HIAs we have mentioned several times across a variety of media, our goal is to focus on permanent content additions that foster continual play rather than one-off events that are limited in time. In holiday specific situations, like Halloween for example, our goal is to jump off previous year's content and create scenarios that can be built upon in successive years. With the release of Time of Legends and the Valley of Eodon we did not want to simply abandon that content in lieu of something new, leaving it unfinished, as has happened in the past. From a design perspective, I am committed to fleshing out the remainder of the Valley of Eodon as well as bringing players on the journey through the history of its native peoples and creatures using The Savage Empire as inspiration.
When it makes sense, we can pull in elements of RL holidays - the underlying theme of "Love" in the Valley of One quest, for example. As far as what happens between UO & DAoC, one cannot simply hop on the UO Team and start implementing content. The development process between DAoC and UO is like comparing apples to oranges, and while we do share resources between all our products these resources are exclusively on the backend, the content creators are individual to each game. The idea that somehow we were unable to "scrape up enough resources" to put together some kind of global event for Valentine's Day & St. Patrick's Day makes it sound like accomplishing that task is simple and unimaginative - I can assure you it is neither.
I have a suggestion or two about permanent quests and rewards
If you look at the trade quest and the abyss experimental room people still do those from time to time and the rewards have kept some value long after the initial hype is over because there are so many house signs to collect and some might need so many of the stalagmites when they decorate a house
So if you creat rewards for permanent quests that people might need or want many of people will enjoy the quest for a long time
These rewards should be common or somewhat rare you can still have that extremly rare reward but there have to be common rewards that people need this way it will also feel like less of a grind to go for that extremly rare reward if the common rewards are wanted and hold some value
Example for a good common reward that people would need many of is house walls with special pattern (walls with curtains) (rustic and worn down walls)
Scripting quests
If you slow down the speed of how fast you can do the quest scripters will have less of an advantage
Small breaks are welcome for people that do alot of quests by hand so should be no problem having a 10 or 15 minute cooldown on quests
Ex. The quest npc say come back XX:XX britannia time i have to think about this for awhile