What about the option to just get rid of the EM program and have more global events and new quests? Hire some of the more talented EMs to work part-time with the dev team to create them. With no more EM program to manage and create items for, Mesanna and the rest of the dev team would have more time to devote to the game as a whole, and more importantly, EVERYONE who pays a subscription will have the ability to enjoy and appreciate their efforts, not just the people who have schedules that allow them to go to EM events. Plus eliminating the EM events should alleviate some of the pressure on the GM team and instead of having to decide which group of multi-boxers to catch at an event full of players, they can focus on catching the multi-boxers in more isolated settings. The dev team would also have more time to work with roleplaying groups to find out if there are any tools that can be added to the game to provide more and better role playing experiences.