This is the original design for New Haven from '99 or was called Haven then. Yes it relies on volunteer helpers but its approach is more in line with what I've been reading here.
The whole idea of dropping gold on NPC was never meant to be. And on The Lifeboat (otherwise known as the Atlantic Shard) there is almost a defacto Counselor/Companion system in place that covers the inexplicable gaps such as not being able to get a mage spellbook in New Haven...or, rather, one that's not gimped. If folks have the gumption to ask for things they need they generally get them.
Alas, I cannot preserve the formatting of the original doc here and it's too large to attach.
A city for the new player
Once a new player has completed the tutorial, they will be taken to Haven. Haven is a city where companions will teach new players “the ropes” of Ultima Online. Since all players exiting the tutorial will need to become comfortable with their new skills, Haven provides a safe venue where that can be done. When the players feel comfortable, they can choose to learn the more advanced features of the game.
In Haven, players will be able to find Companions. Companions are volunteer players who will spend their time in Haven helping new players. Companions will be in Haven to answer any questions a player might have.
In addition to Companions Haven will have smarter NPCs. These NPCs will be able to give clear directions, tell a player where the nearest companion is, and if the player is at the correct station, they will be able to give them instruction on how to use their skill. For instance, if you wish to learn how to blacksmith, the Haven blacksmith could provide you with tools, materials, and basic instructions.
Because Haven will be on an island, it will be cut off from the rest of Britannia. Only “young” players and companions will have access to the island.
Because of the interactivity available in Haven with companions, the scope of Haven will be much larger than that of the tutorial. Haven will be a “free time” area in which players will be able to progress at their own speed. Thus, advanced skills will be able to be learned in Haven, but the player will never feel rushed to learn them.
1. Introduction to and interaction with companions
2. Greater interaction with NPCs
3. Learning to use skills
4. Using tools of the trade
5. Social interaction
Where will Haven be?
Haven will be located at the mirrored version of Ocllo. Surrounding Ocllo will be teleportation tiles which will make Ocllo unreachable by the normal player. Using a preexisting site will save time and memory. Ocllo was selected because:
1. It is located on a low usage area server.
2. It has surrounding wilderness.
3. It is relatively easy to make accessible through only controlled means.
4. It is a large area, which will easily support 100 players or more at a time.
5. It has all the necessities of gameplay.
Introduction to and interaction with companions
When a player leaves the tutorial for the first time, a companion will be notified of the new arrival into Haven. The new player will arrive in a location which is representative of their main skill. Thus, if they have a 50 in cooking, they would be dropped off at the Haven Bakery. The companion would greet them, and offer to get them started on learning their skills, or just let them “browse” if that is their choice.
The companion program should be fully staffed at this point. The current program, as it stands now has 1065 trainees of which probably 900 will eventually graduate. By the time Haven goes live we should have 1,200-1500 active. The goal is to have a minimum of 4 active per shard each hour the game is up.
Greater interaction with NPCs
The NPCs of Haven will be unlike those on the regular shard. Each one will be scripted with responses more appropriate to new players. Although fiction and feel is a concern, teaching will be the biggest thrust of the new NPCs. Thus, these NPCs will actually give players commands such as “USE [DBL-CLICK ON] the hammer while standing near the forge and anvil.” These new NPCs will be friendlier and will speak directly to the players. Thus new players will not be confused by conversations with other new players.
New NPCs will:
• Use clear phrases that may break fiction, but will be able to be understood by newer players.
• Will be able to give clear directions to hotspots. (Blacksmith can tell players how to get to the bakery.)
• Will be able to locate the nearest companion.
• Will have all materials necessary for new players to learn skills, but will not give them more than they need.
• Will understand important catchphrases:
How + make + armor = “To make metal armor you will need to have metal ingots, a hammer…”
Learning to use skills and tools of the trade
Learning to use skills will be the main thrust of Haven. Therefore, a two-pronged approach will be used: NPCs, and companions. Below is a listing of skills and the locations where those skills will be taught by NPCs.
NPC tutorial scripts will have to be written for each skill to be taught.
Besides learning basic skills of their character, players will also be taught how to:
Access their account at the bank. (9)
Use a ship at the dock. (17)
Tools and materials will be provided by the NPCs, or the companions will have access to them. Either way, the players will never have to worry about not having what they need to learn their skills. However, the players will be able to garner all necessary material in the way they normally would.
Taste ID
1 Alchemist
Archery 19 Archery Range
Bowcraft / Fletching 19 Archery Range
Fletcher 19 Archery Range
Cooking 10 Bakery
Musicianship 9 Bards Hall
Blacksmith 13 Blacksmith
Item Identification 13 Blacksmith
Tinkering 6 Clock Maker
Fishing 17 Dock
Herding Farm House
Animal Lore Farm House
Animal Taming Farm House
Anatomy 15 Hospital
Forensic Evaluation 15 Hospital
Healing 15 Hospital
Peacemaking 18 Inn
Provocation 18 Inn
Evaluate Intelligence 1 Library
Inscription 1 Library
Alchemy 8 Mage Shop
Magery 8 Mage Shop
Cartography 11 Mapmaker
Mining Miner Cave
Spirit Speak 15 Morgue
Tailoring 12 Seamstress
Begging Street
Lockpicking 4 Thieves Guild
Poisoning 4 Thieves Guild
Remove Trap 4 Thieves Guild
Snooping 4 Thieves Guild
Stealing 4 Thieves Guild
Arms Lore 14 Weapon Trainer
Fencing 14 Weapon Trainer
Mace Fighting 14 Weapon Trainer
Parrying 14 Weapon Trainer
Swordsmanship 14 Weapon Trainer
Wrestling 14 Weapon Trainer
Camping 19 Woodsman Hut
Detecting Hidden 19 Woodsman Hut
Hiding 19 Woodsman Hut
Lumberjacking 19 Woodsman Hut
Tracking 19 Woodsman Hut
Veterinary 19 Woodsman Hut
Carpentry 5 Woodworker
Retrofit buildings in Ocllo 4 weeks
Script Haven NPCs 5 weeks ( 1 week concurrent )
Write templates & scripts
Write dialogues
Submit dialogues for review to Marketing and CR
Cut off access to Ocllo 1 week
Add moongates to Haven that go to “real world” 1 week
These Moongates delete items with objVar = Haven
Train Volunteers in Haven 2 weeks
Test Time 3 weeks
Total Time 15 Weeks
Although the Haven project has a larger scope than the tutorial, because it uses current game mechanics, Haven will be a better introduction to the true game. The largest portion of the work for Haven will involve training the volunteers on the usage of Haven, retrofitting Ocllo, and scripting out the NPCs. Testing time will also be significant.
By the time a player emerges from Haven, they will know how to use all of their skills and they will be “as ready as can be” to emerge into mainstream UO.