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I want to play on Siege but...


Stratics Veteran
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... I'm afraid I am going to hate it if I get off on the wrong foot.

I played UO back in 1998 and it was probably the greatest gaming experience of my entire life. It was very immersive at the time, even socially compelling. Nothing since then comes close to that experience. I can go on and on about why I believed it was so good but, yeah, most of you probably had that same experience. And then I quit after a year or so and after that, I've played on and off for years. I learned after my 2nd return that quitting is only taking a nice long break. Here I am again. I haven't touched UO since just before the release of Stygian Abyss. I think it's time for a return.

I've always said to myself that my end UO days will be on Siege Perilous. I have this gut intuition that's telling me the official UO game will cease at the end of it's 20th Anniversary. It's a gut thing and I hope I'm wrong. So, I want to come back. I'm not sure how to approach Siege with one character only on my one account. So I'm going to put this out there for the experienced players on Siege:

Knowing what you know now, If you were starting out on Siege Perilous for the first time, what would your first month itinerary look like for your character?

I'm looking forward to some inspiration. Thank you. :D

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Day 1: die a lot
Day 2: see day 1
Day 3: didn't die today! (never left guardzone)
Day 4: Died today (in guardzone, pesky VvV)
Day 5: . . .

Seriously though, your first 30 days will be spent learning about the shard, the community and how to work Rot effectively while building your character. if you decide to do it, just get into general chat and get to know us. most folks are helpful, except that Possum guy, real A-hole that one.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Well I am officially on 2 months and it's probably the best 2 months I have had on this game... The first step I would say would be don't be like most people coming here thinking a red is around every corner. Not everyone wants to kill you. It is the best knit server I have ever seen. Each person knows each person and most alts. This is amazing and makes you really feel like family.
I can honest say I was greeted with open arms. I was killed within the first 3 minutes of joining. Someone killed me and said welcome to siege and rezzed me. That's the ONLY time I have been killed by a red.
I still play prodo shards here and there but not very often.
This is what I consider my home shard. The RoT system is even awesome for skill gains. Give it hell I promise it will be worth it and the best decision you have ever made in UO.


Grand Poobah
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Welcome to the Siege forum.

Kind of hard to give you some tips without knowing what kind of character you like playing and what you hope to get out of Siege.
Are you into PvM or PvP? If PvP, "good" or "bad"?
Do you prefer crafting and/or trading?


Old and in the way
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*smiles* Knowing what I know now...

Get to know the community. Use general chat. Do not believe the crap you read on Uhall about Siege. Join when invited, even if you think you are not skilled enough. Lots of folks do spur of the moment hunts, spawns etc. Be fearless! You are going to die. So what. Odds are you won't get looted. If you do, get more stuff.

Have fun. Remember you get all of this for $.50 a day! What a bargain 'eh?

Hope to see ya out there.


Stratics Veteran
When I started, I spent the first few days at the training dummies. I trained up every combat skill to the dummy cap (30 I think), and hiding and stealth as high as I could get them. It doesn't matter if you plan to use those skills or not, they will give you stats, and the hiding/stealth will keep you alive while you're gearing up and training the skills you do want. After a few days of that training, I left town for the first time. I think I'm at my 2 month mark, at least, and I've died 3 times, total. I might add that all three deaths were caused by me let myself get over weight. I've since learned to keep my weight under what I can carry AFTER being hit with a weaken spell!! :)

I'm having a blast, and I hope this helps you. When you get logged in, give Creeger a shout in general chat.

Hope this helps, and good luck!


Stratics Veteran
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Welcome to the Siege forum.

Kind of hard to give you some tips without knowing what kind of character you like playing and what you hope to get out of Siege.
Are you into PvM or PvP? If PvP, "good" or "bad"?
Do you prefer crafting and/or trading?
Well, my play style covers the whole gamut. I haven't touched every aspect of the game.... there's just so much in this darn game but I have enjoyed all kinds of styles. I would say on average I am an equal split between crafting, PVP and PVM. In my later years I enjoyed building a nox/scribe dueling mage and just dueled for a month or so. That was the last thing I did before the SA release. After SA, my awesome suit became crappy as far as I could tell creeping Stratics. It's one of the reasons I come to SP, to rid myself of material possessions that one would be terrified to lose.

But what about you? Tell me how you would start out with your style of play? I'm curious.


Grand Poobah
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Well, I´m mostly a gatherer.

So I would either do a dexxer char or a stealth mage/myst for a more relaxed playstyle.
A straight-up melee type like a sampire for example has more offense and kills faster while a stealth myst can still manage most stuff but kills slower.
However, if you die in a heavy spawn area the stealth is very nice to have to get back to your corpse and loot your stuff back.


Crazed Zealot
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I started here with two accounts and used a Mythic Token for both getting four 90 skills and two 50's. I came here on my way out the door after completely burning out on prodo shard play to finish off my game time and chuck UO into the trash. That was close to four years back. :)

Landreu is a pure crafter with enough Magery to let him craft certain items. He has Imbuing, Smithing, Tailoring, Carpentry, Tinkering, and Arms Lore, with enough Music to let him make instruments.

Tanivar is my main character and was primarily a gatherer that ran around with 8 skills using jewelry to add 104 skill points. 230 points were kept as a spot he could swap other skills in and out for crafting skills or handy combat skills. He couldn't run with the big dogs but he was a thump rump gatherer.

I am currently converting Tanivar into a serious hunter who can go where Bad Things play and do well. I've got every skill other than the three Taming ones now powerscrolled to 120 and am training them up. The Taming ones are 115. He has 15 or 16 skills on soulstones.

Hiding 100/Stealth 80 was very handy for getting past side spawn monsters to what you want to hunt, or for getting back to your body after somethings had you for a snack. If your human, take advantage of the JOAT ability you'll have and carry a Chivalry & Mysticism spellbook so you can use Chivalry's healing spell and the Mysticism Healing Stone to heal up before going after your body. You can use Camping and a bedroll to log out safely anywhere in the wild you want to with the Jack-of-all-Trades JOAT ability.

I don't pay much attention to General Chat as a rule because I'm usually to busy trying to not be a monster munchie but my house locations are below my sig, Stop by or toss a book into one of the mailboxes and I can craft basic gear for you. There are some odds & ends in the two chests on the steps in front of the greenhouse.

Siege is fun. I've had PKers try for me but no ones actually killed me here since my move here, not for want of some trying though. I've got Stamina Regen 12 on the suits and I think it's why no ones ever quite managed it, I can get hauling rump again pretty quickly. :gee:

You'll like Siege much more than prodo Fel. Even the PKers here have class & style. :)

Bo Bo

Lore Keeper
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nothing wrong with a scribe nox mage. not the best pvm character but in a group is very workable, and it is still a viable pvp temp.
you could do something like a myst mage that is very good at both pvp and pvm, bit more costly tho.
bo's biggest advice is to make sure you take advice from people who know what they are talking about... Too many times Bo talks with people that have been here a few weeks and there template is jacked. Weeks of working a **** template, really puts someone off.


Legendary Mall Santa
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Myst-Mage with Stealth for the start, later you can get Soulstones and play around with Necro or Spellweaving.


Stratics Legend
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Well, my play style covers the whole gamut. I haven't touched every aspect of the game.... there's just so much in this darn game but I have enjoyed all kinds of styles. I would say on average I am an equal split between crafting, PVP and PVM. In my later years I enjoyed building a nox/scribe dueling mage and just dueled for a month or so. That was the last thing I did before the SA release. After SA, my awesome suit became crappy as far as I could tell creeping Stratics. It's one of the reasons I come to SP, to rid myself of material possessions that one would be terrified to lose.

But what about you? Tell me how you would start out with your style of play? I'm curious.
Welcome to our hunk of the gem of immortality!

My personal opinion is that Imbuing is basically a requirement to keep yourself easily equipped, so I would start off with that at 50, just to save yourself some time and money. Get a 100% lower reagent cost suit, If you ask in chat someone will hook you up with a starter suit, or you could farm low level monsters for a while if you want to get your own. If you want to do magery you'll want 100% lrc. Once you have that, I'd go kill some low level spawn, collect crap loot, and unravel it for more imbuing ingredients.

Do you know about how the skill gain system (RoT) works on siege?

Are you interested in a guild or solo play? Gil is the most active guild if you are looking for that sort of thing.

Always be sure to say hello, or ask any questions you have in gen chat! :D


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Dubh's favorite template is the nox scribe mage. There are lots of overly friendly folks that will hook a newbie up on Siege, for me the starting without help is half the fun. Dubh's favorite experience in UO was a halloween shard years back where players could get infected, having to start out new as a mage with nothing is fun. Especially hunting down all the scrolls for a full spellbook and getting your first summon!

This is Dubh's getting started play style:
1. Getting a weapon or fc1 fcr3 jewelry to use your siege bless on, this can be activated from the context menu and swapped to other items later on.
2. Work on a nest egg for shiny gold pieces. Dubh's rule of thumb for hunting is never hunt too long in one spot and make drop offs to the bank.
4. Find a place out of the way to put a bed roll and dream of becoming a home owner.
5. Learn the Hubs (houses with house teleporters to other houses), I'd start out at the one East of Umbra and explore New Magincia and it's Hubs.
6. Don't expect people to answer you in general chat, if you can't find someone selling something or willing to craft something for you ask in these forums. Many players play at different times, players from all over the world, so meeting up with folks will be different from other shards. A big chunk of fun on Siege is shopping for that item you want, attending auctions and interacting with other people.
7. After getting your basic weapon/jewelry and a few things to kill stuff get yourself a house so you can stash loot. If you plan on working imbuing collect items with greater magic or higher to unravel.
8. Hang around learn the community and have fun!

9. After a while decorate your house and make it public so Dubh can see it and play in it. One of Dubh's neighbors has a claw foot tub he frequents. One day his neighbor will catch him singing nekked in the tub.

Like mentioned in above posts imbuing is very useful, a bunch of folks will make a basic leather suit for you and you can imbue it to your needs. Having at least two soulstones, one for a swap and one for imbuing is really useful. If you take long breaks, keep your soulstones in your bank box, pull em out and go home to use them, then return em when you are done. You can make some cheap suits without farming tons of resources in the Stygian Abyss. Dubh's cheap suit usually consists of 40 Lower Mana Cost, 100 Lower Reagent Cost, 60+ resists, Hitpoint increase, mana regen, mana increase, and a slot set to stamina regen and hitpoint regen.

When starting a nox/scribe/mage template I like working healing and anatomy as I use the Anatomy/Eval Int to give me my defense. Later dropping healing for nox and maxing out 120 Magery/Eval/Resist.


Queen of The Outlaws
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Are you interested in a guild or solo play? Gil is the most active guild if you are looking for that sort of thing.
But not the only choice, check out links in my signature, The DarkOutlaws, TDO* as a good alternative to GIL, even only the second most active guild.


Queen of The Outlaws
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One of Dubh's neighbors has a claw foot tub he frequents. One day his neighbor will catch him singing nekked in the tub.
Can't be one of mine but maybe I should offer a public one to give the homeless on Siege a chance for a bath


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Can't be one of mine but maybe I should offer a public one to give the homeless on Siege a chance for a bath
The saki fountain is a good place to bathe too and you can get drunk in it! Dubh bathed there many times when he lived in a ditch. BTW my pub serves saki :)

Wasn't one of your houses Freja, I can't believe it was just recently that I learned you could sit in the claw foot tubs, I think it's so funny. I've taken tons of baths in UO after figuring that out. Still need to figure out how to change my underwear, years ago when I did the math it was more than 100 years in UO time since I've changed those.


Queen of The Outlaws
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I made a public room, with a bed, kitchenette, table and chair and a bathtub. I need Tina to make a set of doors, but do have a little problem with doors in a north wall as you can't see them from outside, may need to add a little entrance room.
Hope it will help travelers far from home.


Stratics Veteran
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What a wealth of knowledge pouring in this thread. Love it! Thank you very much for your advice.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
I made a public room, with a bed, kitchenette, table and chair and a bathtub. I need Tina to make a set of doors, but do have a little problem with doors in a north wall as you can't see them from outside, may need to add a little entrance room.
Hope it will help travelers far from home.
View attachment 49703
...Why is there soup in the bathroom?


Queen of The Outlaws
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Bathroom?, bedroom?, the soup is on the kitchenette, not sure what to call the room, but I'm sure it is useful for a travelers, who need to cook some food, eat, get a bath and sleep before he is on the road again.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Why must he make a template with stealth in it? Why mystic mage with stealth? Im not seeing the point here. Those skill points could and should be used much more effectively. Especially if the guy says he can pvp, and can half way defend himself. You dont always need to run away.


Legendary Mall Santa
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Your way - my way. Depending on playstyles. Everybody as he likes. Stealth in my playstyle isn't for running away but for bridging distances within dungeons, especially when you cannot recall out. I have no clue about PVP, but you can believe me that I know alot about being a versatile PVM-loner. You don't have to like me or my philosophy, but I know what I am talking about. I can show you all the places where stealth is of excellent use. Not for running away...
Last edited:


Grand Poobah
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Stratics Legend
IMO as soon as you hide, or cast invis your RC should go *poof*, for that matter, all followers should either *poof* or get auto stabled. And to be absolutely fair, you should also pop out of animal form. While I too have abused stealthing around in animal form, it should have never been allowed. Stealthing should be on foot only.


Queen of The Outlaws
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In PvP it really can be a pain, when you have your enemy red lined and then he smoke bomb and heal up, special when you had died to his powerful bow several times, you really feel cheated :p

No it is not Max I'm thinking off :)
Don't think stealth is the problem here, because a stealther do not have easy with killing me


Seasoned Veteran
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If ya want to get right to it there's always the Mythic token. I do believe that starting from scratch is always the best and it gives ya time to get a feel for the place the and us folks who enjoy the shard as a whole.


Legendary Mall Santa
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I dont care. I think you really don't get it. I couldn't care less about dying and stuff. PvP is the least thing in this game that matters to me and I draw Zero gratification out of anything related to it. I never dealt with it and I have no idea about it. I don't care for your playstyle and you can come and kill me anytime. J won't run away and I wont complain. I simply don't care. Hope you got that one. ;)


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Yea, I got that one. I never said you didnt know what you were talking about man. You just made a pretty ridiculous statement that stealth is not for running away, are you kidding me? How long have you played here? If you would have said that isnt the main reason for you having it I maybe would have left that post alone. For you to have played as many years as you have and still not want to/be able to defend yourself thats on you, and I will take one from you. I dont care. Did you get that?


Queen of The Outlaws
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Tina Tink never try to fight, however she do not run, she just die :p


Old and in the way
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Legendary Mall Santa
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Yea, I got that one. I never said you didnt know what you were talking about man. You just made a pretty ridiculous statement that stealth is not for running away, are you kidding me? How long have you played here? If you would have said that isnt the main reason for you having it I maybe would have left that post alone. For you to have played as many years as you have and still not want to/be able to defend yourself thats on you, and I will take one from you. I dont care. Did you get that?

I meant its not for running away for me. Whatever.

Another one for the ignore list.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I meant its not for running away for me. Whatever.

Another one for the ignore list.
I guess think harder about what your going to say then post? Or how about next time before getting so defensive say what you meant?


Old and in the way
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Just because you have an opinion does not make you right.


Seasoned Veteran
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Just because you have an opinion does not make you right.
Answer this question kelmo you should know the answer better than any one. Is Stealth used for running away? YES or NO his statement was that it is not used. How am I wrong?

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
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Stealth is used for many other things, Backstab, Shadow strike, surprise attack, snooping a pack undetected, and getting close enough to attack your prey before they run away. i could go on, but there is no need. we are here to discuss how best to get this new player started, not argue the point of stealth.


Legendary Mall Santa
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I just wanted to explain the threadstarter a good way to use stealth. But I am an idiot, obviously ;)


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Now my 2 cents$. I have three accounts here, one is an old school archer that was made around the yr 2000. He is an old dog learning new tricks fun to play VvV but really lacks PvP skills so dies a lot. The 2nd one is a Crafter, going to be a super crafter someday, stone off LJ already to make room for tinkering. The 3rd is my traveler, is a mage/bard. The one I use for most everyday for PvM is the mage.


Grand Poobah
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My suggestion pick a template that fits your play style. Stealth is not required I have exactly one character that always runs stealth and that is my dungeon thief, whom also is sent out to do all of my high end shopping. If you wish to feel disappointment buy that 120 scroll you have been saving for only to have it disappear from your pack a second after the purchase. For getting your corpse back honor works fine for me. Find Niche that you can earn gold in. Nythic tokens are well worthwhile as well as atleast 3 soul stones A Blank, one for imbue, and one for craft skill that can be used to equip and repair the bulk of your templates gear. If you can't afford to lose it don't wear it. Use the Siege Bless on the one item that is most important to you. Don't be a **** unless you can be totally independent, and even is you can be independent still don't be a ****. If you are going to be a Siege regular having a bad rep comes back to bite you.


Old and in the way
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Dread Lord
Well said, Ty.