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Seasoned Veteran
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On my shard a player claims the dread warhorses from the Vanguard controller he dismounts as "his". And when anyone tries to tame them he will kill them all.
Thats the first part of the story.
He uses 2 chars with 2 accounts in Cove. One is a tamer that dismounts and the other is a necro/preacer with whom he kills the dread warhorse and, whats more important for me, cause I mostly use a tamer there, he keeps area peacing all the time by script or macro. So our pets cant attack anything.
I asked him to stop the area peacing, but he said he wont.
So my question is, is this a reason to make a harassment call or do we have to handle the situation like it is?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ask him to stop again, if he doesn't page a gm. That'll save the journals and show you asking him and his response. Can't guarentee of course but, well that guy needs and adjustment from the sounds of it.

Wendy Risks

Is this Tram? Peacing changes was made so others pets are NOT effected by others unless guilded or in Fel. If is in Fel..... Kick his Bum :p


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Not know the mechanism behind the Peacing spam, lets just assume a simple method ... say a Logitech G15 keyboard that allows repeated time delayed key sends to the program.

I doubt that is going to get you anywhere if that is the case.

As for area peacing and preventing you from playing? I doubt there is any game rule that will cover this per se, that isnt saying that maybe there should be, but one should always be extremely careful when asking for rules. The why is simple, one tends to ask for rule changes with a context in mind, for example your case as presented here. The problem is the Rule to have any value needs to be non contextual. This means you may later be brought up short on the very rule you asked for.

One thing I know about griefers, and I love to play with them, is this, they LOVE to hear the little piggies squeal. The more they squeal the more the Griefers gets ... what they want. You want to ruin a Griefers day? Simple LEAVE the area and if you see them when you come back LEAVE the area.

No squeal's, they will go elsewhere to feed.

Mark Trail

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
The repeated peacing with no time delay is an exploit. He can be banned for using it. So report him with the words "bard no delay exploit."

That's the Trammel way of PK'ing a kiddie.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
People will start killing the horses he is trying to tame as well and soon he will give up because he can't get his own way by acting like a petty child. That is of course, unless the others give up first.

There is a guy on Atlantic who on the last spawn came to Tram Cove and purposely killed all of the horses and ONLY the horses while we yelled to stop and why was he acting like an ass... He promptly recalled out and did the same in Fel then left. A guy told me he had bought his horse from him so obviously he knows what they are... All I can say is he is making a very bad name for his use to be very well respected Fel guild that was recently disbanned (yes he is still in the guild and still wearing the tag while doing this bull). Everyone there was very put off by his behavior :(

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic

Lord Drakelord

we also seem to have some folks that are killing the dreads off as well. A small group of us were trying to tame a dread in Fel Cove when this blue comes up attacking it, cannot attack him as we are in a guard zone. So there was nothing we could do except ask him to not kill, but he just laugh at that and went on.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Our spawn just popped again and I was late so I missed the Tram one but hit Fel and there was still a few Vanquards to kill. After it was over I said so peeps are just killing the horses now? and the reply was no [insert same asses name from before] is the one killing them and he killed all in Tram and Fel. Life must really suck for people who need to act like that and be mean to others in order to feel better about themselves or to have fun. I pity them.. seriously.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Why should we non tamers let ye have a special gift that we cant have? I say KILL ALL THE DREADS!
Don't let those tamers make money if we cant!!


Non-Tamers to arms!! The battle field is Cove!! The enemy, not vanguards, TAMERS!
Screw ye tamers and the Dreadhorse ye rode in on!!


Well someone suggested having a group of mages spam invis on the attacker, will constantly take him out of war mode, unless the person is using a mage, haven't figured a way to prevent someone casting on it. But melee seems simple enough to prevent from attacking.

I would say for Fel lead horse to non guarded zone but then got a whole new set of problems from reds..

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have sold two of them to pay me back for my time and deaths. I kept one for myself and one for my husband's tamer and the rest have been GIVEN away. I have given about 14 to guildies and 4 to people who were nice while taming (three today).

Meanwhile I have gotten ZERO swords or shields while I was working my butt off to tame and I see those on vendors for insane amounts now. There is a trade off and I chose to tame for my guildies and made very little off the two I sold in comparison.

It is very petty to say if you can't have one no one should. Make a tamer than and be nice and maybe someone will give you one or help you tame one. I still need one for a friend who has been in the hospital and one for a friend who has a lower tamer he is struggling to raise...

I have spent pretty much all of my time the last 4 days bouncing around to the spawns trying to tame for others while footing the huge amount of insurance it is costing me until I was able to sell two. Have you been as altruistic with your loot?

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic

Lord Kynd

we also seem to have some folks that are killing the dreads off as well. A small group of us were trying to tame a dread in Fel Cove when this blue comes up attacking it, cannot attack him as we are in a guard zone. So there was nothing we could do except ask him to not kill, but he just laugh at that and went on.

i would laugh and keep killing it too. no kill, no tameable is any ONE persons.
using peacmaking is a skill area peace works as intended, no foul.
tell you pet to all kill more times, simple.

Lord Kynd

On my shard a player claims the dread warhorses from the Vanguard controller he dismounts as "his". And when anyone tries to tame them he will kill them all.
Thats the first part of the story.
He uses 2 chars with 2 accounts in Cove. One is a tamer that dismounts and the other is a necro/preacer with whom he kills the dread warhorse and, whats more important for me, cause I mostly use a tamer there, he keeps area peacing all the time by script or macro. So our pets cant attack anything.
I asked him to stop the area peacing, but he said he wont.
So my question is, is this a reason to make a harassment call or do we have to handle the situation like it is?

your harrassment page should be considered as harrassment toward the other player. they are using a skill, the skill works, keeps them alive and makes things easier to kill, also saves other peoples lives because things stop attacking them.
actually, since you mention they dismount the controller. but then you mention if someone else try's/does tame the horse... wouldn't that part where someone else trys/does tame the horse wouldn't that be considered griefing?

best to watch where you point fingers unless you know the fine line's.
you looking at me wrong could be something i consider harrassment.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
your harrassment page should be considered as harrassment toward the other player. they are using a skill, the skill works, keeps them alive and makes things easier to kill, also saves other peoples lives because things stop attacking them.
actually, since you mention they dismount the controller. but then you mention if someone else try's/does tame the horse... wouldn't that part where someone else trys/does tame the horse wouldn't that be considered griefing?

best to watch where you point fingers unless you know the fine line's.
you looking at me wrong could be something i consider harrassment.
So when someone is always the first to dismount the Vanguard Controller, noone else is allowed to tame the dreadhorse but him? He uses 2 accounts to do. Most people dont have the possibility to do so.
And when you talk about griefing. He said he tamed around 50 and gave most of em away, but now he will kill every Dread Warhorse, so noone else will tame one. So whats his problem? He doesnt need anymore Warhorse, but others that want one arent able to tame one? Kinda weird, isnt it?


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Heheh I love to make a trammies day bad. If I have to kill in tram and am forced to do so via dual spawns on timers, I would rather grief for the 8 years of crap that has been added to the game then to follow the event or "be nice". Dont get me wrong if I see a well known fellucian who wants a crack at it I will not disturb him/her. :) ;)

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I see none of this as harassment according to UO rules. It is definately mean spirited and nasty of them, but it is not harassment. As for OWNING the horse because you dismounted it, than I should own most of the ones for the last two days on my shard because I have used over 30 bolas. Tame and tame alike. Everyone tries, everyone refrains from hitting while there is a tame attempt going, everyone tries again if it fails... Rinse and repeat. If your very very lucky, people heal and invis each other as they can while trying to tame.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Heheh I love to make a trammies day bad. If I have to kill in tram and am forced to do so via dual spawns on timers, I would rather grief for the 8 years of crap that has been added to the game then to follow the event or "be nice". Dont get me wrong if I see a well known fellucian who wants a crack at it I will not disturb him/her. :) ;)
Spoken like a trammie that wants to be a fellucian.
Well maybe I care about everything too much, cause I always wanna help everyone mostly like our guild does. Thats why we are known as "The good ones" :D
But this guy is weird. Giving away those dreadhorses like he is a nice guy, but killing every horse that noone else can tame.
Thats like when a cheater kills you and claims himself skillful.
I will keep trying my best to get others a horse and hopefully i will see this guy in felucca, cause you meet always twice in life:p


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I should have said in the beginning if I were playing atm and even remotely interested in the event........


"It is definately mean spirited and nasty of them"

Maybe they'd be in better spirits if they had some class specific unique content that didn't suck in the last 8 years.

That may be sour grapes but it's just as equally just desserts.

As for tamers hogging spawn/claiming everything as theirs, that doesn't sound any different to weald to me. It's something I've always associated with that class.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
LOL that might be true, but still is no excuse for such a poor showing. I have an archer, fighter, bard, 2 mules, tamer, Tmapper/thief, necro, ninja/stealther and and my husband has basically all the other chars I don't including a beggar so I think we are pretty much in the same boat as just about anyone in the game on content and we are generally in a jovial spirit :D

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
It's all about shard. My shard does not have these asshats. It's also a low population shard. What one are you on? Shard consolodation indeed.

Sounds to me like this guy needs a hug.



I think it's odd that theres this 'honorable tamer' and 'the evil griefers' theme yet as the OP states it's a tamer doing the griefing. Says a lot about them as a class.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I think it's odd that theres this 'honorable tamer' and 'the evil griefers' theme yet as the OP states it's a tamer doing the griefing. Says a lot about them as a class.
Wrong, I dont think you can call him a tamer, cause it seems he only uses him to dismount and tame dread warhorse. Never seen him anywhere else. So he uses taming skill, but i wouldnt call him a tamer.
And i am on Drachenfels. I must say we have 95% nice helpful people. But there are always stupid people like him anywhere. And btw he is american:p

Lord Kynd

I should have said in the beginning if I were playing atm and even remotely interested in the event........

all the more reason EA needs to reopen the orininal boards tied into your account(s)

Hunters Moon

Well someone suggested having a group of mages spam invis on the attacker, will constantly take him out of war mode, unless the person is using a mage, haven't figured a way to prevent someone casting on it. But melee seems simple enough to prevent from attacking.

I would say for Fel lead horse to non guarded zone but then got a whole new set of problems from reds..
To cast invis on someone constently to keep him from fighting what they want to fight is a banable offence. On the other hand if the "griefer" isn't letting the pampered tamers get their precious war steed isn't against any TOS agreement I have ever read. A spawn point or a certain animal doesn't belong to a specific template and those that use that template do not have exclusive rights over everyone else there. First come,first served is the rule.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Moon, your are very generous and I agree with you whole heartedly. I have tamed and given away more than I have kept but I will Kill them as soon as there are tmaers who try and tame what i am taming and purposfully agro the pet to break my tame. Once they start I kill them all.

Sorry I know it sucks but if every cannot play nice I see no reason why I should sit back and let the ****ers have it their way.

Also you should seriously talk to a few of your guildies and your partner guild as they are ALOT of the ones who are just showing up kiling them off.

Hunters Moon

So when someone is always the first to dismount the Vanguard Controller, noone else is allowed to tame the dreadhorse but him? He uses 2 accounts to do. Most people dont have the possibility to do so.
And when you talk about griefing. He said he tamed around 50 and gave most of em away, but now he will kill every Dread Warhorse, so noone else will tame one. So whats his problem? He doesnt need anymore Warhorse, but others that want one arent able to tame one? Kinda weird, isnt it?
How do you know he is using two accounts? Even if he says that he will kill all the steeds;he has to log off to sleep sometime. Eventually he will get bored with killing steed after steed and he will leave like they all do. Being upset over this is pointless and anyone that get mad at him is playing right into his hands.

Ancient Sosarian

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hiyas Folks,

Initially I went to Cove seeking to tame the Dread WarHorses. My killing, even dismounting ability is greatly limited without any pets along. I tamed several. Gifted most away, but kept a few.

Reasonable folks would each spam their tame attempts. When taming begins each would continue trying. If the one taming succeeded it was theirs. If they failed another's attempt would start till finally someone tames the Dread WarHorse.

Sadly, some players main thrill comes from griefing others. Game mechanics AND sadly the current GM situation gives griefers complete freedom in such instances.

It bothers and frustrates me as much as anyone, and sometimes I ask griefers to stop or I ask for an explanation. However, there IS NO reasonable explanations so I just move on to the next spawn. Few folks working fulltime play as much as I do (when my PC behaves that is) so in time the griefers are gone and I remain to have fun.

Also, after having tamed and gifted many away, I fetched my Greater Dragon and worked exclusively on unseating riders and eliminating spawn so others could tame for themselves.

In a couple situations a player or two attacked the Dread WarHorses during my active taming attempts (something I never do first). However, when someone deliberately "breaks" my taming attempts and/or claims "hey that's mine," and attacks what I'm already taming....this I won't put up with or overlook. Such a player has then sealed the creatures fate and it must die.

Any who know Dar of TOT well at all, and most who have only met him once know his character and scruples. Dar isn't "perfect" and is almost as flawed as his player. But I think Dar has helped far, far more folks than those who may speak ill of him.

I honestly doubt anyone has gifted as many pets (both rares and commons) to others as Dar has (Lady Nico excepted).

Anyway, these are my thoughts on the Original Poster's post and this question in general.

"Tame First Thyself.....and then Tame On!!!"


It's a shame that the griefing seems to be the theme on most shards. I've been trying to tame a couple horses for guildies since I was able to tame one for myself a few days ago. One would think that all the immature kiddies that used to play UO would have moved on to WoW or something else a long time ago.

The argument that people are killing them because they don't want tamers to make money selling them is flawed. The only reason they are worth so much now is because it's so hard to tame them because everyone is killing them to tick off tamers. In a perfect world where no one killed the horses there is the potential for 72 of them per shard to be tamed everyday. The market would soon be flooded and they'd be worth little.

Also, in reference to the OP, if the person is able to spam area peace that fast without the timer, it is an exploit (as someone else already said) and you can page on them.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
How do you know he is using two accounts? Even if he says that he will kill all the steeds;he has to log off to sleep sometime. Eventually he will get bored with killing steed after steed and he will leave like they all do. Being upset over this is pointless and anyone that get mad at him is playing right into his hands.
I know he uses 2 accounts, cause he said he will kill every warhorse with his tamer and then kills it with necro/peacer right away.
During the spawn the necro peacer is just standing there peacing. I already know that method from 1 person doing that with 2 accounts at dreadhorn keys.
Sure he isnt ther 24/7. But I always try to get rid of those people, so others can have more fun.


It's a shame that the griefing seems to be the theme on most shards. I've been trying to tame a couple horses for guildies since I was able to tame one for myself a few days ago. One would think that all the immature kiddies that used to play UO would have moved on to WoW or something else a long time ago.

The argument that people are killing them because they don't want tamers to make money selling them is flawed. The only reason they are worth so much now is because it's so hard to tame them because everyone is killing them to tick off tamers. In a perfect world where no one killed the horses there is the potential for 72 of them per shard to be tamed everyday. The market would soon be flooded and they'd be worth little.

Also, in reference to the OP, if the person is able to spam area peace that fast without the timer, it is an exploit (as someone else already said) and you can page on them.
On the one hand you have the UO dev team who are trying to make something neat and the players who are trying to enjoy that very thing as it was intended; and on the other, you have griefers who are getting their jollies by deliberately ruining the situation. All opportunities for griefers to do exactly this type of thing are unfortunate.

Someone in my guild was talking in vent about how he was doing exactly this kind of griefing to people. He happens to be an immature 16 year old with practically no common sense, and when I heard he was doing this, I felt ashamed to be wearing his same guild tag. If I had been there to see it, I would have asked him to stop, and if he had refused and his dad wasn't there to deal with it I would have PKd him and faced the music later (if there was any).

Who wants people's unsupervised children and apparent sociopath-tendancy people tormenting them in a video game?

I don't think any reasonable person will look at this whole situation and stand up for someone who is using this event as an opportunity to grief others. I hope the UO people who put the event together put the brakes on that, one way or the other.


"Wrong, I dont think you can call him a tamer, cause it seems he only uses him to dismount and tame dread warhorse. Never seen him anywhere else. So he uses taming skill, but i wouldnt call him a tamer.

He must have worked the skill to be able to tame them & is taming them.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Lighten up Francis. Its a game. So what if there is war horse griefing.

This portion of the event is likely to be around a month or more (see Moonglow). How many war horses do you need? 2, 5, 10? This guy can't tame all 3 every single spawn 12 times a day.

Wait a couple days and he'll no longer be there.

As long as you can stand not being one of the first to get a warhorse - you'll be fine.

In addition it would not surprise me if they added these as a permenant spawn somewhere. People will lose their horses due to taming bugs and such and all hell will break loose if the tamer community can't replace their precious war horses.

In all - relax.


Seasoned Veteran
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"Wrong, I dont think you can call him a tamer, cause it seems he only uses him to dismount and tame dread warhorse. Never seen him anywhere else. So he uses taming skill, but i wouldnt call him a tamer.

He must have worked the skill to be able to tame them & is taming them.
Well with an advanced char token and taming jewelery he didnt have to work the taming skill. And as i wrote before, it seems he just uses the skill to tame, but doesnt use his pet. And that I wouldnt call a tamer, but using taming skill.


Uo Could of stoped this Chit if they would of just made the dreads spawn by themslefs and more they 3 at a time.


"Well with an advanced char token and taming jewelery he didnt have to work the taming skill. And as i wrote before, it seems he just uses the skill to tame, but doesnt use his pet. And that I wouldnt call a tamer, but using taming skill."

Sounds a bit far fetched to me that anyone would go to that much effort (& cost) and not play the char.


Seasoned Veteran
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It sucks that all this griefing is going on. It would be much more fun if everyone could work together and help each other get horses, swords and shields, and kill the other spawn. I was given a horse this morning by a friend that I am just thrilled about. I've really just been coming to Cove to help others out and get some left-over loot since my taming is not high enough to be fighting over a chance to tame the horse myself. It's just as much fun to see a player you've been healing get their horse, or see another player receive one as a gift. :)

I'm not suprised by the behavior, though. Seems you can't even go shopping or get groceries without some rude kid or adult screwing things up. Really is annoying to see so many people that are just totally rude and irresponsible. :(


Seasoned Veteran
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I can only tell what i see.
And I didnt see him fighting in Moonglow or any event before, nor did I see him at peerless or Champ Spawns.
The major point is that people can make their life too easy with 2 accounts and a peacer in certain areas. I dunno if its illegal, cause i am not that experienced anymore with peace. If u can area peace all the time like that, there has to be a change in it, cause then there will be no fights anymore, just peacing and killing.


I can only tell what i see.
And I didnt see him fighting in Moonglow or any event before, nor did I see him at peerless or Champ Spawns.
The major point is that people can make their life too easy with 2 accounts and a peacer in certain areas. I dunno if its illegal, cause i am not that experienced anymore with peace. If u can area peace all the time like that, there has to be a change in it, cause then there will be no fights anymore, just peacing and killing.
It does sound like he could be using 'the' exploit that's out there with peacing right now. Seriously, if he's bringing everything to solid halt and holding it that way, try paging on the peacer, saying that you think he's using the peace spamming bug, and let the GMs take a look. Use the 'verbal harrassment' option so that you are given the opportunity to target the character with you cursor. And don't tell the person that you paged, just keep quiet about it (or leave).

Prince Caspian

Sounds like he's just being a jackass. That's not harrassment, that's just life in Trammel.

In Felucca you can do something about it. If someone is giving you crap in Trammel, you really dont have much of a choice but to leave and come back later.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Peacing has a timer that is way longer then the ability to keep a spawn halted. If he is able to peace fast enough for the spawn to never relock and attack again, then he is cheating. The timer is like 11 seconds before using a skill again and surround peace lasts no where near that... it is like 4 or 5 seconds. It is because of this huge lag time in barding skills that most people have put up their bards and not used them in forever. So while this isn't harassment, it is very obviously cheating if he is able to stop everything and keep it stopped with no skill lag.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic

Hunters Moon

Peacing has a timer that is way longer then the ability to keep a spawn halted. If he is able to peace fast enough for the spawn to never relock and attack again, then he is cheating. The timer is like 11 seconds before using a skill again and surround peace lasts no where near that... it is like 4 or 5 seconds. It is because of this huge lag time in barding skills that most people have put up their bards and not used them in forever.
Unless he has the peace/music skill on both characters he is using? That way the area peace would always be in effect if he had two legendary skilled bards.

Ben Dover

Peacing has a timer that is way longer then the ability to keep a spawn halted. If he is able to peace fast enough for the spawn to never relock and attack again, then he is cheating. The timer is like 11 seconds before using a skill again and surround peace lasts no where near that... it is like 4 or 5 seconds. It is because of this huge lag time in barding skills that most people have put up their bards and not used them in forever. So while this isn't harassment, it is very obviously cheating if he is able to stop everything and keep it stopped with no skill lag.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic
Sounds like you trammies need to learn a little more about the game mechanics and stop the whining. You are absolutely incorrect about the peace timer. First of all it is not an 11 second timer. It is a six second timer when area peacemaking. Basically just as soon as the instrument stops playing you can area peacemake again. Secondly, if he has 120 music and 120 peacemaking he can make the monsters in a huge area around him stop attacking for the entire six seconds until he can peacemake again. Thirdly he does not need to be using any sort of exploit or illegal third party program to do any of this. All he needs is a simple uo macro Use skill peacemake, wait for target, target self. Put it on a key and just hold the key down. I would assume though that if he never runs out of instruments or dies he probably uses a uo assist macro, that first clicks on an instrument (playing music but not peacemaking) then sets that use item in assist to use item type. That way, he can hold down his area peace key and even if his instrument breaks he will never stop peacemaking.

For the original poster in this thread:
What it sounds like to me is that you whiners really pissed this guy off. I would bet that he is a member of a griefing or pvp guild and that either your guild is rivals with them or they are just trying to prove a point that they own the entire shard, not just feluccia. By your prior statements you said that he said that he had tamed over 50 and given them away...... well what happened what made this guy snap? I would bet a lot of good money against nothing that someone, perhaps even yourself interfered with one of his tames. You also said that he bolaed them and tamed them. Did you try to steal his tame after he worked for it? Did you try to take over taming a horse that he used his bola on and that he originally started taming?

If that is the case, I dont blame the guy one single bit. I would have and have done exactly the same thing. If you want some respect, I suggest that you first SHOW some respect. Sure, you say that no ones name is written on these horses, that anyone can tame them..... Well honey, just don't forget your words because guess what anyone can KILL them too. Just because you start taming a creature does NOT mean that someone can not kill it. And while it may be impolite and may be mean it is NOT harrassment according to the TOS.

It sounds to me like this guy has done nothing wrong except that he pissed in you pretty little tamer bowl of cornflakes. Get over it. It's a game for crying out loud. If you don't like it, just leave the area that he is in. Or maybe even leave the game. One less whiner in UO would definately be a welcome change.

And yes, I was born a feluccian, always will be feluccian. I pvp a heck of a lot more than I pvm. I would personally just kill you for even whining about something so trivial. GET OVER IT and move on.

I would be careful what you do or say to him though, as you may really end up pissing this guy off and he may bring his entire guild of peacemakers over there and kill all of your precious little spawn EVERY time from now till the end of the event...... just a suggestion, take it with a grain of salt.

Prince Caspian

And what does that prove? Repaying pettiness with pettiness makes this guy justified?


I doubt very much that they care wether anyone else thinks their justified, if they did they wouldn't be doing it in the first place. It is petty, but it isn't unexpected.

Hunter Moon

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sounds like you trammies need to learn a little more about the game mechanics and stop the whining. You are absolutely incorrect about the peace timer. First of all it is not an 11 second timer. It is a six second timer when area peacemaking. Basically just as soon as the instrument stops playing you can area peacemake again. Secondly, if he has 120 music and 120 peacemaking he can make the monsters in a huge area around him stop attacking for the entire six seconds until he can peacemake again. Thirdly he does not need to be using any sort of exploit or illegal third party program to do any of this. All he needs is a simple uo macro Use skill peacemake, wait for target, target self. Put it on a key and just hold the key down. I would assume though that if he never runs out of instruments or dies he probably uses a uo assist macro, that first clicks on an instrument (playing music but not peacemaking) then sets that use item in assist to use item type. That way, he can hold down his area peace key and even if his instrument breaks he will never stop peacemaking.
I have a 120 peace, prov, disco, music bard and I in NO way can get a 6 second reuse skill timer on my surround peace. I have a friend who has 120 peace, music and disco and he also can't perform this feat. I would like to know how you are able to repeace after only 6 seconds because that is NOT the timer I am getting. Now granted, I haven't dusted her off and used her in the last two months, but I have seen no posts or patch notes about them adjusting the barding skills so unless they did it without some notice, I am not seeing how you are able to spam surround peace. I knew a lot of guilds that were using necro peacers to do champ spawns also who have given it up because of the timer lag. It seems your getting results no one I know, have heard of or seen post before is.... Guess i will have to dust her off and give it a try, I would be so very happy if it were true since I spent years working this chars disco and prov up.

Hunter Moon [HOT] Atlantic


Why do I "a griefer" kill the dreadhorse you ask? Surely there is no reason for doing it and I'm just being petty and immature.

However, this is not the correct answer (however I cannot speak for others , only myself). I do it to protest. Protest how much attention Tamers get while so many other templates get left to wayside. If other templates had been rewarded like tamers I would have left them in peace.

Think back: Dreadhorse, Super Dragon, Bake, rune beetle, kirin, unicorns

No I wont stop, every time I get a chance to put down one of those miserable tamer trophies, I will do it, and do it with pride and reason.

Hey Devs: STOP CATERING TO THE TAMERS!!! They are ruining this game!

And don't tell me: "then make a tamer" I would never be so gimp.

That is all...carry on.


Let's ignore all of the game additions, for other playstyles, shall we?


Hey Devs: STOP CATERING TO THE TAMERS!!! They are ruining this game!
Exclusively for PvPers, and especially on Siege, yes.

Now we know you come from Felucca, that makes funny the comments about how "this is trammel behaviour". :p