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Hey Devs a question about Soul Stones /frags


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Will there ever be a way to make the frags and full soul stones we find at IDOCs useful again? Maybe by taking them to an NPC tinker and paying a hefty fee and have them made useful by the account that gets them tinked? Also make it so the skills on them stay there to be used by the new owner? or even wipe the skills. As long as they become useful again.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never want this idea implemented. Am very much against this idea. Bad Bad Bad.

Either spent 10$ on the code store for your own stone or earn the gold to buy them off other players in game. Quit begging for them to un bound them that idea always irks me.

If any dev reads the post please do not get the idea that this could be a good thing ITS NOT two days after something like this happens we would see vendors stocking skills for 100's of mill gold Seller web sites would start selling skill packages though i guess it would be safe compared to the way they do it now it would just ruin things.

Here is a novel idea Stop sitting at idoc's and train some skills yourself. You damn vultures.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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I like the idea of recycling stones from IDOC's, but only if the skills are wiped off them. The ability to train a skill, stone it, and then sell it for someone else to use is just unbalance the game too much. If we're going to allow selling and buying of skills we might just as well start playing single player games with cheat codes.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
you have the idea wrong.. if you find a soulstone with a skill on it, the system deletes the skill first, then makes it so you can put your skills on it..

this makes it so you can use the ones you find, and also keeps you from trading skills.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I never want this idea implemented. Am very much against this idea. Bad Bad Bad.

Either spent 10$ on the code store for your own stone or earn the gold to buy them off other players in game. Quit begging for them to un bound them that idea always irks me.

If any dev reads the post please do not get the idea that this could be a good thing ITS NOT two days after something like this happens we would see vendors stocking skills for 100's of mill gold Seller web sites would start selling skill packages though i guess it would be safe compared to the way they do it now it would just ruin things.

Here is a novel idea Stop sitting at idoc's and train some skills yourself. You damn vultures.
Waaaaaaaah I can't sell soulstones for millions anymore if this happens?

Prince Caspian

Waaaaaaaah I can't sell soulstones for millions anymore if this happens?
Pretty much.

Players yell and scream and carry on when they are not allowed to get the item. Why? Because they don't want to have to buy it from a vendor.

Then when they finally DO get it, they don't want anyone else to have it. Why? So they can sell it on a vendor.

It's just like the Vorpal Blades in Maginica.... everyone was complaining they were not dropping and that they couldn't get one. The very same people, once they got theirs and a few extras, pulled a 180 and started saying they should stop dropping. Why? So they could have buyers for their extra.

I've had several items over the years suddenly turn worthless because EA brought them back. But that's fine -- at least other players who werent around the first time now have an opportunity to get it on their own.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Waaaaaaaah I can't sell soulstones for millions anymore if this happens?
Not going to happen and no i never sell full stone tokens i may be guilty of selling a few frag tokens in the past but i go out of my way to save up and buy full stones for use! Not my problem you all to cheep to get your own and have to have a cry here asking for them to unbind them.

SOUL STONES are by far the most powerful items and should remain as they are no changes needed. Well maybe letting people skill swap with them replace one skill for another then not being able to use for 24 hours would let the people who only have one or two stones enjoy their use more.

Ohhh i get it now... Its all the people with multiple accounts who want this to happen so they don't have to use vet picks or pay cash or gold, they just want to use the ones they already have.. Meh suck it up stones are my alternative to getting more then one account. I use them so i don't need to get more then one account. I am half way to my goal of 30 full soul stones one day i will get there and i sure hope its not by this un bound idea.

Yes if they did this it would benefit me big time but i still think its a horrible idea. And they would still sell for mega mill's don't delude yourself thinking they would drop in price might even increase the price since they would become more useful.

Get a clue people they not hard to get just have to use a vet reward pick or spend 10$ on the code store. Or perhaps you might have the funds in game to get them. Not my fault you all poor and can't save up 10 mill to buy one.

Perhaps its just the fact i don't fully agree with the idea of idoc's seems wrong being able to loot another persons hard work i say just delete everything in the houses when they fall and let any unique server birth items respawn in the wilds when they do get deleted.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
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the idea of idoc's seems wrong being able to loot another persons hard work
So you think that if the owner of a rares museum who has server birth and old seer/EM event items quits playing for good, all those pieces of shard history should just disappear into nothingness?

And for the record, I'm not in favor of this idea because I need more soulstones myself. I have several on both of my accounts, and I don't camp idoc's more than once or twice a year. I just find it a shame that such a useful item becomes less than worthless once the owner of it closes their account, espically when someone out there who might not have the extra gold/cash to buy tokens, and has used their vet rewards but still needs a few more stones could use them.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I personally have about 15 or 18 regular Soul Stones and about 15 fragments currently being used and I have I think 5 regular stones empty and about 400 fragment tokens. So I am not asking this because I need them. It would be nice to have a few extras that can be sold. Also I don't sit at IDOCs all the time. It just happened that the Keep I bought two days ago had recently IDOC'd and I was going through all the crates and found stones and frags in the junk and thought it would be nice if they could be useful even if we had to pay a fee.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Soul stone un binding
Fact is i could go both ways on this issue i can see it being good and bad i fear it would be more detrimental then anything and so i am saying i don't think it should happen. As for idoc's i do think that if a player is going to quit they should either sell the items, give them away or dump them at the bank not let the house drop and have the people who use a 3rd party program for scouting idoc homes get rich because they cheet. I do attend an idoc now and then and have gotten a fair haul of loot on occasion but i don't feel i earned any of it and would rather the items went poof to be honest.


If the skills are wiped clean, I see no problems with this idea.

However, the tweak I would make to the system would be: the account the soulstone is currently bound to MUST be inactive when trying to unbind them.

And as someone else mentioned, most of the people who complain about increased item availability are usually the ones who are trying to sell them on a vendor.:loser:

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i do think that if a player is going to quit they should either sell the items, give them away or dump them at the bank not let the house drop and have the people who use a 3rd party program for scouting idoc homes get rich because they cheet.
The problem is not with the IDOC system, it's with scripters.