Back yet again! Season 8 begins on Monday, October 6th, as always at 8 PM UK time, at the O*T Arena, Zento.
Last season saw a new stable take the title, (Seasons 1-6 saw some of Diddlysquat's birds either take or share first place every time, but Season 7 broke his winning streak - although he still got a joint second place!), we have many old and new fighters ready to try their luck, and a couple more keen owners wanting to see how their battle chickens fare in the league.
All welcome to come along, watch, bet and chat - and of course bring potential fighters to the ring, (remember though, Trammel rules mean we need owners to join ECL guild for the duration of the matches at least), we try find suitable level opponents for any fighters folks bring along, so don't be shy if yours are not fully trained.

All welcome to come along, watch, bet and chat - and of course bring potential fighters to the ring, (remember though, Trammel rules mean we need owners to join ECL guild for the duration of the matches at least), we try find suitable level opponents for any fighters folks bring along, so don't be shy if yours are not fully trained.
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