Scripters would just find a way around the issue, in this case by getting trial accounts and storing gold on trial account vendors. So it would end up being a pain for everyone but the group it was intended to be a pain for.
True, but it'll at least prevent scripters from farming non-stop, like the current 125 item limit. In general, not putting a threshold on things is not a good idea. As I said, the 100 mil is an arbitary number I conjured up. It can be much larger, but cannot be allowed to grow infinitely.
Using trial accounts lasts only 14 days and trial accounts cannot place houses. Not sure about renting vendor space, but that can be blocked as well, not to mention limiting the cap for trial accounts to 1 mil, evil eh?
Yes, there are still problems I haven't addressed. Such as the one you highlighted - of it causing more grief than good for legit players who wants to purchase things that costs more.
What's the most expensive item sold for in-game gold so far? Perhaps the limit can be based on that?
Or even have a 500 mil global pool that's accessible by any chars on the same account? (+100 mil cap for each char above 5). Though something that costs 500 mil is indicative of something else that's wrong with the economy.
It would be nice for there to be a system where you could transfer any amount of gold to another character that exceeds the current limit, and would be nice if you could buy a house or a rare item just by entering a number in the trade window...I dunno though. Would it be better to accommodate inflation or come up with more gold sinks? It might be time to start taxing the populace. Charging vendor fees not only based on the price of the items in their bag but also based on how much gold they have stored on them. Give us more things to spend gold on than just transferring it from player to player.
Simplifying transfers is what I was aiming for. No more messing around with items like piles of gold or cheques. Just a simple counter in the trade window that determines how much to transfer. And making it able to support large numbers for a single secure transaction.
And removing maybe a huge chunk of items from the game world.
And removing exploits applicable with cheque duping or the old 125-items-overloading-causing-cheques-to-drop-to-ground scams etc.
And ease of managing gold sinks (since there's only 1 value to check, instead of needing to tabulate all the checks in a player's vault), eg npc charges rich folks more, getting invited to an exclusive rich man's casino where you can gamble for arties (if it sounds familiar, it's coz I'm ripping off the idea from another game
