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For Devs. Really disappointed

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know, it's a stupid thing but for me that sometimes farming leather is a very disappointed thing.
Ok, there is the buthchers war cleaver. But it's a joke. With a very little weight the leatehr remain, cutted, into the mob.
And the recipe for this cleaver is very very rare. And very expensive.
The same thing do the butcher knife, that is a little cutter that i buy in every city for a little money. Using it, the leather is cutted but it remains in the corp of mob.
Please stop joking us. If there is a Butchers' war cleaver make that it works well. Considering the real weight of char without it before cutting.
I'm very bored, after 8 years of faithfulness and i think that please, fix some bug.
Do you think that the new expansion give to you many many players???
Uo is like is now. Old players remains, the new will wanted no bugs.


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Let's parse this so that people that post only graphics can understand (Ivory is not a native English speaker, so it's understandable that the post isn't quite clear (though I understood it exactly - and even caught where they listed the wrong weapon in one spot), and apparently JoO doesn't understand English or manners)

I know, it's a stupid thing but for me that sometimes farming leather is a very disappointed thing.
Ok, there is the buthchers war cleaver. But it's a joke. With a very little weight the leather remain, cutted, into the mob.
(Translation) The Butcher's War Cleaver, while it cuts the leather directly to "Cut Leather" instead of "Hides", fails in its function to place the leather directly into the user's pack, if at least one of the following two conditions are present:
  • if the person has more than 62 items in their pack (including the adjusted item count for BOD books),
  • or, if their weight is in the mid-300s (this SEEMS to be the point where the weight of the leather, had it still been hides, would have caused the carrying capacity to exceed the pre-ML 400 stone weight capacity of the character's pack)
In these situations, the cut leather is left in the corpse (but at least they aren't hides that normal cutting produces).

The Skinning Knife (not the butcher knife) functions in the same manner as the Butcher's War Cleaver, but is required to be wielded when the corpse is cut (the BWC can be clicked in the pack and still have full function). The Skinning knife is cheap, but the BWC recipe is rare, and the item expensive to craft, for its added benefit.

Now that Backpacks have 550 stone capacity, and humans (even without +STR gear) can have maximum carry weights without becoming immobile in the 500s, the BWC and skinning knife should not be leaving the cut leather in the skinned corpses at 330-350 total weight for the character.

*******End Clarification*******

Even my tamer, trying to farm SoTs at the Tokuno spawn while also farming normal and spined leather from the stage 1 spawn, had to loot 10 Lizardman corpses to get their leather, after the BWC stopped moving the leather to the pack due to the nonsensical weight issue, before reaching weight limits (and was still 8-10 more lizardmen's worth from actual PACK capacity, had I wanted to play sitting duck and try to get them to attack me while I couldn't move, and be defended by the Dragon).

This really needs addressed.

Similar issues are present with other resources, such as how ingots and bones will drop to the ground when processed while overweight, unless you are using a salvage bag to cut the bones/recycle the item.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
But Basara, why i have to make quest and use many of many of iron to take the recipe to butchers war cleaver when a simple butcher knife make the same effect?
It's a bug?
It's not a bug?
Sure that i'll no craft another usefullness item.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Learn something new every day. Didn't realize these items did this. :)
Sablestorm, i've been paying some money every month.
I think that i pretend for having some sure answer .
We have 5 accounts in our family.
It's a lot of money.
Do you think that i accept a simple answer???????????
I want the real anwer, not the answer to buddy palyers


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It has been submitted as a bug several times in the past.

The devs are a little busy with polishing SA at the moment ... you should probably ask again in a couple of weeks.


UO Forum Moderator
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BTW, I was defending you, and agreeing with you.

and It's not the butcher's knife - it's the skinning knife.

And, you have to wield (hold in hand) the skinning knife for it to work. Unless you found a really nice skinning knife as loot (like my tailor's reptile slayer) for a warrior to use in combat, you're better off with a butcher's war cleaver in your pack, instead of having to disarm to skin, then rearm your spellbook or other weapon.

The Bovine slayer property is really useful for normal leather, if you have a character that can use the BWC as a weapon. Equip the BWC and a Bovine slayer talisman, and bulls drop as easily as cows, and Gaman take 1-2 hits to die.

But yes, the Butcher's War Cleaver is a luxury - but that doesn't stop them from selling. After all, people said that the limited charge hitching posts wouldn't sell, yet all my friends that make them can't keep them in stock. Just because there's a cheaper (but harder to use) alternative does not mean that people will go for the cheap alternative.

Stupid Miner

Been like that for years. Realistically you'll just have to work around it. Drop the leather in your pack on the ground if no one's around to decrease your total weight. Use bags of sending, whatever works, but don't hold your breath on getting this issue fixed anytime soon.


I know, it's a stupid thing but for me that sometimes farming leather is a very disappointed thing.
Ok, there is the buthchers war cleaver. But it's a joke. With a very little weight the leatehr remain, cutted, into the mob.
And the recipe for this cleaver is very very rare. And very expensive.
The same thing do the butcher knife, that is a little cutter that i buy in every city for a little money. Using it, the leather is cutted but it remains in the corp of mob.
Please stop joking us. If there is a Butchers' war cleaver make that it works well. Considering the real weight of char without it before cutting.
I'm very bored, after 8 years of faithfulness and i think that please, fix some bug.
Do you think that the new expansion give to you many many players???
Uo is like is now. Old players remains, the new will wanted no bugs.
Your buthchers war cleaver will only put it in your bag if you can hold it.
Sometimes it will not. Like when I get up to 140 cut leather it stops
automatically going into my backpack. It is not a bug it makes it so you
don't get over weight.

(And a side note) Telling people how you pay lots of $$ and use tons of
ingots then biting the hand of someone who is telling you how it works
and spent time on the information is really _______ of you.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
BTW, I was defending you, and agreeing with you.

and It's not the butcher's knife - it's the skinning knife.

And, you have to wield (hold in hand) the skinning knife for it to work. Unless you found a really nice skinning knife as loot (like my tailor's reptile slayer) for a warrior to use in combat, you're better off with a butcher's war cleaver in your pack, instead of having to disarm to skin, then rearm your spellbook or other weapon.

The Bovine slayer property is really useful for normal leather, if you have a character that can use the BWC as a weapon. Equip the BWC and a Bovine slayer talisman, and bulls drop as easily as cows, and Gaman take 1-2 hits to die.

But yes, the Butcher's War Cleaver is a luxury - but that doesn't stop them from selling. After all, people said that the limited charge hitching posts wouldn't sell, yet all my friends that make them can't keep them in stock. Just because there's a cheaper (but harder to use) alternative does not mean that people will go for the cheap alternative.
Basara thanks, for yor anzswer.
Maplestone has told me that there is a real problem :)
"just because there's a cheaper (but harder to use) alternative does not mean that people will go for the cheap alternative"
It's not my words. Waplesrone is right.
I only sayed that a stupid item that Butcher's war Cleaaver works like a simple skinning knife.
I've also written at the bug site, but please, don't hide this think, Basara.
It's a real bug. or anormal way


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Butcher's War Cleaver is very handy. My Paly carries it all the time.

I'll re-iterate some of what Basara said. I haven't gathered hides in awhile, but if my recollection is correct, if the uncut hides would make you overweight, the cut leather will go to the corpse instead. For my Paladin that seems be be around 390 stones when he gets the leather from a regular dragon.

I've been using the same Butcher's War Cleaver for 2 or 3 years now and I'd never bother going into Destard or Despise without it. The rarity of the recipe isn't all that important since you only need one.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I know, it's a stupid thing but for me that sometimes farming leather is a very disappointed thing.
Ok, there is the buthchers war cleaver. But it's a joke. With a very little weight the leatehr remain, cutted, into the mob.
And the recipe for this cleaver is very very rare. And very expensive.
The same thing do the butcher knife, that is a little cutter that i buy in every city for a little money. Using it, the leather is cutted but it remains in the corp of mob.
Please stop joking us. If there is a Butchers' war cleaver make that it works well. Considering the real weight of char without it before cutting.
I'm very bored, after 8 years of faithfulness and i think that please, fix some bug.
Do you think that the new expansion give to you many many players???
Uo is like is now. Old players remains, the new will wanted no bugs.
If you are on Baja I will make you all the iron cleavers you want. If you want them out of other material then bring it with you and I will make them. All exp with 40% DI.

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Butcher's War Cleaver is very handy. My Paly carries it all the time.

I'll re-iterate some of what Basara said. I haven't gathered hides in awhile, but if my recollection is correct, if the uncut hides would make you overweight, the cut leather will go to the corpse instead. For my Paladin that seems be be around 390 stones when he gets the leather from a regular dragon.

I've been using the same Butcher's War Cleaver for 2 or 3 years now and I'd never bother going into Destard or Despise without it. The rarity of the recipe isn't all that important since you only need one.
Yes for some reason it still thinks your pack can only hold 400, I think it is a known bug that I wish they would fix.

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Butcher's War Cleaver is very handy. My Paly carries it all the time.

I'll re-iterate some of what Basara said. I haven't gathered hides in awhile, but if my recollection is correct, if the uncut hides would make you overweight, the cut leather will go to the corpse instead. For my Paladin that seems be be around 390 stones when he gets the leather from a regular dragon.

I've been using the same Butcher's War Cleaver for 2 or 3 years now and I'd never bother going into Destard or Despise without it. The rarity of the recipe isn't all that important since you only need one.
Sure, also me i have one on my backpack. But i think. I'm an elf. i can carry just 480 stones. If i go farming leatehr i have only runebooks and a very few other things. Another 10 stones?
OK, why i kill the first monster, the second and about under 300 stone i have to put the leather, cutrtd, in the loot?
For me it's a bug :(
The chek for the weight would be under the cutted leather, not before.
It's a rare item. Let it be usefull :)


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sablestorm, i've been paying some money every month.
I think that i pretend for having some sure answer .
We have 5 accounts in our family.
It's a lot of money.
Do you think that i accept a simple answer???????????
I want the real anwer, not the answer to buddy palyers
So just because you pay for 5 accounts entitles you to a more complex answer? How lazy can you be if you can't just drag the cut leather from the mob's corpse to your own backpack? Seriously..


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Yes for some reason it still thinks your pack can only hold 400, I think it is a known bug that I wish they would fix.
It is just because they hardcoded the limit instead of having a weight check.

My best guess is that this harcoded limit was a bandaid for avoiding people abusing the BWC and going overweighted on purpose. The BWC cutting and backpacking script was probably bypassing the normal weight checks. Instead of correcting that (more complicated), they hardcoded the weightcheck.

Heart Breaker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I want to know is why every post Ivory makes is complaining about something.

Butcher's war cleavers are a fantastic addition to UO! Sure, the whole weight issue sucks, but I don't think I could be bothered wasting my time complaining about it. There are many alternatives that have already been mentioned. Stacking the cut leather on the ground, using a bag of sending, blah blah blah. If we're really going to complain about the Butcher's War Cleaver, maybe it could have some options like putting the scales and feathers in our backpacks, too! ;)

Maybe it IS a bug for you (seems your accounts are really bugged) if you only kill one thing, collect the leather and your backpack is full. Does that happen with ALL of your chars, or only your elf? What are you killing? Where are you killing? Maybe it was a greater dragon in fel that gave double the leather? *shrugs*


What I want to know is why every post Ivory makes is complaining about something.
Do you actually read the forums?
The majority of posts are people complaining about something. If there was nothing to complain about the forums would be empty as everyone would be playing instead of posting :p


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What I want to know is why every post Ivory makes is complaining about something.

Butcher's war cleavers are a fantastic addition to UO! Sure, the whole weight issue sucks, but I don't think I could be bothered wasting my time complaining about it. There are many alternatives that have already been mentioned. Stacking the cut leather on the ground, using a bag of sending, blah blah blah. If we're really going to complain about the Butcher's War Cleaver, maybe it could have some options like putting the scales and feathers in our backpacks, too! ;)

Maybe it IS a bug for you (seems your accounts are really bugged) if you only kill one thing, collect the leather and your backpack is full. Does that happen with ALL of your chars, or only your elf? What are you killing? Where are you killing? Maybe it was a greater dragon in fel that gave double the leather? *shrugs*
Ivory in Felucca? I laughed so hard I shat myself.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Molly is selling a BWC for 6000 gold at Ulysses shop near Skara Brae, Europa.
Even if the recipe is rare and expensive, the cleavers need not be.

Heart Breaker

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Do you actually read the forums?
The majority of posts are people complaining about something. If there was nothing to complain about the forums would be empty as everyone would be playing instead of posting :p
Ok, maybe I meant to say that Ivory's posts are always filled with such anger, and to me the content seems like it's no big deal. I'll admit that I enjoy reading her posts because they really make me lol. I love how everything is a bug to her, GMs must love getting her messages 40 times a day! :)

And to Alezi, I've never seen Ivory ingame (I think I read once that she plays on Europa), so I wasn't sure if she ever played in Fel or not, so I just threw that out there.

Just sayin'. :)


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sure, also me i have one on my backpack. But i think. I'm an elf. i can carry just 480 stones. If i go farming leatehr i have only runebooks and a very few other things. Another 10 stones?
OK, why i kill the first monster, the second and about under 300 stone i have to put the leather, cutrtd, in the loot?
For me it's a bug :(
The chek for the weight would be under the cutted leather, not before.
It's a rare item. Let it be usefull :)

ok i think i know what you are missing . the game takes the weight of the uncut leather as its weight limit . if you are cutting gamen or something else that gives alot of leather , even in 2 kills , you would not be able to hold the weight of that much leather if it were not cut . so , its a small bother to pick it up . but that is the way it works for all of us . i dont think you are bugged ... its just alot of leather


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Sablestorm, i've been paying some money every month.
I think that i pretend for having some sure answer .
We have 5 accounts in our family.
It's a lot of money.
Do you think that i accept a simple answer???????????
I want the real anwer, not the answer to buddy palyers
Sorry, I spend more money than you do on UO. ;) I have no answer for you, but this thread caught my attention because I didn't know these items had this skinning property. I didn't say anything bad about you, so what gives? If you don't want people to comment on threads you make, I suggest not making them.

Tina Small

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Ivory, consider doing the elf to human quest with the character that you're using to gather leather. If you want company doing it (I think you're on Europa), just send me a PM.


Grand Poobah
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She doesn't really want advice on how she can overcome this tremendous obstacle. She's just looking for anyone to agree with her.


I'm somewhat inclined to believe Ivory is right in thinking it may be a bug. Sometimes I'll work on my spellweaving with my wimpy little mage who can only carry about 230 stones or so by fighting gaman, and I have her use butcher's war cleaver to skin them afterward. Sometimes, she can fight and fight them until she's well over weight and they are still going right into her pack. Other times I've barely killed one or two and they're already dropping into the corpse.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Butcher's War Cleaver is very handy. My Paly carries it all the time.

I'll re-iterate some of what Basara said. I haven't gathered hides in awhile, but if my recollection is correct, if the uncut hides would make you overweight, the cut leather will go to the corpse instead. For my Paladin that seems be be around 390 stones when he gets the leather from a regular dragon.

I've been using the same Butcher's War Cleaver for 2 or 3 years now and I'd never bother going into Destard or Despise without it. The rarity of the recipe isn't all that important since you only need one.
Correct as usual Setnaffa.

All you have to do is catch a smith around a forge that has the recipe and they will make one for you. No need to do everything yourself in the game.

Just bring me one of the Blue Diamonds it requires to make on and I'll craft you one for free.

In terms of the weight - yes it is annoying. I've gotten used to dropping my hides when I hit 254 on the ground and stack them up. Then I grab 480 at a time and send to the bank with bag of sending. I do this from fel champs though so i'm not worried about someone stealing off the ground. If I'm not there alone - I'm dead anyways. :) Gathered a quick 10k from a lizzy spawn this AM in fact.

Reptile Spawn/Necro Mage/Butcher War Cleaver/Bag of Sending = Leather machine!


Been like that for years. Realistically you'll just have to work around it. Drop the leather in your pack on the ground if no one's around to decrease your total weight. Use bags of sending, whatever works, but don't hold your breath on getting this issue fixed anytime soon.
Or any other issue for that matter

Ivory Norwind

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
She doesn't really want advice on how she can overcome this tremendous obstacle. She's just looking for anyone to agree with her.
Lynk you are offensive as usual. I don't understand why you are in the team of osi. You smell.