obviously against the UO ROC (you know, not just you Omnicron, but the collective WE - you know, the rules we agreed to follow no matter what piece of land in the world we are from).


What the hell? I turn my back on this thread for a moment and BAM. :coco:

Please keep on topic or take it to the UHall Off-Topic forum... I'm pretty sure History of Hitler :scholar: was not what the OP intended. Erm. Thanks.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
I didn't read the entire thread so somebody might have suggested this already, but:

So you got banned for the guild title 'balls deep' and it seems most people in this thread agree it's rather silly, me including. A forced change would have been more appropriate.
Concider this though; The GM who banned you most likely wasn't a native english speaker. He just saw the words 'balls deep' and figured: "Hmmm, balls deep..... I haven't a clue what that means or what those americans find offensive other then [censored] but this maybe well be it! I'll just give him a good smack on the wrist and be on my way."


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
May 12, 2008
This thread has gone so far overboard it's not even funny.

People can justify all they like about the guild title. They can say "Oh, well, it COULD have been harmless", but really? Come on people. Don't be so dumb as to think that argument is going to fly. Anyone who says something like that with a straight face is just trying to be defiant, and the furthest thing from BEING defiant, is TRYING TO BE defiant.

There are those who honestly don't understand the meaning behind it. I get that, if US/Western English isn't your first language. In layman's terms, it refers to the act of intercourse, when a man is, well, I'm sure from there you can understand.

This isn't a very vague phrase in the Western world. The problem is, and it's been said before, that people are far too willing to fight any fight they possibly can. People like to argue. Rise against the authority!

The bottom line is coming...no really it is...wait for it....


^^^ there it is, and know what it says? People are jerks. Period. They create titles in game that can be taken one way or another to be funny. There's nothing innocent about them. They're doing it to get a laugh. Anyone who says that this title was innocent (once again) either doesn't speak US/Western English (slang) as a first language, or is just trying to fight the good fight. Give it up. The fight was fought, and it was lost. Three day ban. Done. Thanks.
I'm a native English* speaker, I'm relatively worldly, have read a lot and I'd never heard the term before yesterday, so my first guess was it had to do with being up to something (water/mud) as that's what it sounds like without foreknowledge to my (normally fairly dirty;)) mind.

I guess I may have less experience with the language than many young teens :shrugs: or I may just be from an area where that phrase isn't common, or doesn't have a sexual meaning in general.

As i've said, different phrases can have totally different meanings depending on who says them, where they come from and how old they are, i'm fairly sure I know a few that the GM's in game wouldn't have a clue about (but i'm not going to test it).
You can't always assume that because something has a non obvious meaning that you know, that it's the same meaning the person using it intended.

So I'm not convinced without context that it was intended in the manner it's been assumed it is (I suspect it probably was, but I wouldn't have known what it meant without looking it up, and i suspect i'm probably a bit more likely to grasp a hidden dirty meaning than a 12 year old who'd never seen it before).

It makes me a bit worried about some of the jokey phrases and terms that I might know, "it's cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey" is that rude or an accurate colloquial description of the temperature?
It certainly sounds ruder than "balls deep" to me, but it's really just a funny way of saying it's really cold (it has it's origins in how canon balls were stacked - on a "brass monkey" that contracted faster than the cannon balls in cold weather), and one I user a lot around friends/family in the winter.

*Not American, or Australian speaker which might make a difference :p