1. They can run thru e-feilds and boxes and various other stuff its not a program they use it's called file manipulation. I have booted people from my guild for using said file manipulation . and i will page on anyone that i see using the "Stump hack"
2 i will agree with u on they cant target u while hidden. What is going on they track the victim and hit a AOF spell ie Metor storm That reveals said personan and with the new target system have macros keyed up to kill the victim before they know they are hit.
3. I connect at 18 ms to my home shard and have a phenom 4 CPU the system was built for running 3d games some guys still out run me while on foot .
I have knowlege of Computer programming I know for a fact that any and all game files can be changed. scripts are nothing more than a fancy program that uses the the internal x and y axis to do the same thing a human can do with mouse or key strokes.IE uoassist is nothing more then a legal script.
The speed hacks basicly push packets and send all resources to the game for maxium speed.
The devolpers themselves have even said yes hacks and 3 party cheat program exist .
Hmm why else would it be in the TOS if they didnt exist in the first place????
So to put it nicely Otis dont need to prove you wrong its a fact of Game life I honestly dont think you PVP or you house hide when u do IMHO.
No, you still can't run through energy fields. I know you can run through boxes I've seen it plenty of times, however no one can run through an e-field, sorry try again : (
Most of your post is full of things no one cares about like what specs your computer has, or saying 3 party cheats do exist, no one said they didn't.
If you are being out run on mount while on foot sorry your computer sucks, once again feel free to make a video like link does for any of the above mentioned things that you can't do.
The problem here is that idiots like otis are acting like the reason he died is that the other player is haxxz0ring. It's NEVER that the other player is better. That's NEVER the case. It was cheats!
Casting without pausing was listed, are you going to tell me that you've seen people cast FS on the run now too.
You sound foolish when you say things like that, or agree that people are faster on foot than you on mount, it's just not possible. Maybe you're playing a dexer and you suck at standing on top of them while they weave around, but that doesn't make them faster than you, just makes you terrible at cutting them off.