Ok folks...here's the list. The forums are made and I'm opening them now...but we're still juggling some skills so please be patient just a little longer
UO Bard Forum - Discordance, Musicianship, Peacemaking, Provocation skills
UO Beggar Forum
UO Botany & Nutrition - Alchemy, Cooking, Gardening, Taste Identification skills
UO Craftsman - Arms Lore, Blacksmithing, Bowcraft/Fletching, Carpentry, Lumberjacking, Mining, Tailoring and Tinkering skills
UO Detective - Anatomy, Camping, Detect Hidden, Forensics, Healing, and Tracking skills
UO Spellcaster - Evaluate Intelligence, Inscription, Magery, Meditation, Necromancy, Resist Spells, Spellweaving, Spirit Speak skills
UO Tamer - Animal Lore, Animal Taming, Herding, Veterinary skills
UO Thief - The old Assassin and Murderers forums are here. More skills will have to find a home here
UO Warrior - Archery, Bushido, Chivalry, Fencing, Focus, Macefighting, Ninjitsu, Parry, Swordsmanship, Tactics, and Wrestling (Disarming) skills
UO Treasure Hunter - Cartography, Fishing, Item Identification, Lock Picking, and Remove Trap skills
Remember we're still fitting some skills in, so Hiding, Poisoning, Snooping, Stealing, and Stealth skills aren't listed yet.