At current time there are no ingredients required that a crafter can't get by him/herself. The common gems can be bought from an NPC Jeweller.
I play a crafter on Siege, I have no fighting character on that shard, yet I have no worries about being able to obtain ingredients.
Things look VERY bad for crafters, at least considering the following comments made at the last UOHoC chat by the game's LEAD Designer........
Draconi - We are seriously considering expanding out the ingredient list for imbuing, and making the variety of imbuing ingredients obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles
"Seriously" considering ?
"Obtainable in more interesting ways that touch more playstyles" ?
Draconi - Oh, and I should mention that the ingredients would be obtainable through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses
"Through quests, crafting, hunting, and bosses" ??
Hunting and Bosses ????
I am sorry, but it does NOT look as turning good for CRAFTERS.
This is not good, NOT good at all, IMHO.
Crafter ARE crafters and should NOT be required to do any hunting to get their business going.
If there is a design need to make some ingredients rarer, just make their drop rate lower when chopping wood or mining ore but FORCE crafters to hunt ? Not good at all, IMHO.
The Peerless ingredients requirement killed a lot of scribes who did not much fighting and left the business in the hands of those who did the more fighting. Players who had not cared about scribing much made scribes just to feed them the ingredients they were farming with their fighters at the Peerless....
Mules, mules and again mules.
All this destroys crafting as a playing ROLE and dimish it to being a mule, a secondary character to a fighter.
Now we are going to see the same happen for imbuing ?
It does not look good to me, not good at all.
Not if this is still a ROLE playing game............