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Fishing/T-Maps and Imbuing.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Can some of the Imbuing ingredients be added too Fabled fishing nets and Level 5-6 T-maps too?

Would be a extra boost to do them. :)


Seahorses and ghost anchors aren't incentive enough?
Also, don't level 6 t-maps give out marty's that you can unravel for relic frags?


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Seahorses and ghost anchors aren't incentive enough?
Also, don't level 6 t-maps give out marty's that you can unravel for relic frags?

In my whole fishing life i UO i got 0.0 Seahorses and Anchors. :/
And i have done alot of fishing !
If the ingredients are that rare its not even worth to try.

Mm could unravel the Marty but is that enough after fighting 4 AW for it? :)


The chance of any artifact for fabled nets is ridiclus. On top of that anchor/seahorse are two of several artifacts that might drop. The loot on ancient sos are a joke. I went on retribtion and did an ancient sos. I took all the loot out of the white chest and put in magic unravel bag. With 120 imbuing I received 2 essence and 23 magic residue. As it takes average 20 hours to get one ancient sos, that reward/loot is a joke. At this point anyone who fishes doesnt do it for the reward.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Thats why i feel we could get a little extra love with the imbuing ingredients. :)

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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I dunno about in treasure chests, but they should drop on ore elems from garg picks definitely.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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There are already imbuing ingredients in treasure chests, and they're the ones you need in most quantity too. What there isn't is enough of them. From the point of view of using them for imbuing treasure chests should have around 100 gems instead of just half a dozen or so. Much easier to code that too, so more likely to happen.

Dermott of LS

UOEC Modder
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Stratics Legend

Unravels + gems... 2 of the three ingredients really. However I'm not sure they should ramp up the gem numbers though. Gems are already easy to get in quanitity with chests, gem carts, and hunting certain mobs (besides... wouldn;t it be better for UO as a whole to make it more attractive to buy out the jeweler NPCs for a while and sink a GOOD chunk of gold in the process (about 450k per batch of 500 of each gem)?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
depends what you mean by quantities Dermott. I've been trying to get gems for the past couple of days just to investigate this aspect, I've yet to exceed 20 gems per hour. My guestimated quantity needed to train the skill to legendary, based on using 1276 citrine to go from 25 to 45 skill, is in the region of 50 - 75k. (Although with my woefully inadequate maths skills that could be totally wrong).

On the other hand I guess you're right, buying them would be better for the economy.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
Seahorses and ghost anchors aren't incentive enough?
Also, don't level 6 t-maps give out marty's that you can unravel for relic frags?

Incentives ? Who mentioned Treasure Maps and Fishing Nets needing incentives ?

The point of adding imbuing ingredients to Treasure Maps and Fishing Nets has nothing at all to do with incentives, the way I see it.

It has ALL to do with making NEEDED resources to a crafting skill available to CRAFTERS (characters usually NOT fit for fighting...) rather than ONLY to fighters.

I find it ridicolous that a skill might be for CRAFTERS but then they cannot craft unless they can PvP or have extreme developed characters for high end PvM.

Crafting is, well, CRAFTING..... And fighting is......... fighting.

Nothing needed for crafting should ever force a CRAFTER to have to fight or have high end "fighting" characters.

No, ridicolous is not the correct word, OUTRAGEOUS, is, IMHO.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
There are already imbuing ingredients in treasure chests, and they're the ones you need in most quantity too. What there isn't is enough of them. From the point of view of using them for imbuing treasure chests should have around 100 gems instead of just half a dozen or so. Much easier to code that too, so more likely to happen.

The problem is about those ingredients required for high end imbuing.

Requiring fighting for CRAFTING characters is NOT correct.

Crafting is CRAFTING and fighting is fighting.

Unfortunately, it seems that many, perhaps even among the Developers, have forgotten that Ultima Online is a ROLE PLAYING game or, at least, that it was born as such.

Now everybody necessarily thinks that players have it all, reds, blues, fighters, crafters, you name it.

But a ROLE playing game is a game where one picks a role and plays THAT.............

And, I will say it again, a crafter is a CRAFTER, not a fighter and crafters should never have a limitation to their business when they cannot fight being, after all, crafters and NOT fighters......

No, NOT EVEN for the high end part of THEIR business.........

Want to make some ingredients rarer ?

Well, then DECREASE the chances of it as a drop when mining or chopping wood but I see it as WRONG to force crafters to HAVE TO FIGHT to gather REQUIRED ingredients for their profession.

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
At current time there are no ingredients required that a crafter can't get by him/herself. The common gems can be bought from an NPC Jeweller.

I play a crafter on Siege, I have no fighting character on that shard, yet I have no worries about being able to obtain ingredients.


Always Present
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Stratics Legend
At current time there are no ingredients required that a crafter can't get by him/herself. The common gems can be bought from an NPC Jeweller.

I play a crafter on Siege, I have no fighting character on that shard, yet I have no worries about being able to obtain ingredients.

Things look VERY bad for crafters, at least considering the following comments made at the last UOHoC chat by the game's LEAD Designer........

Draconi - We are seriously considering expanding out the ingredient list for imbuing, and making the variety of imbuing ingredients obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles
"Seriously" considering ?
"Obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles" ?

Draconi - Oh, and I should mention that the ingredients would be obtainable through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses

"Through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses" ??

Hunting and Bosses ????

I am sorry, but it does NOT look as turning good for CRAFTERS.

This is not good, NOT good at all, IMHO.

Crafter ARE crafters and should NOT be required to do any hunting to get their business going.

If there is a design need to make some ingredients rarer, just make their drop rate lower when chopping wood or mining ore but FORCE crafters to hunt ? Not good at all, IMHO.

The Peerless ingredients requirement killed a lot of scribes who did not much fighting and left the business in the hands of those who did the more fighting. Players who had not cared about scribing much made scribes just to feed them the ingredients they were farming with their fighters at the Peerless....

Mules, mules and again mules.

All this destroys crafting as a playing ROLE and dimish it to being a mule, a secondary character to a fighter.

Now we are going to see the same happen for imbuing ?

It does not look good to me, not good at all.

Not if this is still a ROLE playing game............


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Another thing is, to lessen the rarity of the white pearls while fishing. Seems to take forever to get one.


Slightly Crazed
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Another thing is, to lessen the rarity of the white pearls while fishing. Seems to take forever to get one.
Nooooo! Please don't do this. Pearls are one of the few things fishers have for income :)


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I already wonder, how long it will take to sell out the shards supplies of white pearls and non-fishers to realize, how rare those actually are. (Thought I consider brilliant ambers harder to get. But there are probably more scripters around that have those stocked in larger quantities. And from what I remember the imbuing ingredient lists, white pearls will be moreoften aftersaught.)

Orn Autumnleaf

I dunno, when I was on beta last weekend I caught three White Pearls in around 15-20 minutes, so maybe they already have increased the rate but can't be so sure. Although, I've always had good luck catching the pearls myself. :)

A bump in common gems in chests would be splendid but then again, there are plenty of other ways to obtain gems with much less time and effort.


Incentives ? Who mentioned Treasure Maps and Fishing Nets needing incentives ?
Could you please stop thread-crapping in every single thread on UHall? I don't post in your ridiculous threads telling you that the things you're upset about are fine (although they usually are). Fishing and T-Hunting are a lot more dysfunctional than most of the stuff you're complaining about, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you've never done either, so kindly leave this discussion to folks who have and who actually care about those two activities.


I do think that brilliant amber from lumberjacking are more rare than white pearls but at least lumberjacking you get items that are useful. Wood. This past week I took my lumberjacking skill of a stone and head to del to hunt for some gems. So far I have gathered:

26488 boards,
187 ash,
902 oak,
176 yew,
220 bloodwood,
396 heartwood,
86 luminescent fungi,
68 switches,
281 bark fragments,
ZERO gems.

I do have gm lumberjacking as well as a corroded hatchet with +5. I just noticed I m a human so will go and transfer skills to an elf and see if that helps. Still it is ridiculous.

3 pearls in 20 min? Please tell me where you were fishing? The location i noticed is retribution, were you in one of the new lands?

Lord Frodo

Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Could you please stop thread-crapping in every single thread on UHall? I don't post in your ridiculous threads telling you that the things you're upset about are fine (although they usually are). Fishing and T-Hunting are a lot more dysfunctional than most of the stuff you're complaining about, and I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that you've never done either, so kindly leave this discussion to folks who have and who actually care about those two activities.
LOL QFT Thanks for the laugh. Go get em.

Orn Autumnleaf

Yes, I was along the river south from Ter Mur, I believe it was. Along a beach.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
depends what you mean by quantities Dermott. I've been trying to get gems for the past couple of days just to investigate this aspect, I've yet to exceed 20 gems per hour. My guestimated quantity needed to train the skill to legendary, based on using 1276 citrine to go from 25 to 45 skill, is in the region of 50 - 75k. (Although with my woefully inadequate maths skills that could be totally wrong).

On the other hand I guess you're right, buying them would be better for the economy.
I am not shure, what you have tried to kill for collecting gems, but I am able to get more than 20 gems/hour (assuming that you mean 20 of each gem per hour). I did at the gargoyles in Illshenar (SE from the gypsy camp which is close to the passage to inner Illshenar south of the compassion shrine). And I havent done with an uber equipped uber toon. *g* (Actually an old macer with a dull runic crafted gargoyle slayer war hammer, an except crafted spined armour set and about average jewelry. With EOO those gargoyles are one hit and 3 hits for paragons with additionally conc weapon.) Unfortunately I cant give you more excact numbers course I havent paid attention to a clock, but I was there below 1 hour and got more gems.

Another thing to mention is, that you said, you mainly used citrines for your imbue-training-testing, course those are the cheapest ones. If you hunt for them, you dont need to stick to citrines only and can throw in all other gems aswell. (I dont have the list with the imbuing ingredients at hand but it should be possible to gain after your system with other gems too.)

Edit: I was to curious about more excact numbers. So here we go ... :D
I went for another 30 minutes (!!!) to gargoyle slaughtering and results were ....
- 11,794 gp
- 198 gems (assorted/total count)
- 74 dead gargoyles (lootet their scrolls and counted those afterwards)
- 3 gargoyle pickaxes
All done with the new enhanced client (speed looting for gold/gems/scrolls/gar pickaxes by rightclicking them)


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Yes amber is even harder then white pearls. I don't ask for a big increase to make them very common but a little more often would be nice.

Or give one guarenteed white pearl inside the white chests from white SoS bottles could help a little too.

I do want that the pearl and amber stays exclusively for fishing and lumberjacking and don't end up somewhere ele.

I just want something extra for those who make time to go out fishing or digging up high level chests.