Don't get me wrong; as a mage; I am glad they are useless now. Its basically just a "timed" apple. But as a dexxer; they are now completely useless. They just become a second apple. What is the point? All they did was turn the "remove curse all the time, ever 4 seconds" into "A second apple".
Now it will be useless to dexxers because the UOAssist macro isnt smart enough to use a regular/enhanced bandy instead of faction bandy, and you cant heal for 15 seconds if you dont have any other bandaids.
Why didnt they make it so it had a personal timer of 15 seconds? Meaning you can still use them just like regular bandaids; and if its been 15 seconds it removes curse? Instead of simple being changed into *Apple #2 macro*.
And to prove I am not dexxer biased; change it so you can only use ONE every 15 seconds; whether it be an apple; or a bandaid. That way dexxers cant spam "remove curse" with 2 items every 7 seconds.
Asking for your thoughts and ideas. No flames please; this is a serious post.
Now it will be useless to dexxers because the UOAssist macro isnt smart enough to use a regular/enhanced bandy instead of faction bandy, and you cant heal for 15 seconds if you dont have any other bandaids.
Why didnt they make it so it had a personal timer of 15 seconds? Meaning you can still use them just like regular bandaids; and if its been 15 seconds it removes curse? Instead of simple being changed into *Apple #2 macro*.
And to prove I am not dexxer biased; change it so you can only use ONE every 15 seconds; whether it be an apple; or a bandaid. That way dexxers cant spam "remove curse" with 2 items every 7 seconds.
Asking for your thoughts and ideas. No flames please; this is a serious post.