Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Planetside 2 Stratics is proud to offer free forum hosting for PS2 outfits. Outfits may have both public and private forums, or some combination thereof. For example, an outfit may desire a public forum to interact with members or prospective members, as well as a hidden forum for outfit leadership. Outfit leaders will serve as moderators of their respective forums.
All forums are subject to Stratics’ Rules of Conduct, which includes prohibitions against anything that violates Sony's Terms of Service. Outfits that are inactive (defined by no posts in the past 3 months or longer) may have their forums removed. Every effort will be made to contact an outfit's leadership prior to removal.
This service will always be free. When applying for forums, please include the following information:
All forums are subject to Stratics’ Rules of Conduct, which includes prohibitions against anything that violates Sony's Terms of Service. Outfits that are inactive (defined by no posts in the past 3 months or longer) may have their forums removed. Every effort will be made to contact an outfit's leadership prior to removal.
This service will always be free. When applying for forums, please include the following information:
- Your PS2 Name
- Your PS2 Outfit Name
- Your Stratics Forums username (register, if you have not already)
- The proposed names of your forums and which forums, if any, should be private (we recommend 2-3 forums to start)
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