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EM Site Feed July’s Event Schedule


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Appeal to use CET instead of BST timezone.

There are more players from Europa then from UK playing this game / and on siege.

So can we have it in CET and EST, please?

Thank you.

EM Kincaid

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Well, it's like this. You folks should have realized by now that I actually do try to accommodate everyone if the request is reasonable. And this one is.
The problem is, since I started as your EM, I have had time-zone related requests from practically every corner of the globe. They come from every time zone in the USA, from Australia, from the UK, from Europe, from Russia, from South Africa - and those are the people who have bothered to take the time to actually contact me.
If I accommodate all of those requests, event-related posts will start to get very messy.

So, here's a compromise. As from next month, I will start including this baby [see below] with the monthly event summary.
So, you'll have a list of events with dates, and below it, this thing, or some variation on it. If someone could occasionally remind me when their country's clocks are due to go back, forward, or inside-out, I'd appreciate it.
If you'd like me to add your specific region to this, please email me.at [email protected].

If anyone doesn't like that, then please make suggestions. Or ask Stratics management to offer a time-zone converter somewhere on the site. I'm sure there are plenty of plug-ins that they could make available to us.

So, here you are - The VUSEC version 1.0! Use it in good health!
*waits for someone to point out that he's got their time zone completely wrong*

Lady Lavendar

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Supporter
Please include EST. I won't ask you to include Hawaii Standard Time.


Stratics Veteran
I wasn't gonna comment on this, but I just walked past a news crier that pointed out that all events this month will start at <insert 4 time zones>.

I mean no disrespect to anyone, but it seems to me like this and the chart created here is extra work for our EM when the calendar on the website will automagically convert the time for us. This seems like a small thing to do. Bookmark the site, click the date when you need a reminder. (@EM Kincaid - Sat the 29th is missing tho!)

And even if there was no such tool, the EM could just choose ONE time zone, consistently, to post all events. We could all look up the time difference, and do a calculation (add or subtract). Since the events are always at the same time, you only need to do that math once. Just once. Once you know what that time is, it will always be at that time for you. (At least so far.) The chart made here is very nice, despite the fact that Google is literally at each of our fingertips.

We all know that it is simply not possible to please everyone all the time. Still, Kincaid is really, really trying lol. Surely no one expects him to start listing everyone's timezone in each event post, and on the town criers? And since he cannot list them all, why ask that he add your particular zone? One is sufficient.

I vote that he use the global standard of GMT. Or else some obscure time zone so that the majority have to do this tiny bit of math and no one starts crying about favoritism or being left out. Furthermore, it would be our responsibility to keep track of our country's time changes in relation to that time zone. This seems, to me, to be the self-responsible way to deal with this.

Posting 2 timezones, essentially one for each hemisphere, seems like a very practical way to go about it.

And, again, I mean no disrespect to anyone with this post. It just seems like such a simple thing for each of us to do for ourselves, instead of the EM spending so much time trying to do it for us when he could be dreaming up more fantastical ways for us to die :p


Stratics Veteran
Yes, it is the same thing, really. At the moment, it's EDT so the chart is accurate. In November the clocks change and it will be called EST... but it is the same strip of land. Using the generic ET is accurate enough year round without having to bother with the specifics.

Really, really wish daylight savings would just go away.

EM Kincaid

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Oh good, I haven't gone insane. (up for debate)

It was just that, after seeing two people complaining about the lack of EST, I thought I'd made a massive blunder, and EDT was actually some kind of social disease.
If only Stratics allowed javascript, I could give you something much cooler - but hopefully (almost) everyone will be happy with what appears at the end of July.


Stratics Veteran
I'm sure it'll be great!

I live in the Eastern Timezone, and everyone I know just calls it EST year round. It isn't accurate, but well... it's American lol.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
There is always something new to learn lol... I always called EST that time zone and tought EDT was another time zone :p:p:p


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yeah I'm with Tanager. That seems like unnecessary effort on EM Kincaid's part as an attempt to appease people who can't use their fingers to count. Especially since he'd have to track all the local timezone shifts. Did you know that parts of the US don't observe DST and some do? State legislatures can change the observation of DST, too. The person that lives there knows the deal, though. In Florida it has often been discussed that we abolish it; but, only in the EST part of Florida. The CST part would still observe it so as to maintain a unified time in state. See? Confusing.

Just UTC or GMT seems fine. We can take it from there. I know that right now I'm UTC -4 (EDT time, UTC -5 when its EST after November 5). He says "9pm UTC". I think "9" while holding up four fingers and counting down. "8" "7" "6" "5!!!!" Now I know it may be challenging to figure your time out for EVERY event but.... they're consistently at the same time. :p

If you don't know how your local timezone offsets with the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) then this will become a new skill for you all.


Edit: Or just use EST/EDT, since that is the timezone of the shard, and let people offset from there. It just seems easier to use UTC for everyone


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
I just say it this way, ET, CT, MT, PT for all the USA times. If the event is scheduled for 9pm ET, then that is 8pm CT, 7pm MT, and 6pm PT. So go with ET

EM Kincaid

UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Glad you liked it! I apologise for the delay in posting August's events, but as I'm sure you're aware, August is a very special month for UO, and I wanted to wait until I had enough details to plan ways to kill you - *ahem* - some things around the festivities! A sticky with August's events is now up - details of the events that I haven't posted yet will appear over the next 24 hours!