Oh, wow, apparently I've still got an account here and everything. In fact the forums are telling me I've got a trophy for posting 750 times. That can't be right...
I doubt I'll be remembered by any here, except perhaps Jah (... "perhaps"). I didn't participate much PvP (can probably count the battles I attended on my fingers), and my main character, Boris (see avatar), was just another legendary tamer mage wearing a robe in a sea of legendary tamer mages wearing robes. I
spammed the heck out of UOGuide though. Heh. If you see the possessive form of "its" mistyped as "it's" over there, or "lies" mistyped as "lays", those errors are my fault. All of them.
Anyway, my first character - Bomb Bloke - was a basic dexer in TC. He could fight things, but I was mostly rubbish at melee combat. Probably spent the better part of a year training him up against Daemons in Ilshenar, while occasionally being dragged out to a spawn. The only reason I was in the guild was because of my brother, who IIRC mostly played "Buster".
He was
not a PvM type. For example, once I asked him where to get Bags of Sending. According to him, they were something you picked up off players you killed at spawns; he honestly didn't know any more about the matter than that, and as it got him a plentiful supply he didn't care.
Anyway, one day I decided to make a tamer with magery as a side, and never looked back. With Boris, I soon joined RED, then S^R, then EOB. Focus moved from PvP and champion spawns to PvM and peerless. When I started editing UOGuide, my knowledge of the game's systems shot up to "obsessive" levels. I was able to keep adding content for months after I stopped playing the actual game as a result.
Thing was, I never had a credit card, and one year I got sick of bugging my brother to handle the payments for me and that was that. I guess it was around late '09 that I ditched. I guess I started some time around '05, so call it four or five years attendence? I don't even know. I've a nagging feeling the game hasn't changed much since left, but I'm curious to know if anyone's still playing (familiar or otherwise... is there a server population?). In reality it'll probably be at least a month before anyone even reads this, but hey, I can wait.
I'd like to at least think Fink - pretty much the only roleplayer on the whole shard, and an amusing one at that - is still being Fink somewhere, even if that "somewhere" is no longer UO.
My screenshot folder isn't much chop, but
here it is for those interested.
Edit: Oh, and I know I've got buckley's chance, but I've gotta ask. See, there was this bug where sometimes houses failed to go into IDOC status. It's been five years and all
but I don't suppose...???