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Help. what the heck is this



I was making cloth and this just popped up =[. It says I am saying " I'm in the hack!" I'm upset about this/



Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hmm, this was posted a while ago by someone else I think.

You don't happen to be running any script or UOA are you?
That was one of the theories on the last post.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
reported first here

suggest you change all passwords (to ease your mind) and then send as many details as you can recall in bug report... original report dealt with cloth, also (filling bods)

and reading that original more thoroughly poster there was also cutting cloth... sumpin there


no . I was using the uosa macro to spin wool with the repeat 10. you cant run uoa in SA enhanced and I have no ideal how to make a script. is some one trying to hack me or is mystic saying I'm hacking :{


Are you using a skin? The other person who had this experience thought that it was the result of using one of the SA Client skins.

It's likely nothing, but if it were me, I'd run a virus scan, a spyware scan, change my passwords, and go back to the 2d client. ;) But that's probably just paranoia.


some one else said they got this message trying to combine abysal cloth... it may just be an easter egg that the devs left in :p


no skins . would not even know how to put one on my game. ill run a tune up . but if i change my passwords will someone be able to get my e-mail for my account


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
How could this possibly be a hack? You can't have more than one person logged into one account at one time. No one would hack you just to set up your macros to spit something out when you perform an action. Probably it's some mis-programmed code comment or something. Just bug report it, don't freak out or anything.


Chrissay posted on another thread that this is a miss-linked message for 'you don't have enough room in your pack for the results'.


Interesting stuff in the cliloc now:

Shame on you for attempting to hack the client!

did naked hack

Super hack initiated...

Hack mover is now on.

Hack mover is now off.

Hack Move

Trebr Drab

On a side note, I noticed several new burning houses on Fire Isle, some time in the last few weeks.


On a side note, I noticed several new burning houses on Fire Isle, some time in the last few weeks.

If on Pac they're not new.

Just leftovers the GMs never cleaned up.

Couple more in Fel far east and cross some bridges from Yew gate, also old.

Idocers have seen them many times.

Lady Mana

Millie, I haven't encountered this but I wouldn't think it's anything to worry about. Chrissay from EA admits it's just a kink... "It's not a hack it's the incorrect phrasing for an error message that you don't have enough resources in your pack". But, if you're paranoid or anything, it wouldn't hurt to change your passwords just for ease of mind. It's good to change your password every few months, anyway! *smiles*

Since it was *you* using the account when the message popped up, I don't think anything out of the ordinary was going on -- it's not like someone is going to remotely access your computer and start running UO Scripts! I'm sure they'd have other things on their mind, hehe.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Interesting stuff in the cliloc now:

Shame on you for attempting to hack the client!

did naked hack

Super hack initiated...

Hack mover is now on.

Hack mover is now off.

Hack Move
Ooo looks like they put in a speedhack detector, woot!

But mis-linked the message for other stuff to this message as well.

Let's see if there will be another round of mass bannings :D

Folks that are using illegal apps, you have been warned.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I had this message too when I've been using the tailoring gump. Scared the hell outta me! But figured it was just a kink or something.