After reading some of the responses in this thread...I have actually changed my mind on a couple of things.
I think EA should incorporate the following into BOTH clients:
- Script looting - this doesn't hurt anyone, and if everyone can do it, no advantage is achieved.
- Heal and Cure scripts - apparently the "best" PvPers don't care if anyone uses them, so who does this hurt?
- Door opening scripts - I don't really know what this does because I am not too lazy to dbl click a freakin' door...but if someone is...who cares if they are?
- Skill training scripts - UMing was put on the no-no list because it was causing lag. Since the shards are empty anyway, there isn't much lag to worry about. Better yet, if everyone is going to just script their skills up anyway...just make gains 10x faster. Everyone can just jump to 100-120 in like a day and scripts will no longer be necessary.
I'd like to see someone actually write up how they would actually want to see EA incorporate automated looting into UO so everyone can take advantage of it. Could someone describe at least the following:
- When and how often would you have to set up or modify your automated looting criteria? For example, would your criteria stay the same until you change it or would it reset if you log out? Would it apply across characters on the same account or across all characters you play on the same computer (e.g., like your ignore list), or would the criteria be unique to each character and non-existent for characters where you've never used the feature before?
- How would you set your automated looting criteria--through the context menu, a button on the paperdoll, or another button on your screen?
- What would the automated looting gump look like? Could it be multi-page/screen so you have to scroll through it or should it be more like the new titles gump where you select options on the left and the box on the right changes accordingly? Should it have a solid or a transparent background?
- What options would you be able to choose from on the gump?
- Would you also want the ability to make loot of a specific type go to an assigned container in your backpack? Should there be separate containers for separate categories?
- Can you override the feature? If so, how? What other actions would or should interfere with the operation of the feature?
I don't understand the need for a script to open a door. Both clients let you set up a macro or, in the EC, a hotbar button to open doors. What else is truly needed??
We've had accelerated skill gains in the vicinity of blackrock elementals; Scrolls of Alacrity; and Scrolls of Transcendence. I think there also has been some limited behind-the scenes tinkering with the guaranteed gain system and/or skill gains for skills that cap out at 100. We've also got accelerated gain areas in and around New Haven for training skills up to 50 while on a quest from a trainer NPC. There's also one new SA-enabled quest that gives you an item to bump your alchemy skill (permanently I think).
What other ways to accelerate gaining skills could be added to the game that would be accessible to any character and won't end up just being primarily a boon for merchants and people with gold to burn?
Which skills still lack quests in New Haven? And for those skills, where would you locate a new trainer NPC, what kind of quest should they offer for training the skill to 50, where would you train the skill up to 50, and what kind of reward should they provide when you reach 50 skill level?
Which skills lack adequate content to make it possible to finish training the skill in a reasonable amount of time and what kind of repeatable and at least semi-engaging or useful content could be added to fill those gaps? Could any of this new content be added to existing dungeons to make them more appealing?
Are skill tutors and Crystal Balls of Knowledge serving a useful purpose or do they need to be enhanced?
Should EA sell things like "super-SoTs" or "super SoAs" on their gamecode site? If yes, should such items only be usable by the character that redeemed the code or should they be transferrable/sellable to other characters?
I think someone else mentioned this somewhere, but I'll repeat it here: Would it make sense for EA to sell some sort of "make-your-own" advanced character template service?
Why are golems so popular? Apart from the obvious answer of some people using them while unattended, do they actually train a character more effectively than going out and killing stuff? Do people use them mostly because they don't really know what to kill and at which stage in their training to kill it to most efficiently train their character in a weapon skill? Would people use golems less often if they had better information and possibly better weapons (i.e., ones made specifically for weapon training within a certain skill range) to use for training?
Edited to add:
One of the most recent publishes modified the gypsy spawns. Until they turned off the change to fix an issue with the spawns and certain house styles, you would sometimes find in the gypsy chests and on gypsy corpses large stacks of regs (and the "old style" gems, too, I think), as many as almost 1000 of them. Would it be appealing to have the gypsies and their chests also randomly spawn things like 1000 ingots in various types of metal? Other than on Barrier Island, the gypsies really weren't spawning like clockwork in the same areas, so you were having to look all over the place to find them. In other words, they weren't terribly easy to camp. Would it be attractive to players to use them or something else that spawns in very random locations as a way to spawn various types of valuable resources in large quantities? What about upping the quantity of ingots and randomizing the metal on monsters that already have a chance to spawn an iron ingot as part of their loot? Same with logs...different woods and more logs? (If yes, what's a reasonable limit on the logs since they'd be pretty heavy for non-carpenter, non-lumberjack characters to carry?)