I found the below discussion in the past Stratics House of Common's Chat very interesting (http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=31089):
My recommendation to the Devs would be to address these missed monster groups by adding regular slayers (i.e. Lich Slayer, Ratmen Slayer, Succubi Slayer, etc) to cover or the missing mobs. I realize some of them are covered by talisman slayers, but those only affect warriors and not mages.
Another option would be to include the Mondain's Legacy slayers as possibilities on all crafted and looted weapons/spellbooks. Now that ML is universal, that seems like it wouldn't be too hard to incorporate and would cover more, though not all, of the missing mobs.
I think this is good. The only issue I see regarding slayers is that there are many monsters who are covered by a super slayer, but not a regular slayer. Please note, I don't consider Mondain's Legacy slayers as "regular slayers" as they only appear on UOML talisman and special artifact drops. For example, undead is a super slayer category which has no sub-groups. Repond covers titans, cyclops, and ratmen, but none of those mobs have a regular slayer equivalent. Demon Slayer covers deamons and succubi, but they have no regular slayer. There are many more examples throughout the game.Zephenia <Tazar> Rumor is that there has been a change to the damage between the slayer and the super-slayer class to make a normal slayer produce more damage. Is this true and if so, why was this change made?
WilkiEA The rumor is true! Single slayers now do more damage than super slayers. The simple answer for why is to give players a reason to want to use single slayers again.
My recommendation to the Devs would be to address these missed monster groups by adding regular slayers (i.e. Lich Slayer, Ratmen Slayer, Succubi Slayer, etc) to cover or the missing mobs. I realize some of them are covered by talisman slayers, but those only affect warriors and not mages.
Another option would be to include the Mondain's Legacy slayers as possibilities on all crafted and looted weapons/spellbooks. Now that ML is universal, that seems like it wouldn't be too hard to incorporate and would cover more, though not all, of the missing mobs.