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Further Suggestion on Slayer Changes


Crazed Zealot
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I found the below discussion in the past Stratics House of Common's Chat very interesting (http://uo.stratics.com/php-bin/show_content.php?content=31089):

Zephenia <Tazar> Rumor is that there has been a change to the damage between the slayer and the super-slayer class to make a normal slayer produce more damage. Is this true and if so, why was this change made?

WilkiEA The rumor is true! Single slayers now do more damage than super slayers. The simple answer for why is to give players a reason to want to use single slayers again.
I think this is good. The only issue I see regarding slayers is that there are many monsters who are covered by a super slayer, but not a regular slayer. Please note, I don't consider Mondain's Legacy slayers as "regular slayers" as they only appear on UOML talisman and special artifact drops. For example, undead is a super slayer category which has no sub-groups. Repond covers titans, cyclops, and ratmen, but none of those mobs have a regular slayer equivalent. Demon Slayer covers deamons and succubi, but they have no regular slayer. There are many more examples throughout the game.

My recommendation to the Devs would be to address these missed monster groups by adding regular slayers (i.e. Lich Slayer, Ratmen Slayer, Succubi Slayer, etc) to cover or the missing mobs. I realize some of them are covered by talisman slayers, but those only affect warriors and not mages.

Another option would be to include the Mondain's Legacy slayers as possibilities on all crafted and looted weapons/spellbooks. Now that ML is universal, that seems like it wouldn't be too hard to incorporate and would cover more, though not all, of the missing mobs.



Kratos Aurion

I don't necessarily disagree with this change, but it presents problems, especially with undead slayers. The slayer list needs to be updated to accomodate all in-game creatures, regardless if the new slayer groups (ghosts/zombies/skeleton etc) are implemented onto existing weapons or not. This way they can add slayer changes in later dates without facing these problems.

I think they should just redevelop the hierarchy of slayers, make super slayers rare again (not flaunt them around on all artifacts like they usually do), and then just allow players to take advantage of all the new general slayers.

Martyna Zmuir

Crazed Zealot
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To be honest, this was a change out of left field that nobody asked for.

Super slayers, at least for mages, were rather rare. Scribes had to make them (I'm ignoring the few artifact books at the moment), and they tool THOUSANDS of scrolls to make 1 - maybe.

They got too specific with the slayers (i.e. lady of the snow slayer, etc) and it was painfully obvios nobody cared about those because the super slayers were the best.

This was a poorly concieved stealth nerf.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looks like more server lag thanks to having to collect more types of weapons and spellbooks. I thought we just had a cleanup to rid ourselves of clutter and make the servers perform better?? On the other hand if we use our bankboxes to store ALL this mess in, that's just fewer spaces available with or w/o added storage.

Pretty stupid imo if this is fact...too tired to look at the link, maybe later. Thanks for bringing this to our attention OP. Guess I can sell the super slayers I collected for 6 years...

On the positive side at least the new expansion doesn't suck, the gamestore now sells hair-dyes, etc and the developers are finally listening among many other positives.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
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To be honest, this was a change out of left field that nobody asked for.

Super slayers, at least for mages, were rather rare. Scribes had to make them (I'm ignoring the few artifact books at the moment), and they tool THOUSANDS of scrolls to make 1 - maybe.

They got too specific with the slayers (i.e. lady of the snow slayer, etc) and it was painfully obvios nobody cared about those because the super slayers were the best.

This was a poorly concieved stealth nerf.
They've just invalidated upper level slayer loot entirely. But, it makes it easier to do much more damage in pvm.

So, now what drop every named monster in the world slayers?

It doesn't matter to me, I'll just keep everything and one day if uo is still around the pendulum will swing the other way.

The key to success here is flexibility.


these replys are so asinine. so what if the single slayers do more damage? super slayers are much more convenient, and are all around better for any practical use.

i mean, really? people are complaining that single slayers will be a bit more useful? single slayers will still be regulated to specific creature farming, while super slayers will still rule spawns and events.

Sweet Delta Eb

I like this change. Sounds like good ole common sense working to me.


Maybe not a nerf in damage dealt, but certainly a nerf in the value of the super-slayers. I hate to think of what this did to the value of my full set of 6 super-slayer scrappers compendiums. :gee:


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe not a nerf in damage dealt, but certainly a nerf in the value of the super-slayers. I hate to think of what this did to the value of my full set of 6 super-slayer scrappers compendiums. :gee:
I havnt made a scrapper yet but I have made tons of normal spellbooks... are the superslayers just as rare on a scrapper than on a normal spellbook? If so... damn you must have made lots and lots of scrappers :)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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I thought, posted, and still think that non-super slayers should simply be done away with and the Slayer property be re-weighted in possibility to be somewhere between the current normal slayer drop rate and the super slayer drop rate (making a slayer in general more rare, but increasing the effective drop rate of super slayers).

IMO non-super slayers simply gum up the item system adding in extra unnecessary and generally unwanted item mods (snow elem slayer for sale! anyone?... anyone? what if I paid you to take it?).

It would have been a good first step in re-streamlining a bloated item mod system.


This can actually be a great thing for scribes. There is a much better chance to get good mods on a single slayer then a superslayer. I have a Spider Slayer with 7% SD and 2MR that I am loving on the new spiders. I also have a 8% SD and 2FC Snake slayer that hits Coil for ~275.


the only regular slayers i can think of are Spider slayer (for spider champ + new miniboss spider) & dragon slayer. all the other non-superslayers are pretty worthless.


I havnt made a scrapper yet but I have made tons of normal spellbooks... are the superslayers just as rare on a scrapper than on a normal spellbook? If so... damn you must have made lots and lots of scrappers :)
I believe that it is just as hard - but I was not lucky to make any of them. I actually had to search endlessly across all shards for about two years to complete the set.


Slightly Crazed
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Actually I like those slayer changes. Single slayer weapons are usually a greater help/benefit for newer chars/players. It is already pointed out, that you can reach the damage cap limits (on dexxers) without slayers.
I dont simply look at slayers as a way to maximize my gold increase. When i am getting a 'decent' slayer out of a runic tool, I try to remember where those monster are found in a good number. Sometimes I am catching myself with ideas to visit those places. Mostly to renew my memory about them but sometimes to actually train a char on unusual places. The orc dungeon for example is a very nice designed dungeon. It is fun to see terrathans fighting against orphidians. Have you ever done some hunting onto the larger gargoyles inside the Exodus Dungeon? (Paragon gargoyle destroyers can be really challenging. *g*)

A change that I really would like to see, is bringing slayers en par when it comes to melee/archery or spell damage. I dont think, there is a logical reason, why slayers on a talisman should be different than those of a weapon or a spellbook. Slayers on a (spellchanneling) weapon should work for magery/sw/necro/mysticism too.


UO Forum Moderator
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the only regular slayers i can think of are Spider slayer (for spider champ + new miniboss spider) & dragon slayer. all the other non-superslayers are pretty worthless.
Apparently you weren't around for the orc invasions that predated ML (and the now-ubiquitous Soul Seeker) - or the ophidian one.

Warpig Inc

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is some gas for the fire. The single slayer bard slayers with a 5% success pump. And toss a low chance the firehorns spawn with a random slayer.

RaDian FlGith

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe not a nerf in damage dealt, but certainly a nerf in the value of the super-slayers. I hate to think of what this did to the value of my full set of 6 super-slayer scrappers compendiums. :gee:
It doesn't devalue it at all.

First off, it's easier to carry super slayers. You don't have to carry as many.

And no, it's not a nerf at all. I mean, really, okay, so maybe you now want to HAVE a slayer of each type for hunting purposes, but you're only going to take the slayer that you need for that purpose. Your super slayer will still be a better bet for traveling and events and general purposes.

And yeah, there's a difference between 200% and 300% damage, but this change makes the single slayers both more useful and more valuable. Still, it's not like I'm going to start carrying a Water Elemental Slayer or a Fire Elemental Slayer. I have no problems killing them without slayers in the first place.