And it's time for the final match of season two, as ever at the O*T Arena, Zento!
Current league standings are
7 : Lightning, Quicksilver, Sky
5 : PeckyBalboa, Tea, Frosty
3 : Trinsic Rose
2 : Trinsic Steel, TwoTimeChampion, Sapphie, Cerulean, Geeko, Spot, Yin
1 : Old Blue Eyes, Bernie, Nari, Roadrunner Two, Dryad, Goldy Feathers,
Protagonist, Linnea, Bob, Wimpy.
Three right up there with a chance of the title, a special event planned for the audience to win a bit more cash, prizes for last meeting's sweepstake... Should be an interesting evening! Hope you can join us

Current league standings are
7 : Lightning, Quicksilver, Sky
5 : PeckyBalboa, Tea, Frosty
3 : Trinsic Rose
2 : Trinsic Steel, TwoTimeChampion, Sapphie, Cerulean, Geeko, Spot, Yin
1 : Old Blue Eyes, Bernie, Nari, Roadrunner Two, Dryad, Goldy Feathers,
Protagonist, Linnea, Bob, Wimpy.
Three right up there with a chance of the title, a special event planned for the audience to win a bit more cash, prizes for last meeting's sweepstake... Should be an interesting evening! Hope you can join us