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If YOU don´t like nowadys UO´s PvP,would you

Would you try PvP if EA would allow Party/Guild/Fation PvP only

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 27 77.1%

  • Total voters

Der Rock

attempt to give PvP a chance if they would change it to Party,Guild and Faction PvP only?

A simple question,would you change your mind about PvP?
would you try it sometimes?

Edit: more clarification.
that would include that RED players could go everywhere,no restriction to stay in fell.
main problem of ganking and raiding would be eliminated in fell also.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I don't think the problems lie in the open PvP vs structured PvP as you are using for your poll, but rather issues more along the lines of:

- Just don't want to PvP period
- Do not have the connection quality in order to PvP effectively
- Do not have the ingame money to afford the items necessary to PvP in current day UO
- Do not like the mod system used in today's UO and how it is involved in PvP
- Do not want to deal with exploiters/speedhackers/etc in PvP

Probably more than those, but those are the quickies off the top of my head.

The only real change your scenario would create is that more people would probably go to Fel in general, but I do not think it would have a significant effect on who gets involved in PvP on the whole.


I voted no - not because I'm against PvP but that I know 150% that I suck at it!

So for all them that give a darn ...
I think Fel SHOULD stay (*)
Those who wish Fel and PvP in general to "die" are wrong
Those who play Fel rules and wish Tram to "die" are wrong

(*) - Fel also includes Siege and Mugen ... just to head off Rico jumping on this one. <chuckle>


So for all them that give a darn ...
I think Fel SHOULD stay (*)
Those who wish Fel and PvP in general to "die" are wrong
Those who play Fel rules and wish Tram to "die" are wrong

(*) - Fel also includes Siege and Mugen ... just to head off Rico jumping on this one. <chuckle>

Der Rock


I don't think the problems lie in the open PvP vs structured PvP as you are using for your poll, but rather issues more along the lines of:

- Just don't want to PvP period
- Do not have the connection quality in order to PvP effectively
- Do not have the ingame money to afford the items necessary to PvP in current day UO
- Do not like the mod system used in today's UO and how it is involved in PvP
- Do not want to deal with exploiters/speedhackers/etc in PvP

Probably more than those, but those are the quickies off the top of my head.

The only real change your scenario would create is that more people would probably go to Fel in general, but I do not think it would have a significant effect on who gets involved in PvP on the whole.
Don´t you see the chances this would open?
all your points above could to zero
you say:- Do not have the ingame money to afford the items necessary to PvP in current day UO

so, 2 parties with the same kind of items(both agreed the rules bevore)
NOBODY could disturb the battle,no gankin,no raid.
both sides could play the way THEY want

i bet my castle many more people would have a lot of fun again.


Don´t you see the chances this would open?
all your points above could to zero
you say:- Do not have the ingame money to afford the items necessary to PvP in current day UO

so, 2 parties with the same kind of items(both agreed the rules bevore)
NOBODY could disturb the battle,no gankin,no raid.
both sides could play the way THEY want

i bet my castle many more people would have a lot of fun again.
That already exists in Trammel guild wars. Not sure what change you are talking about so I might be confused.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

They can to that NOW though through guild wars in Trammel.

Again, the question in no way addresses the issues with PvP and is really more of a question of "Would you be more likely to visit Fel if..."

Der Rock


They can to that NOW though through guild wars in Trammel.

Again, the question in no way addresses the issues with PvP and is really more of a question of "Would you be more likely to visit Fel if..."
Dermott,the most player who ask for more PVP are the FEL player,so thats an offer to bring more people TO PvP
think twice about.
example many red dont know the MOST blues,because many blues never did 1 step to fell
with this new system, more would go to fell, more people would know each other,and more interaction would start. i am sure it would result in much more PvP as we have NOW.


Dermott,the most player who ask for more PVP are the FEL player,so thats an offer to bring more people TO PvP
think twice about.
example many red dont know the MOST blues,because many blues never did 1 step to fell
with this new system, more would go to fell, more people would know each other,and more interaction would start. i am sure it would result in much more PvP as we have NOW.
Why don't Fel players just go to Trammel and take part in guild wars? Isn't that the same thing without any development needed?

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the main reason people dont bother with pvp'n and really have no respect for most pvp'rs is because of the use of the illegal programs that are out there!
ive gotten a lot of people myself to come into fellucia and give it a shot!, this is what happends:
day 1- omg i love it!, my hearts thumping like crazy and im having so much fun i cant believe i didnt try this out sooner!!
day 2- why is it that some people are out running me while im on my mount and there on foot?, why are the going through the energy feilds and how the hell are they casting constantly without having to stop/pause??...(and most recent)
how the hell did that person run onto my screen come right for me and target and flamestrike the hell out of me when i wasnt even revealed??? ( and no not some area dmg so on n so on)..totally run up to you, target and flamestrike you while your hiding....and the list go's on!
really if you think about it!!..the poll should be wtf about pvp these days would really make you even want to bother to try if your not using illegal programs?
im not whining! because i get along just fine without them or uo assist!
but the majority of the people who dont pvp??...im pretty sure those are the reasons, i could be wrong

Der Rock

Why don't Fel players just go to Trammel and take part in guild wars? Isn't that the same thing without any development needed?
thats the question.
i think it is because most complainer are no real PvP player, they are only ganker and raider wich only want a change the way they want to play this game.

i surly would do the first step and say I would start to PvP again,but only for the sake of PvP and not to satisfice a handfull of ganker. thats my view.

Der Rock

the main reason people dont bother with pvp'n and really have no respect for most pvp'rs is because of the use of the illegal programs that are out there!
ive gotten a lot of people myself to come into fellucia and give it a shot!, this is what happends:
day 1- omg i love it!, my hearts thumping like crazy and im having so much fun i cant believe i didnt try this out sooner!!
day 2- why is it that some people are out running me while im on my mount and there on foot?, why are the going through the energy feilds and how the hell are they casting constantly without having to stop/pause??...(and most recent)
how the hell did that person run onto my screen come right for me and target and flamestrike the hell out of me when i wasnt even revealed??? ( and no not some area dmg so on n so on)..totally run up to you, target and flamestrike you while your hiding....and the list go's on!
really if you think about it!!..the poll should be wtf about pvp these days would really make you even want to bother to try if your not using illegal programs?
im not whining! because i get along just fine without them or uo assist!
but the majority of the people who dont pvp??...im pretty sure those are the reasons, i could be wrong
otis,that are almost the points why i stopped to go to fel, and the trash talk.
almost all points could be annihilate with my offer.

and.... i would pvp with you ;)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'd prefer to not be around wherever PvP happens - it doesn't feel right walking through a guild battle.


otis,that are almost the points why i stopped to go to fel, and the trash talk.
almost all points could be annihilate with my offer.

and.... i would pvp with you ;)
The good thing about Trammel, and I am not saying its better or worse than Fel in general, is that you can pretty much pick and choose who you want to interact fully with. If a character or guild acts disrespectful or goes out of their way to cause players grief, you can just put them on ignore, peace them and they can't really bother you. If a character or guild uses some third party tool or 'cheat' that gives them an advantage over others, you can do the same and they aren't a factor.

Guild warfare, while far from perfect, is above all about respect. If I don't respect a guild I don't highlight with that guild. Its fairly simple.

And, if I want to duel with someone and set up some certain ruleset for that person, I can do that simply by talking about it with them. Fel does not provide that option. Sure, you can find Fel players that are respectful, don't cheat and don't grief. But, you will also find many more that aren't quite what you are looking for. And no amount of guild stone management can make those types a non factor for you.

All in all, I think the focus from players on boards like this should be more about getting more players to come play UO than what seems to be the focus now. Which is taking away one playstyle or another depending on which side of the fence the poster is on.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
Can't vote in that poll as I don't like faction and guildwars, I like non con PvP


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hail Folks,

If EA transferred ownership of all of its stock to me, effectively making ME the sole owner of EA, then and only then would I "try" PvP, and then only once.

After that I would close Felucca and end PvP everywhere except Siege Perilous.

Why oh why must we endure these never-ending "what if, would-ya's" pertaining to PvP???

Elladan of Baja

p.s. the only exception I'd make to the above statement, would be for consensual-only PvP

Mook Chessy

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the main reason people dont bother with pvp'n and really have no respect for most pvp'rs is because of the use of the illegal programs that are out there!
ive gotten a lot of people myself to come into fellucia and give it a shot!, this is what happends:
day 1- omg i love it!, my hearts thumping like crazy and im having so much fun i cant believe i didnt try this out sooner!!
day 2- why is it that some people are out running me while im on my mount and there on foot?, why are the going through the energy feilds and how the hell are they casting constantly without having to stop/pause??...(and most recent)
how the hell did that person run onto my screen come right for me and target and flamestrike the hell out of me when i wasnt even revealed??? ( and no not some area dmg so on n so on)..totally run up to you, target and flamestrike you while your hiding....and the list go's on!
really if you think about it!!..the poll should be wtf about pvp these days would really make you even want to bother to try if your not using illegal programs?
im not whining! because i get along just fine without them or uo assist!
but the majority of the people who dont pvp??...im pretty sure those are the reasons, i could be wrong
How cool would it be if EA actually cared about any of the above listed acts!
Wow, imagine a world without n amount of Val Hammers and Heartwood Kits, lol...
To bad we will never see UO without all the hacks and dupes!

Der Rock

Can't vote in that poll as I don't like faction and guildwars, I like non con PvP
freja,poll is for player that normaly dont pvp,never had or didn´t liked it till today..
it is a offer to prevent the final death of UO´s pvp ;)

Emil Ispep

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I PvP occasionally.. not so much anymore.

IMO the biggest drawbacks to PvP are skill balance issues, and PvP being totally item-based.

Factions did a good job in making the gear avaliable, and the gear itself is actually better than the non-faction equivilant.

I also think archery is overdue for a nerf.. being able to strike your target from a distance is an advantage enough. Throw some magery in there, and yea..

Almost no point in taking swords, fencing, macing or wrestling if you plan on PvPing, because you need to be standing next to a target who is running away from you, shooting arrows at you, and flamestriking you at the same time.

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Otis what you said sounds like what most noobs say when they day. They make up a laundry list of excuses for why the person killed them. I'm sorry but all I do is pvp and I have NEVER seen someone run faster on foot than someone does on mount. Am I say speedhacks don't exist? No. However even with them I have NEVER had anyone out run me on foot while I was on mount.

The whole you can only fight who you want to.. sorry but that's a terrible idea. I enjoy playing with one or two other people while fighting groups. Having a 1v1 all day because you don't like getting ganked is a terrible idea. Fel isn't for eveveryone, if you can't handle getting ganked, or have bad team work, that's something YOU need to work on. You won't get better by coming here and complaining.

Emil, if you're talking about an archer mage, everytime a person casts it resets their swing timer, so they can't constantly shot AND hit you at the same time, there would be a delay involved. Archer mages aren't even very effective, I don't feel like that was a good example of archers being over powered.


Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
attempt to give PvP a chance if they would change it to Party,Guild and Faction PvP only?

A simple question,would you change your mind about PvP?
would you try it sometimes?

Edit: more clarification.
that would include that RED players could go everywhere,no restriction to stay in fell.
main problem of ganking and raiding would be eliminated in fell also.
How would players go red if they only could PvP inside the war systems?
Why would a red player stay in the game if you remove their playstyle?
Also, a blue killing reds or fighting back when attacked of red would still be safe in town, in faction and guildwars, that would not be the case.

In my opinion, the red vs blue system is the best PvP system.


How would players go red if they only could PvP inside the war systems?
Why would a red player stay in the game if you remove their playstyle?
Also, a blue killing reds or fighting back when attacked of red would still be safe in town, in faction and guildwars, that would not be the case.

In my opinion, the red vs blue system is the best PvP system.
Good thing most shards have trammel and felucca rulesets then, huh? Best of both worlds.

Der Rock

How would players go red if they only could PvP inside the war systems?
Why would a red player stay in the game if you remove their playstyle?
Also, a blue killing reds or fighting back when attacked of red would still be safe in town, in faction and guildwars, that would not be the case.

In my opinion, the red vs blue system is the best PvP system.
easy to answer :
1.dev already offer a 1 time red to blue change in the future

2.player could keep his red status, as a sign that means he will always accept pvp offers


oh, I dunno ... so far <knock wood> that bullet has been dodged.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
attempt to give PvP a chance if they would change it to Party,Guild and Faction PvP only?

A simple question,would you change your mind about PvP?
would you try it sometimes?

Edit: more clarification.
that would include that RED players could go everywhere,no restriction to stay in fell.
main problem of ganking and raiding would be eliminated in fell also.
...as it stands if you're in a guild you can PvP anywhere, even in tram. So if someone wanted to give PvP a chance they can and have been able to give PvP a try in the safeness of a tram rule-set facet.

And if they made this change the existence of both tram and fel would nearly become completely pointless aside from just another housing facet.

And this change would not eliminate ganking at all. It would just make players need to be in a guild war or factions before they gank someone that can be attacked.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Otis what you said sounds like what most noobs say when they day. They make up a laundry list of excuses for why the person killed them. I'm sorry but all I do is pvp and I have NEVER seen someone run faster on foot than someone does on mount. Am I say speedhacks don't exist? No. However even with them I have NEVER had anyone out run me on foot while I was on mount.

The whole you can only fight who you want to.. sorry but that's a terrible idea. I enjoy playing with one or two other people while fighting groups. Having a 1v1 all day because you don't like getting ganked is a terrible idea. Fel isn't for eveveryone, if you can't handle getting ganked, or have bad team work, that's something YOU need to work on. You won't get better by coming here and complaining.

Emil, if you're talking about an archer mage, everytime a person casts it resets their swing timer, so they can't constantly shot AND hit you at the same time, there would be a delay involved. Archer mages aren't even very effective, I don't feel like that was a good example of archers being over powered.
1- i dont know wtf your talkin about
2- lol like i said, im not whining, i pvp and i do so fine without any program uo assist included, i use whatever macro's uo provides, plain and simple.
3- everything i said is 100% the absolute truth, face it or ignore it..thats entirely up too you, ignorance is bliss it seems!! lmao
fact is there are to many programs out there being abused by so called pvp'rs...and im not pointing any fingers at anyone either because in reality for most people who really do play the game to pvp, all they can do to compete is to use the same said programs, its not there fault and i dont blame them whatsoever, i just personally choose not to!..does that make me a bad pvp'r?, lol probably..do i care? nope... i do what i do and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt but i have fun doing it regardless...but dont come on here saying that what i said was the words of a noob pissn n moaning about this and that...its the truth, face it and move on, if ya still want to try to be ignorant to whats out there program wise?, by all means giver...just dont come around and say im wrong about it...thats just straight out ignorance or blindness...
also im not saying that every pvp'r uses programs or cheats either and im certain most dont...but im certain most of them know someone who is using something...hell ill admit it!, i know a few people myself, id be bull****ting if i told ya otherwise....reason for my post was to show you what im hearing from most people who are beggining to pvp...and yes ive seen certain people out run a person on a mount...its been awhile but its happend lol

Speaking the Truth

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
the main reason people dont bother with pvp'n and really have no respect for most pvp'rs is because of the use of the illegal programs that are out there!

ive gotten a lot of people myself to come into fellucia and give it a shot!, this is what happends:

day 2- why is it that some people are out running me while im on my mount and there on foot?, why are the going through the energy feilds and how the hell are they casting constantly without having to stop/pause??...(and most recent)

how the hell did that person run onto my screen come right for me and target and flamestrike the hell out of me when i wasnt even revealed??? ( and no not some area dmg so on n so on)..totally run up to you, target and flamestrike you while your hiding....and the list go's on!

im not whining! because i get along just fine without them or uo assist!
but the majority of the people who dont pvp??...im pretty sure those are the reasons, i could be wrong
You are whining.
No one and I mean NO ONE, can run THROUGH an energy field. Unless maybe, you're really bad, and you didn't see them dispel a tile. That's the ONLY way which isn't running through one after all.

If people are out running you while you're on mount and they are on foot, I suggest upgrading your E-machine so you can "Compete" in pvp.

No one can stop with out casting, even first circle will make you pause for half a second. Unless you think someone is hacking because they are casting holy light or divine fury on the run.

No one can target you with a spell while you're hidden. You would get the message "Target can't be seen". Since the list goes on, please enlighten us more, I would like to know the rest of the list.

And you don't use uoa, you probably think if someone pots on the run they are haxxzoring too right?

You should get a program to record uo so we can see examples, I'm sure everyone would watch if you could find any of the stuff you listed and record it while it's going on. Please try to do that for us, so you can prove me wrong, thank you : )

Arch Magus

I tried a second time to read the OP and figure out what he is asking in the poll.

I can't make heads or tails of it.

*sigh* Der Rock, why do you hate the Felucca playstyle so much? It's completely the player's choice to go there or not....:blushing:

Der Rock

I tried a second time to read the OP and figure out what he is asking in the poll.

I can't make heads or tails of it.

*sigh* Der Rock, why do you hate the Felucca playstyle so much? It's completely the player's choice to go there or not....:blushing:
i don´t hate the felucca playstyle,i hate the antisocial criminal behavior of most so called
hardcore fel forever pvp player.
in the beginning, i was a lot in fell,had many friends and i collected player on wbb together for fel champs(found many player wich was happy to built a group for champ hunts)
there was a time my icq never stand still(we didn´t had teamspeak,all conversation was over icq)most of them were honest people wich had FUN to play UO.
over time most of them got sad,that stupid restuffing all the time,
new regs,bandages,armor,weapons......it got boring.
same people raid us in asassin behavior everytime,attend with comments like
"what do u want here","stayout of fell","go banksitting noob" and so on.
And i got aware about this stupid loser cheat 3rd party prog,and people told me i should download it, because EVERYONE do it.
BUT i hate cheating in games, it is so stupid to steal your self the fun in a game with cheating.
what else is the reason to CHEAT in a game beside to cover sexual anatomic disadvantage
or to fail in real life?
a greeter at wallmart,but a Hulk of a man in a game(thx cheating) LOL

to make it short,i lost the fun to go to fel,many other did also.
so let fel as it is, die.
uo need a fundamental change in the pvp playstyle.
luring people with carrots to the assassins sitting hidden in the bush failed multiple times.
if the honest pvp player want to pvp in the future they have to accept changes
(and i bet the honest pvp player are not against changes)


UO doesnt need to change anything about PvP as such, what they need to do is balance it and remove ITTP's...thats it.

I "PvP" alot, im not very good, have bad connection and lack of skill but its one of the most enjoyable aspects of UO.

You can go grind a MOB for hours upon end, ill grind a MOB and the possibly have to fight a real person who can think for themselves! None...NONE of the major bosses in UO represent any form of challenge to me. Every one i can solo or easily 2man. Add a real player who can think for themselves(cheats dont help someones thoughts) and its a whole different ball game.

PvP is still alive and well, if you ventured to the champ spawns on any of the larger servers, or even try looking at the faction strongholds, you will always see poeple fighting. And not a small group either, usually 20strong(it has been known to have 20strong on each side regularly).

Zero Day

I voted NO.

I dont believe the main problem with PvP lies currently in whether it is consensual or not. If that were the case, then all those who felt the need to PvP safely would stay in tram and run their guild wars to their hearts content.

The problem is that PvP now sucks compared to what it was. Player skill gave way to items, and with the game changes gold became much easier to get and players were able to create really powerful templates.

The bottom line is that players are way more powerful than they ever were and the game has become rediculously easy outside of the PvP area.

Conversely PvP has suffered greatly through lack of balance. The grand result being a few really powerful templates that even green players using them can be extremely effective. Other templates can be played with more effort, preparation and crutches ie a whole lot more work, but a good player investing in the right gear and playing an overpowered template is just not worth the trouble to attempt to fight on any other template.

Combine this with cheating and you have UOs current PvP statee.

Players can either switch to one of the 3 or 4 flavour of the month templates, only go out in gank squads or fight hopeless fights.

The game used to be ADAPT to changes to survive, and templates constantly evolved to remain effective. That has now changed to ADOPT one of a few templates or be cannon fodder.

I may not be a fan of TRAMMEL (actually I only go there to shop) but the truth is, if Trammel suddenly disappeared tomorrow and everybody was forced to be in Fel, PvP would still be messed up.

There would be more victims until everybody quit from frustration.


There would be more victims until everybody quit from frustration.

Well brother... where I play the victims are the raiding reds.
We are using characters with the same name and template... and destroying the cheaters.

Move to target... mass wither... battle is over.

Yes, we're stealth, necro/mages.

Otis Firefly

Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are whining.
No one and I mean NO ONE, can run THROUGH an energy field. Unless maybe, you're really bad, and you didn't see them dispel a tile. That's the ONLY way which isn't running through one after all.

If people are out running you while you're on mount and they are on foot, I suggest upgrading your E-machine so you can "Compete" in pvp.

No one can stop with out casting, even first circle will make you pause for half a second. Unless you think someone is hacking because they are casting holy light or divine fury on the run.

No one can target you with a spell while you're hidden. You would get the message "Target can't be seen". Since the list goes on, please enlighten us more, I would like to know the rest of the list.

And you don't use uoa, you probably think if someone pots on the run they are haxxzoring too right?

You should get a program to record uo so we can see examples, I'm sure everyone would watch if you could find any of the stuff you listed and record it while it's going on. Please try to do that for us, so you can prove me wrong, thank you : )
ignorance is bliss with you, keep living in your dream world! lol
also learn how to read and understand someones post before jumping on them lmao....no where in my post did i say im complaining or whining about anything...the quotes from my post that you have highlited are responces and comments from people who say those things to me...re read the post and understand it before commenting
like i said..i dont use programs period...i dont care if people do use programs period, i still pvp regardless and really dont care if i die..its all fun to me!...sound like im whining?? lmao
but someone who says there isnt programs or file manipulations out there allowing people to run through energy feilds..attack hidden players is living in a closet.....also
im not about to use a program to record anything lmao
i dont have to prove anything to anyone, open your eyes and look around! lol....if you.ve never heard about or have seen anyone using any of the said cheats...well sir! i dont believe your playin uo. lol...im not here to convince ya, or really dont care what ya choose to believe....like your name! im speakin the truth...truth hurts
ill still pvp and have fun doing it the way i do it
i still wont care about who uses what lol
but that wont change what i hear from most people who decide to try pvp.n out and then get discouraged..
i convince plenty of people to try it out...what makes them stay or leave is outta my hands lmao


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
UO doesnt need to change anything about PvP as such, what they need to do is balance it and remove ITTP's...thats it.

I "PvP" alot, im not very good, have bad connection and lack of skill but its one of the most enjoyable aspects of UO.

You can go grind a MOB for hours upon end, ill grind a MOB and the possibly have to fight a real person who can think for themselves! None...NONE of the major bosses in UO represent any form of challenge to me. Every one i can solo or easily 2man. Add a real player who can think for themselves(cheats dont help someones thoughts) and its a whole different ball game.

PvP is still alive and well, if you ventured to the champ spawns on any of the larger servers, or even try looking at the faction strongholds, you will always see poeple fighting. And not a small group either, usually 20strong(it has been known to have 20strong on each side regularly).
LoL reminded me awhile back a Sampire PvM dude was in a PvP thread talking about PvP giving out whole bounch of non-sense. He said "I can solo peerless bosses and DFs all day long and you think I cant kill a player with only 110 hp?"

Yea its always more challenging playing against another player...


Saddens me that so many people are against PvP... go play the Sims where graphics are actually better if you want a mediocre game that isn't that interesting.

Paying RL money to sit around a bank, crafting pixels is pretty lame IMO.

ill grind a MOB
Pervert. :danceb:


Saddens me that so many people are against PvP... go play the Sims where graphics are actually better if you want a mediocre game that isn't that interesting.

Paying RL money to sit around a bank, crafting pixels is pretty lame IMO.

RichDC Pervert. :danceb:
Of course, anything you don't do is definitely lame. Lame lame lame it is. And not everyone is against the idea of pvp, just the make up of it these days. But, you won't understand that. Using logic on your type is like trying to teach my dog calculus. Well, not quite, my dog at least has a chance of getting it. :thumbsup:


But, you won't understand that. Using logic on your type is like trying to teach my dog calculus. Well, not quite, my dog at least has a chance of getting it. :thumbsup:

Saucer of milk, Table 2!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I voted no, simply because no matter the ruleset, or design of a UO PvP system it will suck because EA does nothing to enforce their own rules.

Get rid of all the speedhacking, client modding piles of scum. Then I might be interested in UO again.

Until then I will gladly hand my money to other less cheater friendly companies.

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You are whining.
No one and I mean NO ONE, can run THROUGH an energy field. Unless maybe, you're really bad, and you didn't see them dispel a tile. That's the ONLY way which isn't running through one after all.

If people are out running you while you're on mount and they are on foot, I suggest upgrading your E-machine so you can "Compete" in pvp.

No one can stop with out casting, even first circle will make you pause for half a second. Unless you think someone is hacking because they are casting holy light or divine fury on the run.

No one can target you with a spell while you're hidden. You would get the message "Target can't be seen". Since the list goes on, please enlighten us more, I would like to know the rest of the list.

And you don't use uoa, you probably think if someone pots on the run they are haxxzoring too right?

You should get a program to record uo so we can see examples, I'm sure everyone would watch if you could find any of the stuff you listed and record it while it's going on. Please try to do that for us, so you can prove me wrong, thank you : )
1. They can run thru e-feilds and boxes and various other stuff its not a program they use it's called file manipulation. I have booted people from my guild for using said file manipulation . and i will page on anyone that i see using the "Stump hack"

2 i will agree with u on they cant target u while hidden. What is going on they track the victim and hit a AOF spell ie Metor storm That reveals said personan and with the new target system have macros keyed up to kill the victim before they know they are hit.

3. I connect at 18 ms to my home shard and have a phenom 4 CPU the system was built for running 3d games some guys still out run me while on foot .

I have knowlege of Computer programming I know for a fact that any and all game files can be changed. scripts are nothing more than a fancy program that uses the the internal x and y axis to do the same thing a human can do with mouse or key strokes.IE uoassist is nothing more then a legal script.

The speed hacks basicly push packets and send all resources to the game for maxium speed.

The devolpers themselves have even said yes hacks and 3 party cheat program exist .

Hmm why else would it be in the TOS if they didnt exist in the first place????

So to put it nicely Otis dont need to prove you wrong its a fact of Game life I honestly dont think you PVP or you house hide when u do IMHO.

Lore Master

attempt to give PvP a chance if they would change it to Party,Guild and Faction PvP only?

A simple question,would you change your mind about PvP?
would you try it sometimes?

Edit: more clarification.
that would include that RED players could go everywhere,no restriction to stay in fell.
main problem of ganking and raiding would be eliminated in fell also.
The game would be a much better game if only guilds and factions can pvp each other but i clicked no because i simply would not want to pvp under any circumstances.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Let the reds go about all the lands. Just in the old tram set areas Reds and Greys can only attack Reds and Greys. Like there is and option window for mining add an option for a Blue to go grey on the avatar table. 5 minute timer when going grey before you can attack anything like a dryad calming. When optioning to go back to blue same 5 minute squat and hold. While grey or red only then can players get double resources anyplace. This solves the worry of going red correcting scripters. Have the carrot on the stick can only get stuff in dungeons that only let Greys and Reds be active in them.

I gave up on PVP years ago and until I see the abuses going on tram side cleaned up. I am reasured nothing is done to clean up the game to even think about going back but when forced by an event.

Arch Magus

Well brother... where I play the victims are the raiding reds.
We are using characters with the same name and template... and destroying the cheaters.

Move to target... mass wither... battle is over.

Yes, we're stealth, necro/mages.
really sounds like a lot of fun.



Queen of The Outlaws
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Patron
Let the reds go about all the lands. Just in the old tram set areas Reds and Greys can only attack Reds and Greys. Like there is and option window for mining add an option for a Blue to go grey on the avatar table. 5 minute timer when going grey before you can attack anything like a dryad calming. When optioning to go back to blue same 5 minute squat and hold. While grey or red only then can players get double resources anyplace. This solves the worry of going red correcting scripters. Have the carrot on the stick can only get stuff in dungeons that only let Greys and Reds be active in them.
I posted something like this years ago. I really believe it's how it should be.
It's fair someone do not want to PvP, they may be unhappy, they cant double resources, double fame and maybe bonus to give better loot but they will get home each time without losing their items/fame.
I also think we need a limit for how many items a player can insure.