I think the REAL reason plate mail doesn't get used anymore is due to strength requirements COMPOUNDED by medability.
You could make all platemail medable, and tunics would still require 95 strength to wear them. The imbalance comes from the fact that platemail doesn't offer any more protection than leather armor (ultimately... no higher resist caps or extra protections of any kind)...
So if you have to blast out a runic kit for armor pieces would you rather use a tailoring one or a smithing one?
So you could make it all medable, and I STILL wouldn't wear it unless it also happened to have Lower Requirements on it... because the first curse ya get hit with, all that protection is sitting useless in your pack... so for years everyone has hammered out regular leather armor pieces on barbed runics since they have low strength requirements AND are medable so they work for ANY template mage or warrior (since they are not any weaker than plate).
Platemail only works for non-medders, and even if it does have Mage Armor its still takes a lot of strength to wear it.
I surely miss the old days when mages braved the world in nothing more than a pair of pants, and warriors looked imposing in their full valorite plate sets, or jazzed up in their dragon armor... *gets a little misty*
It would be really nice to be able to *choose* armor for roleplay purposes once again instead of having to min/max another suit of leather armor.