Dor of Sonoma
I'm with you on that, Nok!No boxes, no purchase.
I'm with you on that, Nok!No boxes, no purchase.
What do other games matter?The people who are complaining about the "no box" thing, you do realize some of the more popular games were/are distributed online only right? Sure some of them have expanded to included a retail box, but you do realize that many games have just as many players as UO and they have no box, or even advertising for that matter, but hey all you must has a masters in business and marketing from a very prestigious business school right? No I am not attacking anyone's education or anything like that just simply saying there is no basis for the argument of them having no box.
So you waited for the 9th Anniversary to get ML?What do other games matter?
We're talking about UO...and no, I'll not make a digital purchase. If/when I purchase another expansion, I'll expect it to join its brethren on my shelf.![]()
They matter as a basis for why you are saying it? I did not repeat the question but I guess I could have, are you serious? Why not? and lastly, you waited for the 9th age to get ml? (aside from that you have no ml box =\)What do other games matter?
We're talking about UO...and no, I'll not make a digital purchase. If/when I purchase another expansion, I'll expect it to join its brethren on my shelf.![]()
Uh, my second Masters did include quite a bit of marketing from the Academic view, but you'll never see me endorse that as any form of "end all" or “validation.” There are however, a couple things worth consideration. It does seem to matter to some folks, as you may deem valid or otherwise, so take their posts for what they're worth to you as you assess, but I'd strongly caution against discounting said opinions. The other "piece" to consider is marketing itself, within the EA context. Even when dev was "OSI," marketing was consolidated at EA HQ, and was both "technically” and "practically" above our team's "authority" and seemingly even "persuasion." There has been a prevailing logic running for nearly 5 years now that for anything other than a console game, “shelf marketing” lowers revenue and therefore is “wasteful.” While I don’t personally “buy it,” I’ve never seen the internal numbers that led to this conclusion, and do know folks I have great confidence in who have that don’t disagree with EA/ Marketing’s assessment. Akin to the opinions in this thread, I’d like to see a box, but I’d also "like" an active advertising and marketing campaign to enlarge the player base. But frankly I possess a player’s bias. If sustainment is now the collective goal, or for that matter even an incremental increase in subscriptions, then EA/ Marketing is performing IAW desired goals and objectives. Again, like those who object, I non-concur, but am “just” another subscriber. Once you discount what matters to “some,” you justify discounting everyone. I strongly caution against this.Cloak‡1293762 said:The people who are complaining about the "no box" thing, you do realize some of the more popular games were/are distributed online only right? Sure some of them have expanded to include a retail box, but you do realize that many games have just as many players as UO and they have no box, or even advertising for that matter, but hey all you must has a masters in business and marketing from a very prestigious business school right? No I am not attacking anyone's education or anything like that just simply saying there is no basis for the argument of them having no box.
Aye, for two reasons:So you waited for the 9th Anniversary to get ML?
Hi Ender. Nope. I'm serious.You're kidding, right?
Hi Setnaffa, fair question. Collectibles. Not that it gets much attention, but probably a sizable number of UO players have some of their original boxes & CDs, t-shirts, maps, pendents, and so on... not all players do, but many do. I still have most of my UO boxes and the goodies that came in them proudly displayed on a couple of shelves.Just curious, what is so important about a box and CD/DVD?
I buy CDs. I have a few downloaded songs, not many though... and a MP3 is not a game or an expansion, much less a collectible special edition of a game. Nope, no iPod. Yes, I have a MP3 player (Creative ZENStone Plus S).Do you only buy your music by buying CD's? No downloading mp3's? No iPod? No MP3 player?
Personally, the ability to download software is one of the biggest advantages of the internet once you have a high-speed connection.
And now that I have a Blu-ray player that can stream Netflix, I may eventually never need to buy another movie disc either.
Please. You're talking to a guy that sometimes orders groceries online. Both brick & mortar and online have their place and time... recently one of the kids wanted EA's Spore while we were at Walmart, all I had to do was reach my arm out and pull it from the shelf two feet away from the shopping cart. What was I going to do? "No Skippy, we have to go home, go to the web site, find it, put it in the site cart, go to the site cart and checkout, put in my details and card info, submit, wait 30 seconds for the verification, pay full retail price, get the authorization code for the download, download the thing, and install it. That's not my consumer choice. Another option...Box = trip to the store. Hope they aren't sold out. Wait in line. Buy the box. Get home and load the software.
Online = Trip to the website. Download the software and documentation. Load the software.
Hi Dor... BOOOYAH! Stay down with your gamer-self!I'm with you on that, Nok!
Hi C&D. Some might be complaining, some might not... for some of us it is about consumer choice. I choose not to spend my money (hang on, checking my wallet, ya... it's still mine) on a product I do not want. The product I do want is not available, I may be disappointed... but I'm not complaining, just stating that I'm not buying what I don't want.The people who are complaining about the "no box" thing, you do realize some of the more popular games were/are distributed online only right?
Collectors unite!!!If/when I purchase another expansion, I'll expect it to join its brethren on my shelf.![]()
For the same reason that there are millions of people that collect every conceivable thing that can be collected. Baseball cards, cars, coins, figurines, stamps and so on... for some UO players, it's UO collectibles.Why would you have to have it on your shelf?
Wanting a box is not a condemnation of digital media... digital media is just another channel of content distribution.Sorry I have just yet to see anyone explain why they have this response other than "we need a retail store presence" when digital media is actually very popular, perhaps more so than retail media (but you just can not get everything digitally so gotta go to the store for some things so its hard to compare the two; note I did not research it that's why I said perhaps)
Hi Harb. Edited for length, but well said.Once you discount what matters to “some,” you justify discounting everyone. I strongly caution against this.
Digital distribution is the way of the future. Better get used to it.Number of accounts: 5
Number of upgrades: 0
No boxes, no purchase.
And why would this be?
Box, Digital Download, whichever doesn't make too much of a difference to me, however I absolutely HATED the way they did LBR as a boxed expansion. I might not have minded buying a box if I could buy an upgrade code only for the second account, but I in no way wanted a single BorgThorn doll much less one per account.
A box would suffice for one account, after that, let us have a way to purchase the upgrade codes only, so that's why I have no problem with digital distribution.
8 but now just 3 active, may drop to 2 - very unlikely to upgrade to SA given the miniscule amount of time I have to play.