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From overpowered to useless: Faction Bandaids

Bombastic Fail

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Don't get me wrong; as a mage; I am glad they are useless now. Its basically just a "timed" apple. But as a dexxer; they are now completely useless. They just become a second apple. What is the point? All they did was turn the "remove curse all the time, ever 4 seconds" into "A second apple".

Now it will be useless to dexxers because the UOAssist macro isnt smart enough to use a regular/enhanced bandy instead of faction bandy, and you cant heal for 15 seconds if you dont have any other bandaids.

Why didnt they make it so it had a personal timer of 15 seconds? Meaning you can still use them just like regular bandaids; and if its been 15 seconds it removes curse? Instead of simple being changed into *Apple #2 macro*.

And to prove I am not dexxer biased; change it so you can only use ONE every 15 seconds; whether it be an apple; or a bandaid. That way dexxers cant spam "remove curse" with 2 items every 7 seconds.

Asking for your thoughts and ideas. No flames please; this is a serious post.


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You do know there is a separate UO Bandage macro that ISN'T the UOAssist macro now, don't you?

And, if you use UO Assist, you can set up a bandage macro for use ITEM (not item type) to take from a specific pile.


Pile 1: normal or enhanced bandages
Pile 2: Faction aids.

Set up different macros for each.

In fact, if you have a macro to apply multiple aids, and have a 3 second aid timer, have every 5th one be from the faction pile. if 4 seconds, every 4th one...


I think faction bandies should not have been introduced in the first place, so I'm ok with making em useless.

Green Meanie

I can agree a lil. I think they should be a enhanced bandage that 1 time every 15 seconds if a apple hasnt been eatin within the 15 secs removes curse. To make that clear I DONT THINK THEY SHOULD STACK. While we are at it can we bump the apple time from 10 secs to 15 secs


Always Present
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Now that they have a timer... (why can't they just heal regularly the rest of the time?)
Has anyone been able to make a macro for healing themself with regular bandages while still having the enchanted ones in their pack?
I can't seem to get them to work. Every macro just recognizes them as bandages and makes me wait 12 seconds even though I've got regular bandages available for immediate use.

By putting this timer have they made it so only mages without healing can use them as apples?


COOL Mages did get some love!! :p

Id say it was a bit extreme if no macro can recognise them as different but hey...while its like this im gna love it!!!


Always Present
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Mages have always been able to use the bandages though. You just used to be able to chain them to remove curses and mortals and such. Now you have to wait 12 or 15 seconds, whatever it is.

Has anyone been able to make seperate macros for each bandage type?


Babbling Loonie
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Now that they have a timer... (why can't they just heal regularly the rest of the time?)
Has anyone been able to make a macro for healing themself with regular bandages while still having the enchanted ones in their pack?
I can't seem to get them to work. Every macro just recognizes them as bandages and makes me wait 12 seconds even though I've got regular bandages available for immediate use.

By putting this timer have they made it so only mages without healing can use them as apples?
Yes but you can throw UO bandage self macro away.
You need to use UOA and make two macros one use item (Faction Bandages) the other uses Regular or Enhanced Bandages. And everytime you die and your stack of bandages got looted you need to retarget for each of the macro as use item type wont work.
UO built in bandage self can still be used but it will use the stack that you used the last. If you used faction bandaid and the next time you use bandage self it will try to use faction bandaids and vice versa.

You really only need to just learn to use 1 extra macro for bandage self until they fix it.

Actually this is not so much of a mage love as you can still get 2 remove curses every 15 seconds with apples and faction aids, on top of the nearly instant cast 4/6 remove curse.


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It's blindingly easy to make macros for the different bandage types (especially in UOAssist).

Make normal macros, NOT use bandage macros. Just use "Use Item", not "Use Item Type".

Macro 1: A stack of Faction Bandages, target self.
Macro 2: A stack of any other bandage type, target self.

Note that, in either case, if you run out or lose the stack, you'll have to go in and redefine a new stack as the item for the macro

If you have a 3 second bandage timer, then even go so far as a "Faction Bandage, target, pause, (then 4 "normal bandage, target, pause" iterations)" 5 bandage macro, so that when it runs out you are ready for a new faction bandage. 2 or 4 second timers require altering the pause and number of normal bandages, for the same idea. (and, of course, the macros have to be reset to use different stacks if you run one or both dry).


I'm for just banning UOA all together. I'm not paying for it, that's for damned sure. Haven't paid in... what? 6 years? Not gonna start now. "That program" and UOA used to be equally bannable.... Personally, I don't like people having an advantage just because they paid $15 to a third party company.

I've never liked UOA.


I'm for just banning UOA all together. I'm not paying for it, that's for damned sure. Haven't paid in... what? 6 years? Not gonna start now.
you realize UOA isn't a subscription, right? pay once and its yours forever, and it sounds like you've already bought it.


Crazed Zealot
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I'm for just banning UOA all together. I'm not paying for it, that's for damned sure. Haven't paid in... what? 6 years? Not gonna start now. "That program" and UOA used to be equally bannable.... Personally, I don't like people having an advantage just because they paid $15 to a third party company.

I've never liked UOA.
That must have been very early on indeed that uoa was bannable. "That program" and UOA have never been equally bannable, unless of course you are talking about the earliest versions of "that program". As a dexxer from way back I've always loved UOA, and have paid for it on five different accounts.

KR and likely SA will see the program outmoded by the game client itself.

But I sure have enjoyed having an "approved" advantage that I could pay $15 for.


Yes but you can throw UO bandage self macro away.
You need to use UOA and make two macros one use item (Faction Bandages) the other uses Regular or Enhanced Bandages. And everytime you die and your stack of bandages got looted you need to retarget for each of the macro as use item type wont work.
I'm sure most people won't like this but KR allows you to put separate bandage stack types in separate hotbar locations, i.e. instant macro, no 3rd party program needed.

Lord Kotan

Slightly Crazed
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In fact, if you have a macro to apply multiple aids, and have a 3 second aid timer, have every 5th one be from the faction pile. if 4 seconds, every 4th one...
That is a real cool idea to record to apply 5; with one being enhanced to auto heal ya with UOA basically.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Personally I don't think faction bandaides should exist in the first place.


you realize UOA isn't a subscription, right? pay once and its yours forever, and it sounds like you've already bought it.
Yeah, I realize that. I'm just opposed to paying a 3rd party for funcionality above and beyond what's included in the UO client. Never paid for it, but I did do the free trial. Decided against buying.

I've enjoyed the game just fine with the UO macros for all my combat and general use needs. UOA is a crutch. That's not a popular stance, but that's how I feel and that's how I play. From what I hear, UOKR is the cat's meow for this kind of stuff, and I look forward to messing with it when I get my new system put together (thanks, Dermott!).


Crazed Zealot
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Yeah, I realize that. I'm just opposed to paying a 3rd party for funcionality above and beyond what's included in the UO client. Never paid for it, but I did do the free trial. Decided against buying.

I've enjoyed the game just fine with the UO macros for all my combat and general use needs. UOA is a crutch. That's not a popular stance, but that's how I feel and that's how I play. From what I hear, UOKR is the cat's meow for this kind of stuff, and I look forward to messing with it when I get my new system put together (thanks, Dermott!).
Now, don't take this the wrong way, but with the modded clients, as opposed to the default client, you are in for some very pleasant surprises. *wink and a nod*


Always Present
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do faction band aids work if you don't have healing/anatomy?...la
Yes for the removal of curses and whatnot it does... or did last time I tried it.

And as of last night two separate UOA macros for healing with two stacks of bandages didn't work. Am I not supposed to change it to "use item type"?

On a personal note I think it's insanely stupid to add something to the game that doesn't work with the in game macro system at this point in their UO lives. If they are going to change something in the game the appropriate macro "fix" (in game) should go along with it.

Lord Gareth

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Setup a macro in Uoassist Useing the enhanced bandaids then heal yourself. After that set the use item (Which is the bandaids) to Use Item Type.


Always Present
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Setup a macro in Uoassist Useing the enhanced bandaids then heal yourself. After that set the use item (Which is the bandaids) to Use Item Type.
I couldn't get that to work last night. Every time I used a enchanted bandage it just kept that as "type" used no matter which macro I used.
I'll try again...


Grand Poobah
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That is a real cool idea to record to apply 5; with one being enhanced to auto heal ya with UOA basically.
Ya.. until it tries to apply a bandaid when you're not hurt and then it screws up on you and you die.


Grand Poobah
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...KR is smart enough...

You are to KR what Rico is to Siege. Quit plugging a crappy, bloaded, buggy client. No one is buying and you shouldn't be selling it.

Black Majick

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QFT Lynk......I am almost too the point of putting all the KR "Salesman" on ignore. I get tired of reading about it. I enjoy my 2d Client and the day I am forced to play KR will be the day I close my 3 accounts down. If I wanted to play it or try it I would. I dont though.


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I couldn't get that to work last night. Every time I used a enchanted bandage it just kept that as "type" used no matter which macro I used.
I'll try again...
For setting up two different macros, from different piles, you DO NOT use "Use Item Type" (leave it as Use Item).

I only said that in both my descriptions of how to set it up....

And, for the other poster, how does a bandage being applied when not hurt "screw up on you, and you die"? You get a message that you aren't damaged, and the aid isn't even used, for the normal/enhanced type (though it will probably waste the faction type). OR, are you trying to use some other macro at the same time?

The irony is that, unlike most of you, none of my characters have more than 18 macros other than game default ones (and they are all set up on the function keys and the 6-key block with insert, etc. keys). KR sometimes drive me nuts, as it leaves stuff tied to the numbers (even with ENTER to talk disabled) that I keep having to manually undo, as sometimes KR REASSIGNS them the number keys again. I'd preferred it if they'd had KR's number key assignments on the F-keys, and the current F-key assignments on the number pad, without me having to reassign everything.


Grand Poobah
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And, for the other poster, how does a bandage being applied when not hurt "screw up on you, and you die"? You get a message that you aren't damaged, and the aid isn't even used, for the normal/enhanced type (though it will probably waste the faction type). OR, are you trying to use some other macro at the same time?

I thought it was pretty obvious, but I'll break it down for you.

UOAMacro Key is hit:

You apply the first bandaid
wait 4 seconds
Bam you're healed!
Use item (bandaid)
target self "You are already full life.."
wait 4 seconds
(nothing happening here, you're alleged "helpful macro" hurts you more than it helps you because it's not going to apply a new bandaid until the timer is up.)

My point was it's more efficient to apply them yourself each time.


sorry if this was already covered, I didn't read all the responses, but can't you just put your faction aids in a second pouch and then your UOAssist macro would use the normal ones?


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I thought it was pretty obvious, but I'll break it down for you.

UOAMacro Key is hit:

You apply the first bandaid
wait 4 seconds
Bam you're healed!
Use item (bandaid)
target self "You are already full life.."
wait 4 seconds
(nothing happening here, you're alleged "helpful macro" hurts you more than it helps you because it's not going to apply a new bandaid until the timer is up.)

My point was it's more efficient to apply them yourself each time.

It's the exact opposite of obvious, apparently, because that is NOT what you were saying the first time (you were saying that it kills you, which is not what occurs). You end up waiting double the normal time for a bandage, which can lead to your death, depending on what you're fighting.

Frankly, if you're using a life leech weapon, it can crop up just trying to use an aid on yourself and having the life leech put you right up to max, then you're wondering why your manually triggered aid didn't kick in.

I do agree, though, that it is more efficient to do it manually as needed (especially if you're in PvP, which I don't do) or in combat with something that is constantly poisoning you in PvM. I mostly use a bandage multiple times macro as a vet macro, instead of self-healing - with my finger hovering over my "end macro" button in case I need to cast something on myself.


Lore Master
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I do agree, though, that it is more efficient to do it manually as needed (especially if you're in PvP, which I don't do) ...
Why on earth are you using faction bandies if you are not PvPing? THAT is what is wrong with the current system of faction items ...