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Face The Uhall Jury



I just love how instead of consulting his alliance members, his alliance member leaders, his alliance charter (If ever considered), etc.. he comes crying to UHall.

As I said before, a pathetic cry for attention.

Lord Gareth

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I just love how instead of consulting his alliance members, his alliance member leaders, his alliance charter (If ever considered), etc.. he comes crying to UHall.

As I said before, a pathetic cry for attention.
Actually I did talk with them and consult the charter (It was vague). I kinda wanted to see what everyone else thought. You already didn't even listen to the original message since you thought I was the GM. I got points of view from different shards that have different players that run things differently. The things I learned here from others I plan to use to add to our charter. So I am glade I came here.

Also im not in trouble. No one questioned my actions in the guild or alliance I just simply wanted to see what others think and get a general idea. NOW I can go back and even re-work our charter because the people on here gave me new insight.

Heck even a thank you to Rico!!! I have changed getting guild house access to an active 2-3months and no longer 2-3weeks.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Heck even a thank you to Rico!!! I have changed getting guild house access to an active 2-3months and no longer 2-3weeks.
Probably not a bad idea. I know if it would have taken that long, I would have resorted to player killing and looting instead of waiting the whole 2-3 months. Granted, I stopped doing that once I left Atlantic (many moons ago). It's sad, but at least I know how to handle guildies. They get friended to a certain area of the house, and almost never to my personal areas/chests. I know how I've played, and know better than to trust anyone.

If I ever get fooled, it will be my own fault for not following my gut...la


Given the situation (and if it was one of the guilds I'm familiar with that you're in, Gareth, these are pretty much non-PvP guilds, with an emphasis on roleplay) i'd say you were 100% justified. This kind of behaior isn't excusable. There are three situations I will attack a guildmate: (For those not familiar, my guild is actually affiliated with some of Gareth's, though not officially allied anymore)

1) In jest, running around, I might tap someone and run. "Love tap". I don't ever attack to kill. The other day we did a little dueling, but it was all consensual, and any kills were purely accidental. Had anyone at any point said stop, we would have done so

2) Scripting or unattended macroing. Just no. Not cool. The only reason I'd loot in that case is to prevent them from losing anything on their corpse, which would be returnde.

3) To defend another guildmate or alliancemate... if this situation happened in Dragon's WAtch, you can damn well be sure I'd do that. Well, I wouldn't have to... I'm an emissary, so I could have just kicked him.

However, I do want to know; if the other emissaries were online, and just on alts... why didn't they log and switch over to an emissary? I don't think you were in the wrong, but I do have to wonder why they didn't just kick him if they knew what was going on.


Slightly Crazed
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I can only comment on the experiences I've had in large PvP guilds like Champs or Pwni or RoT and at least 5 other large PvP guilds over the last 12 years.

If anyone attacked and killed our GM unprovoked, that person would be killed on site forever.

With that said, no one in old Champs guild would ever dare to PK, as an example Mikey, and expect to walk away unharmed.

There are certain rules in guilds, especially PK guilds.

If this was Champs of old or any other of the big PvP guilds, the player would end up having to play in Tram exclusively since he would be PKed on site in Fel.

This assumes that the person would have "actually been able" to PK Mikey :)