All teams interested in competing to gain control of the fortification area in the Lost Lands, Felucca are invited to sign up here. This is a planned monthly event.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the point of the event?
There is a prize to be had and that prize is control of Gideon’s now abandoned encampment in Felucca T2A. The winning team will control the area for 1 month, including access to the large tower and the containers within it.
2. How do I gain control over the encampment?
Every month the area will be “thrown open” for a period of 2 hours. At the end of the 2 hours, the team that manages to dye the “banner flag” flying on top of the small tower within the encampment with the hue of their team color will win control. Note: You will have to defend the banner hue for at least 10 minutes.
3. How do I sign my team up?
Simply pick a team insignia (name) and a team hue. The hue that you pick has to be one that can be dyed with a common dye tub – which you will need to dye the banner during the event. The color should also be sufficiently different than the ones already picked. Finally, a team leader should be selected.
4. What if I don’t have at team?
For individual players and ones that might be interested in it from a Role playing point of view are invited to join the regiment initiated by Captain Jenkins. You will be representing the Britannian crown and all of its declared friends and allies whose interests lie in preventing illegal trade of Blackrocks.
Team: Friends of Britannia
Color: Blue
Passive leadership: Queen Dawn
Active leadership: Members are free to elect
5. Can two or more teams be allied amongst themselves?
Yes, all in-game diplomacy is upto you. However, the leader of the team with the hue on the flag will be given the “keys of the place” – it is upto him or her on how to divide the spoils of the war.
6. Will there be player versus player combat in this event?
Most certainly.
7. When is the first event planned?
Currently, we are hoping to hold the first event on December 5th – this will depend on registrations. So, sign up!