Well How do you dye pets?
It seems like my "after" ;(Ivory... Tazar is correct. The pet dyeing was pulled for latter development.
DONT JUMP! FACTION HORSES WILL NOT BE DYEABLE!!! (this was already discussed by devs.)ill quit if they make pet dyes..... i have a pre patch SL faction horse that is like 10+ years old.... and i would hate for some newb to just dye his faction horse the same coulor... lol
Ivory, if I'm remembering it correctly, they pulled the pet dyes because of a large distisfaction with how the pets were hued completely (as in, the entire pet would be dyed the color) - although a lot of people expressed interest in dyeing pets if only they hued properly (such as the wings do on hiryus). The devs said something to the effect of, they were going to look into how they could implement it in a better way with proper hueing.It seems like my "after" ;(
I've read don't remember where, that dying pets is a new feature of SA.
Obiuovsly they don't fis real bug and make pets dying?
Kelmo, you are all the reason. Pets will be dyible. When? Boh???