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Atlantic Hidden Valley Auctions #15L: Friday Night Bulk Part II! - ENDED


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Kiss by proxy:
V79. 70m

For myself:
V36. 1.2m
V37. 1.2m
V38. 4m
V39. 7m
V40. 5m
V41. 4m
V42. 1.2m
V52. 7m
V57. 8m


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
Wiki Moderator
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Wiki Editor
Kiss by proxy:
79. 80m


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
Wiki Moderator
Campaign Supporter
Wiki Editor
For myself:
V36. 1.4m
V37. 1.4m
V38. 5m
V39. 9m
V40. 7m
V41. 5m
V42. 1.4m
V57. 10m


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
Wiki Moderator
Campaign Supporter
Wiki Editor
V36. 1.6m
V37. 1.6m
V38. 7m
V42. 2m
V57. 12m


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
Wiki Moderator
Campaign Supporter
Wiki Editor
V36. 2m
V37. 2m
V38. 8m


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
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Wiki Editor
V36 and 37 - 3m each


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
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V36 and 37 - 5m each


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
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The last lots having now closed, that'll close this one out. Thanks everyone.

My wife has her friends over, so I'm stuck on the laptop at Starbucks. :p I'll get the totals up and bags ready for pickup tomorrow when I can get back on my real computer. :)


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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As always, please keep an eye on http://stratics.com/threads/hidden-valley-auction-series-15-wrapup.346794/ for when your bags are ready.

Winner's list:

Lot V64
Lot V67
Total: 200m

Lot V60
Lot V61
Lot V68
Lot V71
Total: 3.4m

Lot V29
Lot V36
Lot V37
Lot V38
Lot V40
Lot V42
Lot V45
Lot V52
Lot V57
Lot V70
Lot V72
Total: 58.7m

Lot V34
Lot V39
Lot V41
Lot V43
Lot V44
Lot V46
Lot V47
Lot V48
Lot V51
Lot V55
Lot V56
Total: 74.6m

Lot V24
Lot V30
Lot V31
Lot V32
Lot V33
Lot V35
Lot V49
Lot V50
Lot V53
Lot V54
Lot V78
Total: 58m

Lot V66
Lot V79
Total: 133m

Lot V25
Lot V26
Lot V27
Lot V28
Lot V63
Lot V75
Lot V76
Lot V77
Total: 25m

Lot V73
Total: 3.5m

Lot V80
Total: 0.1m

Lot V58
Lot V62
Lot V65
Lot V69
Lot V74
Total: 24m


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
Stratics Veteran
Wiki Moderator
Campaign Supporter
Wiki Editor
Just a quick note; everyone's bags are ready. Keep in mind that I'll be out of town the next week, so try to catch me this afternoon if you'd rather avoid waiting. :)


Stratics Veteran
My goodness...I went to check the super cool commodities auction out and its over lol. I thoguht this one started at the same time as the others...I was expecting it to end at the end of the month. I just cant win! @brianfreud2 can I put a lifetime proxy in on shadow dancer, Invul blue, berserker red, and Luna white? I would paid 15-20m for each of those lots...maybe more.


Stratics Veteran
Brian...if you dont mind me asking. What made you make this auction end in 5 days and the others go for half a month? Im so bummed to have missed this...I should have looked at the end date of all of them...im just a idiot...I will be looking at the end date from now on tho lol. I would have cried if this had happened on the clothing one. But I am interested to know why one end so much faster than the others.


Lore Keeper, Wiki Maker, & Doer of Crazy Things
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Just the number of available days; I'd have set some of the others earlier, but we weren't sure originally when we were leaving town. :p