Well, nothing special at all, but four little points:
1. I love Christmas Deco and missed some through the years because of UO-breaks (career, marriage, children, ya know...). This RTB-Idocs contained quite alot Gift-Boxes and I was very lucky to get TONS. In addition, I wasn´t able to gather many Clean-Up Points through the last years. So I kept the nicest Deco and was able to collect alot points...
2. ...which allowed me to get further deco, I needed for my CASTLE... Being able to place a Castle on DF (which had no free castle-spots) is the second point. Many of these houses blocked interesting spots for active players. So, thats the best side-effect in my opinion. It was awesome: Me and my guildmate were able to both place a Castle on the same day! Never forget that day. And I am decorating since about one week now with IDOC-loot. LOVE it!
3. A certain night some days ago I couldn´t sleep because of a headache and I sat infront of my PC at about 03.30 in the morning. Lucky me, a keep I was watching fell in the very moment. The keep contained 4 bags and 5 people were around (including me). So, not THAT good chances, as I am quite slow... But I was able to grab two bags. Yehaw! First bag: Completely empty except two fishing poles. Second bag: One piece of Easter Deco and 60 million pieces of Gold. I laughed my butt off, because usually I get two bags of poles or crap... So, that was a really funny night!
4. Some new players returned in the last year to DF and joined our guild. They had a hell of a time during the last weeks because almost everything they could get from the IDOCs was special in some way to them... They definitely can use leather, ingots, old armor pieces, ML-minor-arties, Clean-up-stuff, rubble... We had some funny parties here at DF and I feel that people enjoyed the time.