I don't really care one way or the other about faction arties.
However, these are the beefs I have with factions that I believe need attention.
- Reds shouldn't be allowed into factions
- Faction kills should only be credited in the contested towns and bases.
- Award kill points to faction tinkers who score a kill by the trap laid
- Award kill points to faction thieves who successfully disarm a faction trap
- Award kill points for a successful sigil grab
Faction fighting in dungeons is completely lame in my book, though I do like fighting over champ spawns. I just believe they're two separate styles that should be separated. Consequently, if faction kills only count in contested towns and bases, stat loss should not occur outside of those areas.
Having said that, kill points should erode over time if not updated by new kill points. If the points fall below the required level to maintain posession of the faction arty, well, Poof goes the arty.
Reds should be allowed in factions. When you have someone in your own faction griefing you its the only way to fight back. I know a lot of ppl make the argument that reds are the ones that grief but its not true. If you dont like the number of reds in the factions than take it up with the Devs who seem to want nothing but red vs blue pvp.
Since there is very little fighting in the towns and bases there would be pretty much no points. So no... thats a dumb idea.. it would fix nothing. The kill point system worked fine before the devs ****ed it up. A couple minor tweaks could be made but im not gonna get into it. The ranks are what needs to be fixed.. most of all..
Points for trap kills would be great. It was suggested about 200201302901903 times in the past and no one ever listened... But lets hope it works this time.
Disarming a trap, like healing ur guildies, is its own reward... You dont need 'KILL' points for it. I'm all for keeping track and having a statistical database on the webpage that shows how many times you stole, reset or disarmed a trap but to give points for it is silly. With out removing a trap, you will be at a disadvantage,, with out healing your guilides you are at a disadvantage... If you need an incentive to do either don't even think about joining my guild.. Imagine how that would be exploited beyond belief.... people would lay 15 traps,, let their friends in another faction remove them, and then lay another 15... Seriously lets think this **** through..
Points for sigil grabs is a little too general. Like I said before, stats on running and reseting the sigs would be great but giving points for everything is just going to inflate the points. And im not talking inflated points like the current system. Obviously... this is just terrible.. even under the old system sigil grabs could be easily exploited and would just completely crush and inflate the point system.
Faction fighting anywhere is good, and fun. Risk for a reward. The systems actually compliment each other if you ask me. You never get those fights that never end but you get fights that last a long time because you dont see people running in and doing the weak ass kamikazi runs and ****. Its just better quality fighting.
Points do 'erode' over time. Its actually called point decay. You lose 10% every 7 to 10 days. I forget which it is. The current point totals should be deleted and everyone should start over at 0. If you do lose points and do lose a rank, your arty does fall off.. It doesnt disappear, nor should it if u ask me. I think raising the cost by 2 or 3 times would be just fine. This would put them about right on par with some of the insane imbued armor out there.