I tried a second time to read the OP and figure out what he is asking in the poll.
I can't make heads or tails of it.
*sigh* Der Rock, why do you hate the Felucca playstyle so much? It's completely the player's choice to go there or not....
i don´t hate the felucca playstyle,i hate the antisocial criminal behavior of most so called
hardcore fel forever pvp player.
in the beginning, i was a lot in fell,had many friends and i collected player on wbb together for fel champs(found many player wich was happy to built a group for champ hunts)
there was a time my icq never stand still(we didn´t had teamspeak,all conversation was over icq)most of them were honest people wich had FUN to play UO.
over time most of them got sad,that stupid restuffing all the time,
new regs,bandages,armor,weapons......it got boring.
same people raid us in asassin behavior everytime,attend with comments like
"what do u want here","stayout of fell","go banksitting noob" and so on.
And i got aware about this stupid loser cheat 3rd party prog,and people told me i should download it, because EVERYONE do it.
BUT i hate cheating in games, it is so stupid to steal your self the fun in a game with cheating.
what else is the reason to CHEAT in a game beside to cover sexual anatomic disadvantage
or to fail in real life?
a greeter at wallmart,but a Hulk of a man in a game(thx cheating) LOL
to make it short,i lost the fun to go to fel,many other did also.
so let fel as it is, die.
uo need a fundamental change in the pvp playstyle.
luring people with carrots to the assassins sitting hidden in the bush failed multiple times.
if the honest pvp player want to pvp in the future they have to accept changes
(and i bet the honest pvp player are not against changes)