Hello? Is anybody home? Communication concerns and more

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I can understand the devs and Parizad getting upset when they try to keep us updated and some people have the nerve to expect more information than "no ETA" and get quite rude about it, but.... those are very few here. I feel it's unfair for the rest of the community to be punished just because a few people got rude in their comments when the game was down for many, many hours, and they tried to demand more information. Yet that is exactly what this is feeling like to me, a few got rude, got nasty with their comments, so now none of us get any information at all.

We are walking on a thin rope here, so many are unhappy with the way things are going. Don't desert us now. Keep us informed and keep the lines of communication open, it's our only hope for this games survival. This community can be so much more understanding IF we know what is going on rather than all the rumors flying around and the conclusions so many jump to.

Get involved in our discussions here. Let us know what you think. Let us know where you are headed with things. Give us some idea of what is coming next. I know many are wondering when amnesty will take place, I hope you are realizing that it will be a deciding factor for many whether they stay or go. And in all honesty, I really really hope we have something in the game that is actually fun to do, BEFORE it happens, or I look for there to be a very large exodus.

Most of us play this game to have fun, and there is just too little fun to be had now. It's too hard to earn money, and too expensive to build. Prices are outrageous on way too many things. Jobs are still just as boring as they were a year ago, but the pay is much less. Skilling still takes way too long, and those tiny bits of increased speed, when Luc feels like "feeling the love" as he visits skill houses, isn't enough. We need new things to do, and no amount of custom content will give us that, at least not any time soon. Where are the objects we were promised from the offline expansion packs? Sure some of us can add them as decorative things but what good is that? Bring them on, let us have some fun, and let us earn a decent wage, including working from our homes if that is our choice.

I think the biggest mistake you are making is trying to do cash out. This game could have it all IF you don't try to pay people back. There are other ways for players to cash out, EA doesn't need to be the ones buying. Does Second Life buy back lindens? I know IMVU doesn't buy back credits. I really think you guys need to rethink the whole concept.

Players of EA Land could choose to actually earn a decent wage working or buying simoleans, same as they have always done. With custom content and EA actually adding new things to the game, it would be wonderful. It was the lack of updates that killed this game, it wasn't making $655 per story. I understand you are giving us the tools to provide updates for the game in the future, but we need fun things now. And I still think, even with custom content, EA should continue to add new fun things for us too. Give us interactions, new job tracks, those offline objects, like the fishing pier, heck maybe that could be a new job, we could be fishersims or something.

For extra revenue, EA should sell fruit. That would keep the price of fruit in EA's control. I'm sure they could auto ripen trees on a special EA lot if they chose to.

Sorry for the long winded post. I keep wishing I could sit down and actually discuss my thoughts on it all with a dev but of course that won't happen, so here it is, for all to pick apart. Go for it if you must. Add your thoughts, these are just mine.

imported_Danny Dots

I know that we are all humans and even developers aren't all perfect and all knowing humans, even though that would be great.

I really like to be informed and I love the communication between the devs. I too have a feeling that lately they haven't been communicating with us as much as they use to.

I want to apologize for some of the rude remarks that players have made because some of them were just terrible and awful.

At the same time, the lack of communication just could be due to the fact that they are really busy. I'm not sure which one it is. I would like to see them get more involved and answer more of our questions. Tell us where we are heading. There have been so many posts, especially some recent ones, that would be interesting to see what a dev thought of it or their answer in the best way possible.

I also think the cash out program isn't the best idea for EA Land. I don't mind it though, I understand why they want to do it. I just don't think cashing out is needed in the game. That's not how or why anyone that I know or myself play. I've never met some in old TSO/EA Land who wanted to sell their simoleans for real cash. This idea is very new to me since I have rejoined and I still don't have any interest in using it.

Edit - to fix some typos


I still think the cash out feature isn't good for this game.


Othere than the silence on the job bug in TC3, I *still* do believe communication is at least 5 times better than it was this time last year. They've backslid a little bit, but that's due to a few different things, among them being the time crunch that they are under, and the other being the abuse that some of the community has heaped onto them, particularly in the Town Hall. I hope if nothing else that we will start seeing more postings in the "Messages from EA" forum where the threads are locked and players cannot get rude and snarky in response to them keeping us informed. Even if that's the only forum besides their own blog they posted in from here on out I'd be OK with it just because we'd *know* what was going on, and then could fight things out here amongst ourselves if we really felt we had to without them being exposed to it. Somebody once made the comment that they made 'good' money....I gotta say, even a quarter million dollar a year salary would not be enough for me to continuously take some of the abuse and badgering I've seen them take.


I agree, I like the one way communication thread to receive information, at least that way you don't have to wade through a bunch of crap to get the info. I would appreciate more of those kind of posts now and then.


Are you kidding me?
There has been 100 times MORE communication put out in the last year by the whole team, then we have ever had before. Parizad relocated and Lee has been talking people thru things like log in issued on yim for Gods sake.!

The game has needed and is being given a HUGE amount of work lately. many changes have already happened and many more are in the works, check out the Dev blogs, those people have been working ungodly hours and then going home and working even more.

Not only are they having to keep up with the regular day to day grind, they are basically developing a whole new game around us AND still having to drop that to deal with scammers and cheaters and emergencies.

Personally, I would much rather have them focused on the game then running to Stratics or blogging about it just to hold hands and smoothe feathers every time the game hic-cups . . .



Does Second Life buy back lindens?

[/ QUOTE ]




Are you kidding me?
There has been 100 times MORE communication put out in the last year by the whole team, then we have ever had before. Parizad relocated and Lee has been talking people thru things like log in issued on yim for Gods sake.!

The game has needed and is being given a HUGE amount of work lately. many changes have already happened and many more are in the works, check out the Dev blogs, those people have been working ungodly hours and then going home and working even more.

Not only are they having to keep up with the regular day to day grind, they are basically developing a whole new game around us AND still having to drop that to deal with scammers and cheaters and emergencies.

Personally, I would much rather have them focused on the game then running to Stratics or blogging about it just to hold hands and smoothe feathers every time the game hic-cups . . .

[/ QUOTE ]



Are you kidding me?
There has been 100 times MORE communication put out in the last year by the whole team, then we have ever had before. Parizad relocated and Lee has been talking people thru things like log in issued on yim for Gods sake.!

The game has needed and is being given a HUGE amount of work lately. many changes have already happened and many more are in the works, check out the Dev blogs, those people have been working ungodly hours and then going home and working even more.

Not only are they having to keep up with the regular day to day grind, they are basically developing a whole new game around us AND still having to drop that to deal with scammers and cheaters and emergencies.

Personally, I would much rather have them focused on the game then running to Stratics or blogging about it just to hold hands and smoothe feathers every time the game hic-cups . . .

[/ QUOTE ]

Well said.




Are you kidding me?
There has been 100 times MORE communication put out in the last year by the whole team, then we have ever had before. Parizad relocated and Lee has been talking people thru things like log in issued on yim for Gods sake.!

The game has needed and is being given a HUGE amount of work lately. many changes have already happened and many more are in the works, check out the Dev blogs, those people have been working ungodly hours and then going home and working even more.

Not only are they having to keep up with the regular day to day grind, they are basically developing a whole new game around us AND still having to drop that to deal with scammers and cheaters and emergencies.

Personally, I would much rather have them focused on the game then running to Stratics or blogging about it just to hold hands and smoothe feathers every time the game hic-cups . . .

[/ QUOTE ]
This is one of the very few posts that I can whole heartedly say I agree with. Unless they personally someone sitting at a computer typing every response or have someone reading them every posts, unfortunately they won't always have time to be able to READ every single posts or WRITE a response. It would be awesome if they could but we very well know that they can't. All we know is that they are trying to make the game more enjoyable for us and that means that sometimes we have to deal with some silence. That's something I can deal with as long as I know something is always being done to help me enjoy TSO!

(sshhh I can hear the devs grinding gears in the background)


I personally would be alot happier if something FUN was introduced to the game and building costs went down. The devs do answer ims in game and that is good enough for me.



I totally agree with you. If they answer every post they wont have time to work on what they need too. maybe a weekly or biweekly posting saying we're still here and we're trying. Would help a few people we've been so long without updates in Tso that people get nervous with long periods of silence. Since Ea they have done great though and I appreciate the Devs so much. Thanks to all of you.

I do have to say that I think letting people sell back their simoleans or whatever for cash is a bad idea. Main reason being it will give botters more incentive to ruin our game. And I personally dont like the economics of the game etc I have to worry enough about bills in rl. Its not fun to have to do it in game too. I hope that soon The prices of land and building go down or at least they open up some low income housing or a trailer park lol
Call it Tso or Ea Land ...call them Sims or Avatars its still the game we made real with all the peeps.


"If they answer every post they wont have time to work on what they need too."...

Where, in the original post, was this suggested? Or any post for that matter?

imported_Danny Dots


Are you kidding me?
There has been 100 times MORE communication put out in the last year by the whole team, then we have ever had before. Parizad relocated and Lee has been talking people thru things like log in issued on yim for Gods sake.!

The game has needed and is being given a HUGE amount of work lately. many changes have already happened and many more are in the works, check out the Dev blogs, those people have been working ungodly hours and then going home and working even more.

Not only are they having to keep up with the regular day to day grind, they are basically developing a whole new game around us AND still having to drop that to deal with scammers and cheaters and emergencies.

Personally, I would much rather have them focused on the game then running to Stratics or blogging about it just to hold hands and smoothe feathers every time the game hic-cups . . .

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with you as well.

I think the communication is better than its ever been! Better then beta and better than old TSO. I thank them very much for that.

I know that they are busy and thats why posts have been less within the past couple of days, but i just want to make sure we aren't going down the slippery slope of no communication again.


"Where, in the original post, was this suggested? Or any post for that matter? "

I'm pretty sure if people are wanting answers to their questions that someone would have to answer a post somewhere ...I could be wrong though you tell me



I can understand the devs and Parizad getting upset when they try to keep us updated and some people have the nerve to expect more information than "no ETA" and get quite rude about it, but.... those are very few here. I feel it's unfair for the rest of the community to be punished just because a few people got rude in their comments when the game was down for many, many hours, and they tried to demand more information. Yet that is exactly what this is feeling like to me, a few got rude, got nasty with their comments, so now none of us get any information at all.

We are walking on a thin rope here, so many are unhappy with the way things are going. Don't desert us now. Keep us informed and keep the lines of communication open, it's our only hope for this games survival. This community can be so much more understanding IF we know what is going on rather than all the rumors flying around and the conclusions so many jump to.

Get involved in our discussions here. Let us know what you think. Let us know where you are headed with things. Give us some idea of what is coming next. I know many are wondering when amnesty will take place, I hope you are realizing that it will be a deciding factor for many whether they stay or go. And in all honesty, I really really hope we have something in the game that is actually fun to do, BEFORE it happens, or I look for there to be a very large exodus.

Most of us play this game to have fun, and there is just too little fun to be had now. It's too hard to earn money, and too expensive to build. Prices are outrageous on way too many things. Jobs are still just as boring as they were a year ago, but the pay is much less. Skilling still takes way too long, and those tiny bits of increased speed, when Luc feels like "feeling the love" as he visits skill houses, isn't enough. We need new things to do, and no amount of custom content will give us that, at least not any time soon. Where are the objects we were promised from the offline expansion packs? Sure some of us can add them as decorative things but what good is that? Bring them on, let us have some fun, and let us earn a decent wage, including working from our homes if that is our choice.

I think the biggest mistake you are making is trying to do cash out. This game could have it all IF you don't try to pay people back. There are other ways for players to cash out, EA doesn't need to be the ones buying. Does Second Life buy back lindens? I know IMVU doesn't buy back credits. I really think you guys need to rethink the whole concept.

Players of EA Land could choose to actually earn a decent wage working or buying simoleans, same as they have always done. With custom content and EA actually adding new things to the game, it would be wonderful. It was the lack of updates that killed this game, it wasn't making $655 per story. I understand you are giving us the tools to provide updates for the game in the future, but we need fun things now. And I still think, even with custom content, EA should continue to add new fun things for us too. Give us interactions, new job tracks, those offline objects, like the fishing pier, heck maybe that could be a new job, we could be fishersims or something.

For extra revenue, EA should sell fruit. That would keep the price of fruit in EA's control. I'm sure they could auto ripen trees on a special EA lot if they chose to.

Sorry for the long winded post. I keep wishing I could sit down and actually discuss my thoughts on it all with a dev but of course that won't happen, so here it is, for all to pick apart. Go for it if you must. Add your thoughts, these are just mine.

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I agree with most of this.
Communication is a two-way street. So is cooperation.
They want our feedback, but are not as forthcoming in return.
I know they're busy. I know they are working hard, but the last few months have been a virtual blackout of communication. They know people are confused, they know people are angry - but, for whatever reason, they stay silent.
They will post about this new thing, or that new mini-game, but even though the same thread or blog entry may be filled with questions, they seldom say anything - when they do, it's short and curt, and usually doesn't answer much.

I read all these posts pointing out that they're working on the game - good, I'm glad - but, we the players are a major component of the game also, and could use a little periodic maintenance too.


Well said. As usual you put into words what I cannot. *applauds*


Am I allowed to say...that some members display characteristics of having possible serious online gaming addictions?

I stumbled across a couple of articles related to online gaming addictions and they were real eye openers.


Man, we've had more comm in the past year than we've ever had, ever. I guess some people are never satisfied?? Would you seriously rather they come here to post and talk about every little thing or would you rather them just get it done.

It makes no sense. They're busy people...

eta: the cash out idea I don't really like either but that's a seperate issue for a seperate thread.


"Am I allowed to say...that some members display characteristics of having possible serious online gaming addictions? "

Yep I have known many tso addicts for years ..Pleads innocence


I've only been playing since December, so I don't really have any comment on how things used to be, but I do appreciate the dedication of the devs on fixing bugs, lag, etc. in the short amount of time I've been playing.

There will always be people who's mission in life it is to rile people up. If they hated this game that much, there are others they could go play. Instead of ranting about what is wrong, more people should start posts about how they think it can be fixed.

However, I'm already pretty bored with the game, and don't find it as fun as I did when I first started. I only logged in the other day to delete all my "vote" cards, because I think that whole debacle is a waste of everyones time. I understand wanting to get the community involved, but there will always be people who disagree with whatever choice is made, whether we got a vote or not. We didn't get to vote to start calling them avatars, so why bother about the money name?

I think that the devs think that things like the lava game and voting for the new simolean name is the "FUN" that people have been waiting for. These "games" are only a band-aid on what seems to be a broken leg. People are looking for things that will be permanently in game- new or revamped job tracks, new skilling items, new interactions, etc. The wiki is full of ideas for fishing, a bakery, and jobs sims can do from their own lot among other things.

I realize the devs are doing their best to keep the game alive, but in order to do that, new things have to be introduced for everyone to enjoy. Custom content is great if you can afford/create it, but a new skill or money object would benefit a lot more people. The Cash Out feature is pretty much a joke as far as I'm concerned, because the people who are choosing to work as opposed to buying $ from the ATM aren't making enough in general to sell back anyway!

I want to get back to the point where I can't wait to get home from work to log on. I love my online friends, but I need something fun to do when they aren't there to sit around the campfire and tell ghost stories. When I was first "discovering" TSO, I loved finding out all my interactions, and what each thing did. Give me some fun new stuff to discover again!

Maybe it has to wait until the major issues are fixed, but why not start contests to find 5 new interactions, or create a new money object or something?



Maybe it has to wait until the major issues are fixed, but why not start contests to find 5 new interactions, or create a new money object or something?

[/ QUOTE ]

New interactions would be soooo fine!!!

I'm sorry but I'm soooo missing my clothes too!!

I sure hope they get us some CC on the clothing racks and soon.

My main fear with cc clothing at the moment is that I may find my sim wearing a rug or a SticPic instead of a hot dress. LMAO.

imported_Qute Pi


Man, we've had more comm in the past year than we've ever had, ever. I guess some people are never satisfied?? Would you seriously rather they come here to post and talk about every little thing or would you rather them just get it done.
It makes no sense. They're busy people...

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok while I agree that I'd rather them do their job, I also agree that there is a serious communication problem. There has to be a happy medium. They post a topic on the blog and then let us all fight and speculate on the subject(s) for days or weeks. You think that helps us?

For all of you who want to say we have more communication now than a year ago, well we should, we aren't playing "TSO" anymore, it shouldn't be compared.

They want to change simoleans, TSO, legacy cities, sims, so then stop acting like we are playing the same game that was ignored for so long in the past. This is EAL, we are avatars, legacy cities don't exist (except in our hearts) and best of all we spend EAbucks/EADollars/Ebucks/... or did we forget already?

I respect the dev's, I appreciate the dev's (some more than others), but that isn't going to stop me from speaking up on the lack of communication, or many mis-communications we receive. They need some type of public relations person that is not a dev, and not busy with a million things. Why not get volunteers? Oh wait, they would be called cheerleaders, nvm.

Someone somewhere mentioned bringing back that question answer thing they did in the past to weed out the unnecessary stuff that happens in the Town Hall, I think that would be a great idea!


Maybe I'm confused.... what is the serious communication problem?

Everytime i've emailed a bug they've answered me ASAP and usually things have been fixed. They blog practically every day, as soon as the city is down or broken Lee is immediately in the thread giving us updates. Am I missing something?


I just did a quick search cause I am on my way to work and don't have time. BUT on Stratics alone in the month of march EALEE posted 104 times.

maybe its just me, but that sounds a little communication like to me.

I didn't even look at the blog or the other Devs.

so Idk, maybe we aren't reading the same forums cause I seem to be seeing a lot more communication then you. ?????


I agree 100% CntryGrl.
Was going to post something about it but you took the words right out of my mouth.

What makes me so angry is that instead of adding new exciting features to the game such as amnesty and objects from offline sims - they are spending their time taking the simness away. Like renaming the currency to something ridiculous. Not many people like the names if you couldn't tell by the poll.

Another feature their spending their time adding which also makes me angry is being able to change your sim 'oval' picture in game to anything you want. That just takes a huge chunk of the game away for me. The whole motto of TSO was to be somebody else. What is EA Land's motto now? Doesn't seem like anything important to me.

Again the thing that makes me angry the most is they are doing things now that could be done AFTER amnesty and the addition of fun things to keep players playing the game.

I to agree that cash out is going to ruin the game.

I'm not one to be such a complainer...but I'm not sure how much longer I can take this. The daily resets for absolutely nothing, the monotony of the game, and the deteriorating communication link between the devs and players.



I just did a quick search cause I am on my way to work and don't have time. BUT on Stratics alone in the month of march EALEE posted 104 times.

maybe its just me, but that sounds a little communication like to me.

I didn't even look at the blog or the other Devs.

so Idk, maybe we aren't reading the same forums cause I seem to be seeing a lot more communication then you. ?????

[/ QUOTE ]

What about Parizad and Greg? I've seen posts from them. Count those when you get a chance too... kthnx.

imported_Qute Pi

Ok first its not all about technical issues and bugs. Some of us want more reasons to stay involved with a game; we have no clue what direction its going in. Do the dev's know which direction its going in?

Are people going to get reimbursed for the poofed items they experience and waste their hard earned money / atm money on?

Are we actually getting sims 1 items? When?

Why does it take them 3 weeks to bring up currency voting when they said it would happen in a "couple days". Not to mention it was all a waste of time anyway.

What are the actual hours to the town hall? Obviously not the ones posted on the blog.

What is the fun they speak of that is coming to this game? *hears crickets*

Are payouts really going to be increased and is botting really the reason why they are so low?

What is the actual date of amnesty? So far its been pushed back 3 times. That also happens with every "fun" card game we get. Starts off as couple days then we hold 10 cards in our limited inventory for 2 weeks, waiting.

It only took them 5 months to mention what the anniversary gifts were, lol, and I have no idea why, they look cheap.

Skill locks are now by entitlement days however many of my avatars don't have the correct amount of locks.
Or why haven't I received my bonus on any of my accounts in weeks? (yes I report everything also)

Why is it that every day someone asks about custom content cashe folder and how to clean it. Shouldn't that be something mentioned to all players via pop up in game? It effects all players with these card games, and I know not everyone who plays reads stratics. They pay for a game, not pay to read forums all day.

Will we get a new and improved 100 list so its fair to all or just widgets via facebook?

Did they actually say at a TH meeting (that only 30 so ppl could be at) that stores are allowed to over ride the time out feature?

Why are we told in one post that top 5 simolean rename entry ppl will get 5k, or 5k for each of their entries in the top 5 and then next post it says only 1 from each person will be paid, regardless if 2 of their top 5 entries are from the same person?

Are the future anniversary gifts, city from gifts, and whatever else going to be tradable?

"Your oldest sim will receive the cards, bonus, etc." Ok well I know I'm not the only one that found things on a different sim. So we have to search in order to participate? Good thing I don't have too many accounts.

Ok I got all that off the top of my head, but I can keep going if you'd like.

I'm not at all against the dev's and I have loved this game from the beginning, I was able to amuse myself when nothing was happening, but not having answers makes me not want to bother signing on. Most of my friends have left this game in the past 2 months. Any word on if our subscriber # has increased? Is this game going to make it past this summer? I just think they could do a better job at answering some of the duplicate questions I see all the time. You don't have to agree with me.

And in my last post I feel I was also constructive in adding a suggestion on how this could be done different. May not have been my idea, but it was a good one.

Who else helps you besides Lee? Lee is the one most of us count on...yet he still has a job to do...and we still pay to play...as a paying subscriber I think we deserve clarification on things.

imported_Qute Pi


I just did a quick search cause I am on my way to work and don't have time. BUT on Stratics alone in the month of march EALEE posted 104 times.

maybe its just me, but that sounds a little communication like to me.

I didn't even look at the blog or the other Devs.

so Idk, maybe we aren't reading the same forums cause I seem to be seeing a lot more communication then you. ?????

[/ QUOTE ]

That includes the pirate comments, the server down comments, the no eta yet comments. Give me numbers that include posts with actual answers to questions.




I just did a quick search cause I am on my way to work and don't have time. BUT on Stratics alone in the month of march EALEE posted 104 times.

maybe its just me, but that sounds a little communication like to me.

I didn't even look at the blog or the other Devs.

so Idk, maybe we aren't reading the same forums cause I seem to be seeing a lot more communication then you. ?????

[/ QUOTE ]

That includes the pirate comments, the server down comments, the no eta yet comments. Give me numbers that include posts with actual answers to questions.

[/ QUOTE ]

OH for the love of God. i don't have time to look up everything everyone connected with this game said and where. I am not th one complaining of lack of communication. If ya 'all seriously believe they are lacking in that , look it up for yourslves.

like jackiee said... that was just lee. look up the rest. look at the new forum put in just for them. look in server outages and city hall and the 3 sites EA has for info. while you are at it take a poll of just how many people were assisted by lee alone via phone .yim.and in game , do a seperate poll of the same, but during his OFF hours , he probally made a couple house calls too .

you can not honestly sit there and say they are not communicating with us and if you honestly DO believe that, well then you may have other issues that perhaps playing a game isn't going to address.

imported_Qute Pi

no your not the one complaining but your arguing with those who are. Don't argue points if you don't want to do the homework.

Edit to add: You act like I don't know what Lee does. I am very aware of what Lee does, he has helped me many times, but I don't expect Lee to answer every question we all have. There is more than 1 dev...in case you didn't notice.

imported_Qute Pi


you can not honestly sit there and say they are not communicating with us and if you honestly DO believe that, well then you may have other issues that perhaps playing a game isn't going to address.

[/ QUOTE ]



Replying to last..

I agree Cntry.. I had an incident happen recently and am getting completely ignored now by the dev involved.. I'm not taking this personal - I believe the dev is just probably fed up with all the complaints and problems they are constantly asked to correct or solve, so they're probably on a temporary hiatus required to keep their sanity lol....

I think the devs deserve a looooong vacation away from this game... If it was me, I'd be getting a nervous tick reaction when anyone mentioned 'EA Land'.. Kinda like Chief Inspector Dreyfus' reaction when he hears the name 'Clouseau' lol..



Poster: CntryGrl
Subject: Re: Hello? Is anybody home? Communication concerns and more

I can understand the devs and Parizad getting upset when they try to keep us updated and some people have the nerve to expect more information than "no ETA" and get quite rude about it, but.... those are very few here. I feel it's unfair for the rest of the community to be punished just because a few people got rude in their comments when the game was down for many, many hours, and they tried to demand more information. Yet that is exactly what this is feeling like to me, a few got rude, got nasty with their comments, so now none of us get any information at all.

We are walking on a thin rope here, so many are unhappy with the way things are going. Don't desert us now. Keep us informed and keep the lines of communication open, it's our only hope for this games survival. This community can be so much more understanding IF we know what is going on rather than all the rumors flying around and the conclusions so many jump to.

Get involved in our discussions here. Let us know what you think. Let us know where you are headed with things. Give us some idea of what is coming next. I know many are wondering when amnesty will take place, I hope you are realizing that it will be a deciding factor for many whether they stay or go. And in all honesty, I really really hope we have something in the game that is actually fun to do, BEFORE it happens, or I look for there to be a very large exodus.

Most of us play this game to have fun, and there is just too little fun to be had now. It's too hard to earn money, and too expensive to build. Prices are outrageous on way too many things. Jobs are still just as boring as they were a year ago, but the pay is much less. Skilling still takes way too long, and those tiny bits of increased speed, when Luc feels like "feeling the love" as he visits skill houses, isn't enough. We need new things to do, and no amount of custom content will give us that, at least not any time soon. Where are the objects we were promised from the offline expansion packs? Sure some of us can add them as decorative things but what good is that? Bring them on, let us have some fun, and let us earn a decent wage, including working from our homes if that is our choice.

I think the biggest mistake you are making is trying to do cash out. This game could have it all IF you don't try to pay people back. There are other ways for players to cash out, EA doesn't need to be the ones buying. Does Second Life buy back lindens? I know IMVU doesn't buy back credits. I really think you guys need to rethink the whole concept.

Players of EA Land could choose to actually earn a decent wage working or buying simoleans, same as they have always done. With custom content and EA actually adding new things to the game, it would be wonderful. It was the lack of updates that killed this game, it wasn't making $655 per story. I understand you are giving us the tools to provide updates for the game in the future, but we need fun things now. And I still think, even with custom content, EA should continue to add new fun things for us too. Give us interactions, new job tracks, those offline objects, like the fishing pier, heck maybe that could be a new job, we could be fishersims or something.

For extra revenue, EA should sell fruit. That would keep the price of fruit in EA's control. I'm sure they could auto ripen trees on a special EA lot if they chose to.

Sorry for the long winded post. I keep wishing I could sit down and actually discuss my thoughts on it all with a dev but of course that won't happen, so here it is, for all to pick apart. Go for it if you must. Add your thoughts, these are just mine.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with about 90% of what you're saying.
By the way CntryGrl, your rock!.

Green Moon


The reason I posted this to start with, is because yesterday for the first time since Luc came back and started all this EA Land business, TC3 received an 11.6mb update and there wasn't one word mentioned about it happening. It concerns me that they have decided to stop communicating entirely with us. I do not expect them to hold everyones hand as you seem to think. But there is apparently something wrong when they don't even post about an update, don't you think? I know they are busy, but I also know what a complete lack of communication has done for us in the past, I am hoping that doesn't happen again.




you can not honestly sit there and say they are not communicating with us and if you honestly DO believe that, well then you may have other issues that perhaps playing a game isn't going to address.

[/ QUOTE ]


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shouting in caps in a DISCUSSION forum doesn't look too great on one's personality either.

There's atleast two sides to every issue and you cannot seriously expect people to not reply in the thread if they disagree with something/someone.


I'm just replying in general. I find many contradictions with the OP but... perception is perception. I don't think there is anything that I'm going to say that is going to make the opposing view feel any differently but I will say ... no matter what in any situation, communication can always be at its best or improved. But I think that the people we have on our team are doing their best with what they have.

This is new territory for many of us. Including our team.

When there is an issue present, and an answer isn't given immediately, I don't believe that the answer is being held to spite us or mock us... I believe that there is simply not a straight answer.

When there is a "no ETA" instead of giving a round about date, I prefer that. I've been around this stratics block long enough to know that even though something has "estimated" in front of it or "possibly" some people are not smart enough to pick up those key words and take it as written in stone.

So I think many times suppositions and speculations are avoided by those who have to communicate with us in order to keep things .calm.

I know for a fact that the team is working hard, crazy hours to meet deadlines they are setting up.

I know to check the blog. Where there is constant communication.
I know how to "search" users posts if I want to see if Lee, Greg or Pari said anything specifically here on Stratics.

And I personally think that communication is fine.
I don't begrudge those who think otherwise...

But I also don't understand the need for people to come in here and act like they are speaking for the community.

Nobody in this thread has voiced my opinions yet.

I could care less about the plight of our dev team. Or the plight of our players.

Just that the game is being worked on and improved.

I'm looking forward to Custom Content.
When Custom Content is in full swing... I will use ATM's to get money to buy cute clothing. I'm not above that.

When/if I sell custom content I will use the cash out feature if needs be.

I'm looking forward to amnesty. I'm pretty sure if they had a set in stone date they would give us this date. But the fact that they have not leads me to believe they are working out last details and also giving old players the opportunity to return.

I'm in full belief that if EA FFL'd the original TSO cities/players, we would be much further in the development process of EA-Land and all the wonderful things we've read about. they were trying to please us by moving our original avatars, city maps, lots and possessions, and working on getting us our skill locks, anniversary gifts has set them back. The fact that they were trying to keep the majority happy has set them back I'm sure.

I appreciate this.

But anyone who tries to please all of the people all of the time is doomed to fail.

Its how I roll.


General warning to the thread.
Let's keep this discussion on track without taking it to personal attacks and screaming at each other.

EAL/TSO Stratics Forum Moderator


You CC a rug dress, and my sim will happily buy it from you and wear it proudly. I think that would be great.

Actually- how about one of the old barrell with suspenders getups? Or paper bags for the sims that are sick of looking at the same old head every day?

I have too much free time today.

imported_Qute Pi


There's atleast two sides to every issue and you cannot seriously expect people to not reply in the thread if they disagree with something/someone.

[/ QUOTE ]

Disagreeing and attacking are two different things.



Is there more communication now compared to 2 years ago? Yes. Hell, there was none back then so anything is an improvement. Are the dev team communicating every little thing? No. They do not need to nor do they have the time to answer every question we have. I acutally liked the meetings they used to hold. People submitted their questions and it was very organized. I have gone into the Town Hall to try and ask questions... nearly impossible.

Let them get through the rough parts right now. There are many issues that need to be fixed that take a higher priority. New interactions? I would love them. But, what good would they be if the game shuts down? The game must turn a profit. Moving everything to 1 server (2 including TC3) and getting rid of the extra expenses was a great first step. The introducing of new players? Fantastic. Now we need to give them a reason to become paying members.

B Rain

I have a similar idea. Probably here or in EA-Land blog, they could make a page where players can post any question to the devs. The devs will have the opportunity to reply all of the questions. All of it, should be posted with numbers for other players to read. If anyone asks a repeat question, they can direct them to the numbers for him/her to refer.

This way IMO, they probably can open Town Hall like once a month. Anyway, not all players will be able to come to the specific time whenever they are there. Ppl may have work/different time zone/etc. Having a place to post questions and to read the answers later, will give everyone a chance to participate.

Also, just make it a questions/answers page. No discussion allowed there. If we want to fight or give suggestions, we can always do it here in stratics.

As for me, I am happy with the devs!

Just an opinion.. ^-^


I like the idea, but how much time can the dev team dedicate to reply to all the questions we will ask? IMO, after about 2 hours, there will be over 100 questions I am sure. I would rather have less communication and more fixes and updates.

The dev team is keeping this game going. If they shut it down, there won't be any communication... lol


easy solution to botters. BAN THEM FOR EVER. they are ruining it for EVERYONE.


But how do you tell who is botting and who isn't without physically watching? Remember, rebooting the server is also kicking the botters offline. So not only is it helping with the lag, it is stopping the botters from being online 24/7

B Rain

LOL if the devs have to answer all the questions in one day, I'm sure they will commit suicide! lol

What I meant was, just get 1 place to have questions/answers section. Much like FAQ. Instead of having to go to forums, blogs, town hall meetings, in game IM's, etc, why not have 1 place where all of these, where everyone can access and read easily.

No doubt, there might be thousands of questions in a day, but I'm sure the dev team are smart enough to answer all [bold]legitimate[/bold] questions only, in a timely manner.

Just like you said, when they did the IRC chat forum.


I have spent the last 30 minutes reading every post on this subject, and now wish to comment. I agree with alot that CG said. When the renewal of TSO was first starting the Dev team was more forthcoming with the day to day plans and now we have people begging for answers with none seen. I like the idea of just a question and answer blog, and I don't think there would be too many questions. I come to stratics nearly everyday to see what people are talking about and usually they are asking the same questions over and over, with a few new ones sprinkled in here and there. It would make a great place for people to find the RIGHT answers to their questions.

I also think that the fun factor is severely lacking. Working a sim (avatar) job is boring. Skilling is boring. Money objects are boring. If we were truly honest about this game most of us let our sims do boring things while we talk with each other, or watch the conversations others are having, or reading the bios of everyone on the lot, or looking at the top 100 list to see if there is another place open that looks more interesting. I would love to see games introduced into the sims, something like the mazes that some lots used to have. I am sure that a creative person could think of many more ways to play games. If everyone that played had to pay a small fee (like when you go to play minigolf or bowling in RL) the collective amount could be used as prize money for the winner. Minus a percent for the owner of the lot. And maybe this is just wishful thinking on my part.

Maybe the Devs could think about creating objects to make game lots, or letting some genius player help them. I like the offline sims games because there is always something new being created in each expansion for my sim to do.

I also hate the economy that is currently in place. I don't think it is fair that the players who can afford to use the ATM can afford to craft and the player who do well to keep their monthly subscrption in place can't. I love that we are getting new items, but why does it need to cost so much to create them. I have a lot with crafting tables and when I first opened the lot I got quite a few visitors just using the tables, but now almost no one shows up anymore.

I would really like to see this game become more than just a glorified chat room. Can't we find a way to make playing our sims fun. The offline game is successful because playing your sim is fun.

Anyway after much rambling I will shut up. Some of you will agree and some of you won't, but this is after all just mho.

Roger Wilco

Of course they're hiding and non-communicative. I'd be hiding and ducking also if I were hosing my customers.

We're paying to play a game that isn't even deserving to be in beta yet. EA Land is the most unstable and bug ridden online game I've ever paid for. For heavens sake, TSO in beta was in better shape than this.

In it's current developmental state there is no reason anyone should have to be paying money for EA-Land, but they are, and it tends to annoy people to pay for a product or service that doesn't come anywhere close to meeting their expectations of value. They tend to feel cheated. Comprende EA? Cheated. People who feel they are being cheated sometimes say nasty things on their way out the door. Personally I wouldn't, I'd just leave, but I can understand why they want to vent.

Hey EA, you're game isn't even beta worthy and you have the gall to be charging us for it?



Of course they're hiding and non-communicative. I'd be hiding and ducking also if I were hosing my customers.

We're paying to play a game that isn't even deserving to be in beta yet. EA Land is the most unstable and bug ridden online game I've ever paid for. For heavens sake, TSO in beta was in better shape than this.

In it's current developmental state there is no reason anyone should have to be paying money for EA-Land, but they are, and it tends to annoy people to pay for a product or service that doesn't come anywhere close to meeting their expectations of value. They tend to feel cheated. Comprende EA? Cheated. People who feel they are being cheated sometimes say nasty things on their way out the door. Personally I wouldn't, I'd just leave, but I can understand why they want to vent.

Hey EA, you're game isn't even beta worthy and you have the gall to be charging us for it?

[/ QUOTE ]

You opt to pay.

I don't understand how you are being cheated if you are going into it with eyes wide open.

Your entire post just makes you look like a sucker.

If I felt that way, I certainly would not allow them to charge my credit card.