One of the things that usually makes me pop my cork is when people start spewing this claptrap of how much bloody FUN the Dread Lord Days were for all involved because of the PK hijinx.
For the PKs, I don't doubt it. To a pirate or viking, plundering, killing and raping is fantastic fun. But ask the villagers some time how much fun it is. Truth is, PKs got off on preying on the weaker players. It aint fun to be the indian in a John Wayne movie. Fueling their "good time" was the misery of other players, and that's the bottom line.
It was all about the challenge, right? Well then, the split would have been a golden age for PvP. Now there's just the best of the best left, the people who WANT to PvP. But instead, PKs dropped off in droves as they lost their tasty sheep to feast on. And those sheep were players who didn't want to PvP. The people they forced their playstyle on.
People of course will say I'm wrong and that the Dread Lord Days were just a big party to everyone, including the new players who were constantly smashed, griefed and robbed by PKs. That's fine. Everyone has their own opinion. However, I doubt very much that if I read 10,000 screens of that drivel that I'll ever believe it. Why? Simple. I LIVED through the Dread Lord Days, putting up with PK crap every night. On four different shards. Reams of revisionist history won't mean more than what I witnessed and lived through for hundreds of nights.
But you know what? PKs are so bloody toned down and restricted now that it really doesn't matter. The Megalodons of old have become guppies. Really, WHAT do you lose when a PK ganks you now? With blessed items, insurance, and the fact you can absolutely avoid them forever (ie dont go through the moongate), under the WORST circumstances its an annoyance. Young'uns, lemme tell you, in the DLD you could lose MONTHS of work in a night. That's not a hyperbole.... if you got killed with your house key on you (you had to have it on you to get in), you just lost your house. Now PKs could go in any time they want (no ban feature) and rob you blind and kill you. Your sanctuary is now worthless. The sanctuary it took you thousands of hours to acquire. But oh, you lost your damn champ scroll last night? Jeez. What a shame.
So this brings me over to the other facet.
While I hate PKs for the crap they've done and the irrevocable damage they've done to UO's reputation, I will grant them this: they are the only legitimate threat left in the game. Another player will always be much more dangerous, persistent and crafty than the AI will ever be. I dunno if this is a case of Darwin's overpopulation scenario, but now the game has a playerbase that just mills mindlessly and collects giant stacks of gold, never in any real danger any more.
You see, I will admit that PKs were the one thing that kept me on edge in the DLD when I did dungeon crawls. A band of red names could appear at any second, and your life depended on acting fast (recall out or fight). Only in town could you let your guard down... I still remember giving out sighs of relief when I managed to return home unscathed from some adventures. I think that is a portion of the nostalgia element -- when the game was exciting. But you see, that challenge element in NO WAY makes up for all the immature crap and ceaseless cyber-bullying PKs did.
But man, now that players have nothing to fear from each other (mind you, in the DLD, PKs came in many, many shapes and sizes... not always red names... there were plenty of opportunist blues, bomb box saboteurs, etc), now you can park yourself at a spawn and just work all day.
And here's the problem. So does everyone else. Now we have big lines and selfish squabbles over who "owns" this spawn. This crap never happened when PKs were around, because they would find something like this and smash everyone.... and if not, call in their hundreds of reinforcements.
And naturally, back in the day, you could attack someone who was griefing you. But now, you have only two options in Trammel when someone is being a jackass. Ignore him or leave. With such a system in place, of course people are gonna grief you.