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Faction Statloss



I think without knowing all the reasons its in place or how it works it should be re-evaluated for the shard populations and then changed being made to factions.
If less populated shards should take such level of attention why has siege been neglected for years? :)


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Faction items will be given to the best pvpers of the shards, the best faction item, the highest rank u need to use it, they also cannot be reipaired etc, if u lose rank u cannot wear them.

It's a fair price for the best pvpers of the shard tbh. The gimp players will just be gimper. Ppl shouldn't be scary of anything, just should learn from the greatest pvpers and try to emulate them in the future.

P.s. yesterday me and another pker fought 12 Blues ( who came here from another shard , never seen them) in thera sanctum, we killed them all...

I mean... ok , it might have been frustrating for them , but they'll have a reason to improve in the game, to become better and better, and maybe, a day, good as the best pkers.

This is the fashion of UO. Good, Evil, Emotions.
1) Anyone that hasnt noticed how incredibly easy it is to obtain the ridiculous faction items/rank is either a fool or just plain Bsing to try and keep them justified.

2) Two vs. Twelve and you killed them all? Thats nothing impressive though.
One time me and my one-handed half cousin(redheaded no less)killed 43 top pvpers from another TWO shards. And I was wearing mittens while playing on my laptop.

I really felt bad for those 43 guys and can only hope that they learned alot about pvp that day so that they could try to do some emulating.
What the world needs is more emulationing.