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Idea: 120 Crafting skill + 100 arms lore = Free Mage armor on exceptional



Got my vote!

I would love to be wearing Platemail again!!

Or even the heavy archer suit, i always kinda liked that look.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They already gave arms lore a boost last time.
How about Item ID for your free Mage Armor scenario? Kinda useless, but it's something for this neglected skill. *shrugs*
Would be nice to give Item ID some boosts.


Aye they did but why oh why must the mage ar be only on samurai armour??

Kinda sad that everyone has to look the same because thats the only armour worth a damn.

Stupid Miner

Huh... full-plate armor? That's... that's almost un-UO-like! Blasphemer! :p


Aye they did but why oh why must the mage ar be only on samurai armour??
Perhaps to encourage people to use it, instead of ignoring it like regular plate.. adding new stuff that gets ignored is a waste of resources.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The role of non-medable armor is one the great unsolved issues of UO in my opinion.

(unless there is some counter-balancing effect that I've simply missed, but it seems like any armor that isn't medable these days is at a severe disadvantage)


Basically all other armour except the samurai armour is useless.

People Will not use non med armour, except on a sampire who is elf, PvP dexxers go human for the free 20med and focus so they need mage ar for that med. Mages well thats obvious.

Because of this the old "heritage" armour has become completely redundant...in fact i think the only pieces of platemail armour i see used are...

Gladiators Collar
Jackals collar.


Heart of The Lion is plate and gets used all the time ;)
Well, its used alot but id say, especially after the TOT again, the rune beetle carapace is more widely used.

Still, the only pieces that get used are arties.

Just saying it would be nice to have the same properties installed on the "heritage" armour as is on the samurai.

Saying that ill just be imbuing myself a suit of plate.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a funny thread ....
First to recognize is: if you wear one non-med item it doesnt matter, if the rest of your armour is med or non-med.
Main reason for most is probably jackals collar. (Not counting rp'ers and low budget players like me.)
With imbuing there will be mining gloves with mages armour property around. (Last time, I've heard of, mining gloves were imbuable and there were no plans to change that.)

Kinda sad that everyone has to look the same because thats the only armour worth a damn.
NO!!! Do you remember how ist actually was? No one cared about samurai plate armour when it came out. Until duped valorite runics were flooding the market.
Btw ... I dont know, if mage armour on samurai plate counts towards the magic property limit of imbuing. But even then, it would only be equal to normal leather when it comes to imbuing.


Samurai armour has always been used, since my return 2years ago. Because it has higher base resists than leather, can be made out of more varied base resist and had the mage armour property...hell i was burning armour out of DC-Bronze runics because i knew id get all mods on something other than mage ar!

I think we all know that one piece of non mage armour piece f's the whole thing up...THATS OUR POINT!

We want diversity in the game not everyone wearing exactly the same looking armour! Its not like it would throw the game out of balance giving all platemail the mage armour property. Id even waste runics burning chaimail to hit the mage armour property if they did.


Lore Master
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Stratics Legend
there is already a bouns to using GM arms lore with gm-120 crafting skill, more DI for weapons, More resists for armor.

Now I can see how it would make sense if it took a minimum of GM armslore + GM crafting skill + GM magery.


i use the helm of insight almost religiously on melee characters, the 22 mana, 8% lower mana cost, and +2 mana regen is absolutely perfect for many of my builds. the resists are lame though, the devs have some fetish about energy resist.

Mark Knotts

I'd love to see platemail, chainmail, etc get used more often - mage armor would do this. I'd also be down for classic/legacy weapons being rebalanced in damage/speed but maybe I'm just crazy.


I think the REAL reason plate mail doesn't get used anymore is due to strength requirements COMPOUNDED by medability.

You could make all platemail medable, and tunics would still require 95 strength to wear them. The imbalance comes from the fact that platemail doesn't offer any more protection than leather armor (ultimately... no higher resist caps or extra protections of any kind)...

So if you have to blast out a runic kit for armor pieces would you rather use a tailoring one or a smithing one?

So you could make it all medable, and I STILL wouldn't wear it unless it also happened to have Lower Requirements on it... because the first curse ya get hit with, all that protection is sitting useless in your pack... so for years everyone has hammered out regular leather armor pieces on barbed runics since they have low strength requirements AND are medable so they work for ANY template mage or warrior (since they are not any weaker than plate).

Platemail only works for non-medders, and even if it does have Mage Armor its still takes a lot of strength to wear it.

I surely miss the old days when mages braved the world in nothing more than a pair of pants, and warriors looked imposing in their full valorite plate sets, or jazzed up in their dragon armor... *gets a little misty*

It would be really nice to be able to *choose* armor for roleplay purposes once again instead of having to min/max another suit of leather armor.



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmmm... make it a property of valorite or something? The metals need some love enhancing wise. That way you could imbue, then enhance for MA. Cause all the woods have super nice bonuses, and metal just gets resists and lame damage conversion.