I tested the Enhanced Client today. And, in my humble opinion, it sucks. The sliding instead of walking, the clunky UI which feels and looks like's been designed by 3 different people. I am sure for most, I don't need to go on. And I am sure in many ways it was a valiant attempt to update an old engine with painful technical constraints. This admirable and I'm not trying to be an ass. It's just hat the result is not up to par and maintaining two versions is too much for a small dev team. I'm amazed they can even bear it at all. And I'm also sure there are some who enjoy some of the improvements. However, I think the dev team should drop support for the Enhanced Client entirely....and start working on updating the 2d client. Add a proper map or integrate uoAM. Add spellbars. Add stretching of game screen, etc. The 2D client looks way better and definitely today, where many games thrive endlessly without flashy 3D, will stand out with it's unique Ultima graphics. 2D art can be beautiful. Both true to the Ultima series, great to market and a better and consistent, single base to work with...I think the best way to go would be reinvigorating the 2d client.
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