I'm posting this as a 'general security advisory' for anyone with a public house that is accessible by anyone. As we found out the hard way tonight, GMs do not consider placing waterbarrels all over someone's house to be griefing or harassment. As the GM kindly suggests (in the attached screenshot) you may like to consider making your house private if you wish to avoid this sort of harassment. Note that the house in question tonight was a Luna vendor shop, and I don't think making it private is a very helpful suggestion.
Some background on the situation on Oceania at the moment, for anyone who's interested. There's a large Trammel based guild currently under attack from a small group of PvP / Griefers. Yesterday our fishing event (as advertised on FoF) was disrupted by this group. They filled up Cove harbor with boats and lagged out the whole area by placing a large number of 1gp coins in a hidden stack. Tonight they amused themselves by filling up the guild's Luna vendor shop with waterbarrels.
Personally, I am disappointed (but not overly surprised) that EA GM's will ban people for in-game URL's but fail to deal with real troublemakers such as this group of ill-intentioned players.