My list of things that should be craftable:
1 - Larger stone tables (1x4, 1x5, maybe 1x6); don't need to be wider since they tile perfectly on whatever axis they're crafted on.
2 - Stone benches (1x2, 1x3, 1x4) which you should also then make so that people sit down on them.
3 - (maybe in Tinkering) statue engraving tools.
- Beds without covers
- Beds with covers covering everything
- Dressars (cherry and normal)
- Vanities (I know heritage tokens, but yeah...)
- Display cases (in a variety of sizes)
- The various house signs as just plain signs
- Sign engraving tool (or just have them double-click to change what they say)
- Could we get an artist to make the North and East facings for the Magincia thrones, please, and further, could we please STOP introducing chairs without all four facings?
- Wooden benches
- Wooden tables longer than they are
- Flat wooden tables (they look finely sanded)
- Matching wooden benches
- House sign hangers
[Masonry Wishlist]
Mineable marble; craftable (alchemist?) sandstone with sand...
- Marble and sandstone tables in the varieties above
- Marble and sandstone benches in the varieties above
(I understand the marble stuff is "server birth" garbage, but that's a bad reason not to make it available.)
- Not exactly craftable, but statue engraving tools should be able to engrave pedastals.
I think that about does my wish list... I tried to stick with things that are functional as decorative items that people might like for their homes.
crafting tables (carpentry shops, etc) I've always wanted some for a workshop.
some other random ones:
metal/wood/stone bowls, including planting bowls
chess/checkers/mahjong boards and sets
glasses (special or not)
teleport pads (ala moonglow/jhelom)
chopping block (I believe nujelm has one)
dishing stump
various meats and foodstuffs that currently are only purchasable
most leather bags
crystal balls
books, writable and not
All of these things plus need to fix clubs, crooks so they can be enhanced because not all of them can be...
Also want to be able to make and enhance:
orc masks
tribal masks
and pickaxes should be able to be craftable with other metals giving them all the weapon properties they have when they spawn and there should be some tinkering tools that are runics...
And for the love of all of us who enjoy home deco and design need to please make most all the furniture face all 4 directions.... this includes beds, chairs, dressers, shelves, cabinets, chests, and countless other objects.
Do NOT be lazy... if you have something awesome in mind remember it has 4 sides and we'd like to see all 4 of them.
While your at it ..... lets add things to the list of items that can be mounted using the taxidermy kit!
I want to mount an ice wyrm, demon, pixie, fairies, dryads, satyr, fairy dragon, ....
how about making a taxidermy kit that can "stuff" things, like fairy dragons, deer, cougars, polar bears, bears, cranes, and 100's of other creatures! This could be one heck of an awesome gold sink! Pay say a million for the kit to do it and it have it use one of those cool statue pedestals from the puzzle quest box... and it's mounted on the thing... with and "engrave-able" plaque. Wouldn't that be sweet!