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Frost Mite


I Hate Skilling
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Stratics Legend
Frost Mite - Stratics Community Wiki | Stratics Community Forums

They start at two or three slot. Find a 2 slot one.

Have stats similar to this. They have plenty of points. Choose resistance values you like.


Do this type damage:


Have this ability:


The cold resist is high can be up to 95. The Poison resist is also High.
You cant get 80 in the other 3.
Cold wind should start doing damage now.

They have these Special Move Choices:


They have these Special Ability choices:


This Magical Ability choice:


You can choose one Move and one ability and choose poison if you like.

Can build it this way:


If you choose Poison FIRST: Do not do this!!!

Now you can choose an area ability.


You only get one more choice because there's a Magic and cold wind already...

You have no more choices:


Well that sux.
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I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Took him out for a spin. Killed that pile of 2 dragons and a GD with not much problem. I run consume.
Then we found 2 GD near. He dove right in and was doing well until some lower stuff and another GD came up. The 3 GDs took him out pretty fast even with me spamming bandages and G heals.

I really do not understand why people want to put something other than 80 Phy and fire resist on a pet. In this case I had no choice.

Also he just has GM skills here. I do not help kill the mobs.


Go back to town and heal him and head back for some GD revenge.

Turns out that this guy is a GD magnet. We find 2 fresh ones after he pinched some regular dragons and other stuff. He took these out very nicely. He has trouble at the end when the dragon invises and he changes targets. He won tho.


Now we move a few steps and 2 more GDs are on him. A third one is on the way. I told you he is a GD magnet. I run consume and had to toss in a few bandages while he fought those. I didn't have time to loot the first two before he attracted these.

He did fine while he concentrated on one. But when he changed to another he started taking damage.


He killed one and then another walked up! He was half life and I had to toss in some bandages.

I saw he was going to be ok so I started a whisper so he could gain some skills.

Notice in the pic I am still back away and he is poisoned and half life but I could feel his confidence.

I tossed him some bandages after I took the pic and he had killed 6 GDs and only one had decayed at that point. I lost that picture. He was very proud of himself. Also It showed he still had 523 mana when the last one died. (these are like the Giant and Fire Beetles and Hiryus with mana usage.)


He fought very well on his first test. I just wish his poison and cold resist did not start so high that he cant get 80 in the important ones.

But those of you that fear those cold damagers that you cant name. Here is the pet to take to them.
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Crazed Zealot
No you need to go past the cave passage to the lady of the snow area. There are usually two there and usually two ladies of the slow. Get a friend with you unless you are a peacer, in which case you may be ok, unless you are good with fast invisi. They have a cold damage aura, hurts a little bit. Should be easy to get one even if you go solo. I did and I am not very good at it. Get a 2 slot. I have seen one toe to toe 3-4 allosauruses at turtle, and kill them. Was the FzWW spec. GL. Mine is waiting to be trained. I am lazy...

Also: I amm interested in how you will be doing with the Bane Mag/AI/Goo spec you started. I am interested in doing one just like that. Thanks..

PS: They should make these RIDEABLE..they would be a third bug rideable in the game, this one with cold damage, and I think they also get RC?. And they look awesome in CC..


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Thank you, I will check it out next time.

The bane is almost done... other than having a hard time skilling parry and resist.... even when you tell it to stay/stop, it still does area affect.....
Working parry at a spawn, still looking for ideas for resist...


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
how large is the aoe? if its not to big you could put him on a boat and attack spectrals on shore

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Cold wind is very small.
It also used to be only 1 hit dmg, dont think they have fixed it until next patch.


Crazed Zealot
Thank you, I will check it out next time.

The bane is almost done... other than having a hard time skilling parry and resist.... even when you tell it to stay/stop, it still does area affect.....
Working parry at a spawn, still looking for ideas for resist...
You should have no hard time at all : Whisper on most time, mines for the ele training 2 hour or 3, then 1 hour at the heaven casters (put 4 oft hem on pet --> then pretype "all stop" and get it ready, gathe one caster byone, the all kill and instantly press enter so the "all stop" command fires right away, then invisi briefly, and yu got one caster -- then leave pet, go to another caster, aggro it, and bring it close to pet -3-4 tiles away then rinse and repeat, now yu got 2 casters. get 4 of them and youll be done in 1 hour or so).
Next comes the hard part : Magery and less so eval : This will take a while if the pet has low mana pool, you may want to train 1st level so your mana pool is likely 300 or so you can add more later. Then go to Turtle and aggro a bunch of myrmidex get like 10 or so. Then teleport across the water body there and have the pet aggro the myrmidex. It will AoE then to death but will take a while, it will also spit gobs of green poison at them, but most importantly will start casting a lot of lighning, multi lightning and all sorts of magery spells on them. This will take a while, but its safe for you and the pet. May take a little while use your pet training and Whispers all the time. You will get your pet to GM in no time. Now above GM : mine ele in Tokuno, and I think still aggro across body of water etc. You may be surprised how fast you build this very special pet...


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Here is the Frost Mite build and skilled. Need to get the poison up.
Still has 848 points to use.


The cold resist and poison resist started at those levels so I could only get others to 70.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thats a nice bug..I wonder how hard the AoE cold wind hits for? Does it work ok?
I have not taken it to TC. Cold Wind does not work on normal shards yet. We shall see how poison and cold wind are when they send over a publish.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I wish they had drones with high resist on TC. I have had a very similar mite for awhile that I trained specifically for the roof. However it's impossible conclusively tell how good it really is. When I use it alongside a Chiv/AI pet like Cu or Reptalon, the mite does less damage. However that does not mean it's actually worse than a Cu, since Cu is able to benefit from RC which drives it's damage up.
Currently my preferred pairing is Cu and Reptalon, however I wish I could make an accurate comparison with mite/reptalon. At the very least Anon will be easier to deal with.


Stratics Veteran
I wish they had drones with high resist on TC. I have had a very similar mite for awhile that I trained specifically for the roof. However it's impossible conclusively tell how good it really is. When I use it alongside a Chiv/AI pet like Cu or Reptalon, the mite does less damage. However that does not mean it's actually worse than a Cu, since Cu is able to benefit from RC which drives it's damage up.
Currently my preferred pairing is Cu and Reptalon, however I wish I could make an accurate comparison with mite/reptalon. At the very least Anon will be easier to deal with.
What abilities does your Frost Mite have? Its not really impossible to tell, it just requires a bit of math and then a bit of testing to verify.

There is a fair amount of RNG, especially in regards to EoO that comes into play though.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What abilities does your Frost Mite have? Its not really impossible to tell, it just requires a bit of math and then a bit of testing to verify.

There is a fair amount of RNG, especially in regards to EoO that comes into play though.
Poisoning, RC, AI, Cold Wind. For the purity of the experiment, we can pretend poisoning is not there.

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
I would actually look for a frostmite with LOW cold resist and being 2 slot.
This means you can put more points into the other resists without being gimped too much.

It's quite hard to find a 2 slot 85% frostmite. Took me a while, but I got one :)


Crazed Zealot
I would actually look for a frostmite with LOW cold resist and being 2 slot.
This means you can put more points into the other resists without being gimped too much.

It's quite hard to find a 2 slot 85% frostmite. Took me a while, but I got one :)
Yep..You just got to keep spawning them. Took me several tries and two trips to get a good one.
I sure hope they fix the cold wind special tho, as it is now it broken?

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Yep..You just got to keep spawning them. Took me several tries and two trips to get a good one.
I sure hope they fix the cold wind special tho, as it is now it broken?
Supposedly being fixed in patch 100. So lets hope Broadsword doesn't fck it up!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It was already tested to have been fixed, @Khyro posted video in the patch changes thread, it's single target and a dot effect.
I am thinking - on one hand the DoT should be a nice spell cast disruption for the likes of Juonar. On the other hand all the spawn it will cause with the Fiendish AI... You cant win, lol.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm ready for the poisoning publish!!!

Now you know why I can post so much. Slow but it gets you to max!

Now need some Cus ready.


Stratics Veteran
Hi there... I was able to tame a 86 Cold, 50 Poison, 2 Slot Frost Mite.
I am looking for an 85 Cold, 50 Poison, 2 Slot though.
If anyone has one on ATL (untrained) they want to sell, or trade, please let me know. Even if you want to farm one up, let me know what you want for it
I really want to get moving on training one, and the RNG has been a challenge to say the least

Thanks in advance!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there... I was able to tame a 86 Cold, 50 Poison, 2 Slot Frost Mite.
I am looking for an 85 Cold, 50 Poison, 2 Slot though.
If anyone has one on ATL (untrained) they want to sell, or trade, please let me know. Even if you want to farm one up, let me know what you want for it
I really want to get moving on training one, and the RNG has been a challenge to say the least

Thanks in advance!
Wait, you want to buy one that is 1 point of resist different from what you currently have?


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Some are OCD with balancing. 72 cold 72 Energy Cu could be sold for a lot to the right player.


Stratics Veteran
Yes, that's exactly it Pawain! If I made it 80 80 86 50 69 I would lose sleep. It's like when you're talking with someone and they launch a tiny peace of spit at you... You know it's there, they know it's there... and it's driving you absolutely nuts wanting to wipe it away! Now with the PP's and their overcaps, I can deal with that as there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.


UO Forum Moderator
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I ended up with a 2-slotter, and accidentally did the poison first, losing access to adding the 4th ability.

So, currently, having to wait to save up money for PS, as I have 125 points left after maxing out all non-skill-cap items, and scrolling everything but focus (which was 103.5 naturally) to 110.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Still looking if anyone has come across one!

Thanks again!
I just looked at mine, a fully trained and fully scrolled frost mite that survived many a roof encounter. It has an 86. Now you ruined it for me :D

Lex Darion

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Im taming 2 slot 85:ers.
I got one with 62 poison resist that Blazen didnt want. Anyone want it?

Still taming for perfect stats for Blazen but gonna take time.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Im taming 2 slot 85:ers.
I got one with 62 poison resist that Blazen didnt want. Anyone want it?

Still taming for perfect stats for Blazen but gonna take time.
Thank you, I was just joking. I don't pay much attention to such a minor stat difference.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
I've been very pleased with my frost mite. I have been using him to kill paragon ancient wyrms because i wanted a chest from one for awhile. I ended up getting one over the weekend prolly something like 10-15 paragons and my frost mite didn't die once. I still get random people walking up to me asking me what it is and where I got it.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend

I had some players on my ship doing beacons. We went by the area and they hopped off to see what they were. They found out quick that they hit hard. :)


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Frost Mites are good for a lot of encounters. Every tamer should have one.


Thank you, I will check it out next time.

The bane is almost done... other than having a hard time skilling parry and resist.... even when you tell it to stay/stop, it still does area affect.....
Working parry at a spawn, still looking for ideas for resist...
Whitesmith, I know this is a very old post of yours but how did your Bane turn out? Do you have lore you could post?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Old thread, but just thought i'd post this here. 2 Slot Frost Mites can get pretty monstrous with their stats. This here is a 78.3% 2 slot 85 Cold/50 Poison Resist Frost Mite leveled up to 5 slots. He's hit the Total Stat Cap (1,033 HP!), Total Resist Cap, Max Regens, can 120 all skills (just waiting for the PS), and has RC+AP. He has 25 TP left after all of that, and nothing left to spend it on.
Icicle 3.PNG

He works great for tanking and debuffing foes like Stygian Dragon, Rikktor, Virtuebane, etc. Basically any cold weak foe, he's great against.

I don't advise putting Poisoning on Beetles. It detracts from their RC/AP use, it gets cured almost immediately by any Magery/Mysticism/Chivalry foe, and even when it doesn't get cured, even Lethal Poison doesn't deal that much damage per tick (not enough to warrant taking away from RC/AP use), plus having Poison on a victim makes it harder to force the Beetle to target switch to a new foe. Plenty of foes are just flat out immune to Poison too (particularly greater Undead).
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Anon McDougle

Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Old thread, but just thought i'd post this here. 2 Slot Frost Mites can get pretty monstrous with their stats. This here is a 78.3% 2 slot 85 Cold/50 Poison Resist Frost Mite leveled up to 5 slots. He's hit the Total Stat Cap (1,033 HP!), Total Resist Cap, Max Regens, can 120 all skills (just waiting for the PS), and has RC+AP. He has 25 TP left after all of that, and nothing left to spend it on.
View attachment 122631

He works great for tanking and debuffing foes like Stygian Dragon, Rikktor, Virtuebane, etc. Basically any cold weak foe, he's great against.

I don't advise putting Poisoning on Beetles. It detracts from their RC/AP use, it gets cured almost immediately by any Magery/Mysticism/Chivalry foe, and even when it doesn't get cured, even Lethal Poison doesn't deal that much damage per tick (not enough to warrant taking away from RC/AP use), plus having Poison on a victim makes it harder to force the Beetle to target switch to a new foe. Plenty of foes are just flat out immune to Poison too (particularly greater Undead).

Mine a beast as well now if only I had a pet strap so i could carry her around


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Find a 2 slot one. Drag it away from the other stuff. Use spells. Fire would do the most damage. Be careful not to kill at the end .



I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
They do the correct damage to damage them.