Waaaaaaaah I can't sell soulstones for millions anymore if this happens?
Not going to happen and no i never sell full stone tokens i may be guilty of selling a few frag tokens in the past but i go out of my way to save up and buy full stones for use! Not my problem you all to cheep to get your own and have to have a cry here asking for them to unbind them.
SOUL STONES are by far the most powerful items and should remain as they are no changes needed. Well maybe letting people skill swap with them replace one skill for another then not being able to use for 24 hours would let the people who only have one or two stones enjoy their use more.
Ohhh i get it now... Its all the people with multiple accounts who want this to happen so they don't have to use vet picks or pay cash or gold, they just want to use the ones they already have.. Meh suck it up stones are my alternative to getting more then one account. I use them so i don't need to get more then one account. I am half way to my goal of 30 full soul stones one day i will get there and i sure hope its not by this un bound idea.
Yes if they did this it would benefit me big time but i still think its a horrible idea. And they would still sell for mega mill's don't delude yourself thinking they would drop in price might even increase the price since they would become more useful.
Get a clue people they not hard to get just have to use a vet reward pick or spend 10$ on the code store. Or perhaps you might have the funds in game to get them. Not my fault you all poor and can't save up 10 mill to buy one.
Perhaps its just the fact i don't fully agree with the idea of idoc's seems wrong being able to loot another persons hard work i say just delete everything in the houses when they fall and let any unique server birth items respawn in the wilds when they do get deleted.