You will only get essence back anyhow. A better use might be to make regular wood and make comp bows or heavy xbows or whatever bow you like to use and hope for a single mod like balanced with di, or fc with di. Then you can imbue other mods when you get to 120 and make some kickbutt weapons using less ingredients. I burned 3 ash kits and most of the stuff I made had too many low mods to really help. I have a few bows I'm about to make awesome though. Balanced with di is pretty nice to start with, it does however make the last mods harder to do. As long as the last 2 mods don't require relic frags I won't pull my hair out. Unlike the 15 magery 15 dci 3 fcr 4 fire ring I made that I failed like 25 times on using 5 relic frags each time