00.) 25M - @805connection ((PREVIOUS OFFER 20M - @Parthis))
01.) 70M - @The Real Deal ((PREVIOUS OFFER 65M - @Old Vet Back Again))
02.) 5M - @Parthis
03.) 5M - @Parthis
04.) 5M - @Parthis
05.) 5M - @Parthis
06.) 7M - @genchattroll101 ((PREVIOUS OFFER 6M - @Snugybear))
07.) 10M - @CovenantX ((PREVIOUS OFFER 1M - @Crazy White Boy))
08.) 5M - @ARKANE911
10.) 5m - @Devil Hanzo ((PREVIOUS BID 1M - @805connection))
11.) 30M - @Kiss Of Death
12.) 10M - @Kiss Of Death ((PREVIOUS OFFER 6M - @Crazy White Boy))
13.) 500k - @Crazy White Boy
14.) 60M - @hobbit35 ((PREVIOUS OFFER 50m - @Kiss Of Death))
01.) 70M - @The Real Deal ((PREVIOUS OFFER 65M - @Old Vet Back Again))
02.) 5M - @Parthis
03.) 5M - @Parthis
04.) 5M - @Parthis
05.) 5M - @Parthis
06.) 7M - @genchattroll101 ((PREVIOUS OFFER 6M - @Snugybear))
07.) 10M - @CovenantX ((PREVIOUS OFFER 1M - @Crazy White Boy))
08.) 5M - @ARKANE911
10.) 5m - @Devil Hanzo ((PREVIOUS BID 1M - @805connection))
11.) 30M - @Kiss Of Death
12.) 10M - @Kiss Of Death ((PREVIOUS OFFER 6M - @Crazy White Boy))
13.) 500k - @Crazy White Boy
14.) 60M - @hobbit35 ((PREVIOUS OFFER 50m - @Kiss Of Death))