It's good to see AOE back in the action.
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first off, there are a core 3-4 AOE, and we are on EVERY NIGHT!!!!!
we just refuse to play at brit gate is all.
so instead of "It's good to see AOE back in the action"
it should read "its good to see all you other guilds back in the dungeons!!!"
and ya have to give some credit to us AOE.
we are a guild of assassins.
we set out a mandate to field fight this weekend and get out there in the public eye and not to stealth up on people.
so are SOOooOooOooOO not use to running around in the open.
i think we did pretty good.
i love the dynamics of pvp.
we were fighting with K4H.
they lost.
in fame the zerg back up.
we lost.
everyone left.
we came back and start a fight with KQ.
K4H comes back, and with no word between AOE and KQ both guilds turn in the middle of fighting and take after K4H.
K4H dies.
3F comes in.
all hell breaks loose and boddies litter the floor for all sides.
30 minutes later.
K4H is in despise.
AOE sets up a gank in the star room.
KQ stumbles in drunk and naked (hhahahahhaa)
quick non agression pact is made.
K4H gets attacked in despise.
people flow into star room.
mass fight goes on.
bodies fall all around.
there was seriouslly some wicked good battles this weekend.
everyone died, everyone killed.
i actually kinda dissapointed some of the bigger honor guilds didnt come with numbers and guard some dungeons.
that would have followed with the storty line of the books.
and seduction.
hehehehhehee, that was probablly the funniest fight ever.
me and you in the middle of that HUGE battle and we square off for what.... 5 minutes running back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.
i had blues healing me and i dont even know who they were.
and people dropping wallas and fields everywhere to stop us from running too much.
that was just classic fun.
the all time funniest comment i heard the whole night was at that deciet battle in TS after we saw Seduction die for the 4th time was someone quipped in "hey, i guess seductions really IS a meat shield"
it was just so at the right place at the right time comment.... then of course we died.
well till the next time we can pull one of these off.
*tip'o the hat*