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[Gardening] Fastest Method to Getting All Plants of All Colors


Stratics Veteran
Fastest Method to Getting All Plants of All Colors*

Preparation Generation

This generation is to get the amount of first generation seeds needed to begin crossbreeding. This generation may be skipped depending on how much farming you do and depending on how many tribarrel cactus* you can scrounge up. The end of this generation will result in 6 plain, red, blue, and yellow campion, tribarrel cactus, and fern seeds for a total of 72 seeds. This generation can be skipped if you can get them by other means.

Day 0*

Plant 1 Plain Campion, Tribarrel Cactus, and Fern of the Plain, Red, Yellow, and Blue colors for a total of 12 plants.

Days 1 – 6

Tend to the 12 plants you've planted.

Day 7

Allow the plants to self pollinate.

Days 8 - 16

Tend to the 12 plants you've planted and allowed to self pollinate.

Day 17

Do not tend the plants. Remove all seeds. You should have at least 6* of each 1st generation plant in each 1st generation color. Set the 12 plants you've planted to decorative mode and sell, trash, or display.

OooooOOo the Colors Generation

This generation is intended to get all of the first generation plants in all of the colors available for plants that aren't mutants. Because this is the first generation we will be cross pollinating it's very important that we keep a layout of our plants. I've created a spreadsheet for each generation of where I've placed each plant. You will be juggling a lot of plant bowls.

Day 0 (18)

Plant List
5 Red Campion
5 Yellow Campion
5 Blue Campion
1 Plain Campion
5 Red Fern
5 Yellow Fern
5 Blue Fern
1 Plain Fern
5 Red Tribarrel Cactus
5 Yellow Tribarrel Cactus
5 Blue Tribarrel Cactus
1 Plain Tribarrel Cactus

Days 1 – 6 (19 – 24)

Tend to the 48 plants you've planted.

Day 7 (25)

Crossbreed List
Campion Red and Red
Campion Red and Yellow
Campion Red and Blue
Campion Yellow and Yellow
Campion Yellow and Blue
Campion Blue and Blue
Fern Red and Red
Fern Red and Yellow
Fern Red and Blue
Fern Yellow and Yellow
Fern Yellow and Blue
Fern Blue and Blue
Tribarrel Cactus Red and Red
Tribarrel Cactus Red and Yellow
Tribarrel Cactus Red and Blue
Tribarrel Cactus Yellow and Yellow
Tribarrel Cactus Yellow and Blue
Tribarrel Cactus Blue and Blue

Self Pollinate List
Plain Campion
Red Campion
Yellow Campion
Blue Campion
Plain Fern
Red Fern
Yellow Fern
Blue Fern
Plain Tribarrel Cactus
Red Tribarrel Cactus
Yellow Tribarrel Cactus
Blue Tribarrel Cactus

Day 8 – 16 (26 – 34)

Tend to the 48 plants you've planted.

Day 17 (35)

Do not tend the plants. Remove all seeds. Set the 48 plants you've planted to decorative mode and sell, trash, or display.

Seed Inventory*
Campion, Fern, Tribarrel Cactus
11 Plain, 7 Red, 7 Yellow, 7 Blue, 12 Purple, 12 Green, 12 Orange, 12 Bright Red, 12 Bright Yellow, 12 Bright Blue

*Does not include mutants, outside help, or peculiar plants.

The tribarrel cactus seed is bugged. Originally you could farm 12 first generation seeds from bog things and boglings. The tribarrel cactus seed that did spawn 4 of these seeds in each of the first generation colors is now bugged. These seeds will now spawn as any other plant excluding bonsai. This makes it incredibly hard to follow growing charts initially, but it also makes it possible to farm everything quickly. My guide assumes you do not want to grind boglings for days and instead want to casually grow plants. This will mean finding a player that can give you at least one of each first generation color of tribarrel cactus plants. Depending on how many you can scrounge up you can skip a lot of days and the whole preparation generation.

It's recommended that you do not use fertile dirt as it creates random growth checks that are difficult to measure.

Using a Day 0 planting day instead of jumping straight to stage one accommodates the day that nothing happens immediately following planting day. Planting day is day 0 and Stage 1 day is day 1.

This guide assumes you get 2 seeds of renewal from every plant. You may find that you get more or less seeds depending on seeds of renewal procs.

If ever you do not have the accurate seed inventory post generation you may have had too many seed of renewal procs. You will need to have a catch-up generation with self pollination to gain the correct inventory.


Stratics Veteran
I moved into a larger place! :) 18x18. I had to start my plants all over because they were in a raised garden bed. Patience please. :)

EDIT: I had to farm over 200 boglings to get my tribarrel cactus seeds! But I got a bonus Red Cactus Seed and Blue Vanilla Seed. These are kind of rare quirks of the tribarrel cactus seed bug. Can't wait for them to grow.


Stratics Veteran
Encountered and submitted a bug. I knew the bogling tribarrel cactus seed drops were bugged, but I didn't know the crossbred seeds were bugged. Sorry all, this makes it more difficult to write this kind of guide.

Hey guys,

I've been trying to get all of the classic plants in all of the colors and am having trouble with the tribarrel cactus seeds. It's known that the bogling drops for these seeds are randomized now, but when I crossbreed to a resulting tribarrel seed it's also bugged. I encountered this when crossing a red tribarrel against a red tribarrel to get a bright red tribarrel, red and blue tribarrel to get a purple tribarrel, red and yellow tribarrel to get a orange tribarrel, blue and blue tribarrel to get a bright blue tribarrel, blue and yellow tribarrel to get a green tribarrel, and a yellow and yellow tribarrel to get a bright yellow tribarrel. The only crossing that worked was the yellow and yellow for a bright yellow tribarrel, but that could have just been RNG luck.

It appears like it bugged when determining all seed types the plant would produce because I got full sets of 4th gen plants off of these Combinations. I have all first generation plants, but got a pampas grass seed for example. The colors were correct, however.


Lore Keeper
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The special cactus from the boglings when crossed will give you colored hops, bonsi, and spider. You can tell it is a special cactus as it has two flowers and four barrels. They were added by accident a few years ago. Developer Sakkarah, a fellow gardener, decieded to leave it in. You can get colored vanilla by crossing any colored tribarrel, barrel or prickly pear cactus. This was also added by accident. With lots of begging by us gardeners they left these two changes for us. Got to love accidents.
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Stratics Veteran
The special cactus from the boglings when crossed will give you colored hops, bonsi, and spider. You can tell it is a special cactus as it has two flowers and four barrels. They were added by accident a few years ago. Developer Sakkarah, a fellow gardener, decieded tomleave it in. You can get colored vanilla by crossing any colored tribarrel, barrel or prickly pear cactus. This was also added by accident. With lots of begging by us gardeners they left these two changes for us. Got to love accidents.
I like reliable growing with plants, not RNG. The tribarrels being bugged makes it a lot harder to grow the original first gens of 2nd Gen and bright colors. Or even getting the tribarrels at all.


Stratics Veteran
I've been looking for a guide like this and am so happy to have finally found one. I realize I am writing this years after the guide was put together and OP may no longer be playing UO. However, a BIG THANK YOU from me for taking the time to put this together!